


个 人 简 历

个人信 息
姓 名:游雄 性 别:男
民 族: 汉 政治面貌: 党员
学 历:研究生 毕业院校:南京大学
学 位:博士 职 称:教授从事专业:应用数学与计算数学

教育背 景
1987 本科 苏州大学 数学系
2001 硕士 南京理工大学 应用数学系
2009 博士 南京大学 数学系

工作经 历
1987.8—1998.8 江苏省姜堰市大伦中学 一级教师
2001.-— 南京农业大学理学院 讲师、副教授、教授、博导
2005.1—5 美国 Illinois 大学(UIUC) 访问学者
2010—2011 南京大学 博士后

科研项 目
1. 主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目:基因调控网络振子的结构理论与保结构模拟研究 (批准号:11171155,起止时间:2012 年–2015 年)
2. 参加:国家自然科学基金面上项目:高振荡量子动力系统的保结构算法与应用 (批准号:11271186,起止时间:2013 年–2016 年,第一参加人)
3. 参加:中央高校基本业务费自主创新重点研究项目:细胞酶促反应动力学的定性分析与高效数值模拟(批准号:KYZ201424,起止时间:2014 年–2016 年,第二参加人)
4. 参加:中央高校基本业务费自主创新重点研究项目:具有负反馈环的非线性基因调控振荡系统的保结构数值模拟研究 (批准号:Y0201100265,起止时间: 2012 年–2015 年,第一参加人)
5. 参加:教育部高校博士点专项基金项目:量子动力系统的保结构算法(批准号:20100091110033,起止时间:2011 年–2013 年,第一参加人)

近期著 作
Xingyuan Wu, Xiong You and Bin Wang, Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential
Equations, Springer, 2013.
1. Ruqiang Zhang, Wenjuan Jiang, Julius Osato Ehigie, Yonglei Fang and Xiong You*, Novel
phase-fitted symmetric splitting methods for chemical oscillators, Journal of Mathematical
Chemistry (2016) 1–21, in Press. DOI: 10.1007/s10910-016-0684-x
2. Yonglei Fanga, Yanping Yang and Xiong You*, Revised trigonometrically fitted two-step hybrid
methods with equation dependent coefficients for highly oscillatory problems, Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics (2016), in Press. Available online 17 September 2016.
3. Yanwei Zhang,Xiong You and Yonglei Fang,Exponentially fitted multi-derivative linear methods for
the resonant state of the Schr?dinger equation , Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (2016) 1-15, in
Press. DOI:10.1007/s10910-016-0683-y
4. Zhaoxia Chen, Ruqiang Zhang, Wei Shi and Xiong You*, New optimized symmetric and symplectic
trigonometrically fitted RKN methods for second order oscillatory differential equations,
International Journal of Computer Mathematics (2016) in Press. DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2016.1167197
5. Yanping Yang, Yonglei Fanga and Xiong You*, Runge–Kutta–Nystr?m methods with equation dependent
coefficients and reduced phase lag for oscillatory problems (2016), in Press. DOI:
6. Yanping Yang, Yonglei Fang, Xiong You and Bin Wang, Novel Exponentially Fitted Two-Derivative
Runge-Kutta Methods with Equation-Dependent Coefficients for First-Order Differential Equations,
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2016 (2016) Article ID 9827952, 6 pages.
7. Zhaoxia Chen, Juan Li, Ruqiang Zhang and and Xiong You*, Exponentially Fitted Two-Derivative
Runge-Kutta Methods for Simulation of Oscillatory Genetic Regulatory Systems, Computational &
Mathematical Methods in Medicine
2015 (2015) Article ID 689137, 14 pages.

8. Zhaoxia Chen, Zeyu Qiu, Juan Li and Xiong You*, Two-derivative Runge- Kutta-Nystrom methods for
second-order ordinary differential equations, Numerical Algorithms 70 (2015) 897–927
9. Xiong You*, Yuanmei Zhou, Xiaohao Cheng, A novel family of P-stable symmetric extended linear
multistep methods for oscillators, Applied Mathematics and Computation 249 (2014) 597–610
10. Xiong You*, Yonglei Fang, Jinxi Zhao, Special extended Nystr?m tree theory for ERKN methods,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 263 (2014) 478–499.
11. Xiong You, Jinxi Zhao, Hongli Yang, Yonglei Fang, Xinyuan Wu*, Order conditions for RKN methods
solving general second-order oscillatory systems, Numerical Algorithms 66 (2014) 147–176.
12. Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, Qinghe Ming, Trigonometrically fitted
two-derivative Runge-Kutta methods for solving oscillatory differential equations, Numerical
Algorithms 65 (2014) 651–667.
13. Xiong You*, Xueping Liu, Ibrahim Hussein Musa, Splitting Strategy for Simulating Genetic
Regulatory Networks, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2014 (2014) Article ID
683235, 9 pages.
14. Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, New optimized two-derivative Runge-Kutta type methods for solving the
radial Schr?dinger equation equation, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 52 (2014) 240–254.
15. Yanwei Zhang, Haitao Che, Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, A new Trigonometrically Fitted
Two-Derivative Runge-Kutta Method for the Numerical Solution of the Schr?dinger Equation and
Related Problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (2013) Article ID 937858, 9 pages.
16. Xiong You*, Zhaoxia Chen, Director integrators of Runge-Kutta type for special third-order
ordinary differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics 74 (2013) 128–150.
17. Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, Qinghe Ming, A new phase-fitted modified Runge-Kutta pair for the
numerical solution of the radial Schr?dinger equation

equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 224 (2013) 432–441.
18. Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, Qinghe Ming, Exponentially fitted two-derivative Runge-Kutta methods
for the Schrodinger equation, International Journal of Modern Physics C 24 (2013) Article ID
1350073, 9 pages.
19. Xiong You*, Bingzhen Chen, Symmetric and symplectic exponentially fitted Runge-Kutta methods
for Hamiltonian problems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 94 (2013) 76–95.
20. Xiong You*, Zhaoxia Chen, New explicit adapted Numerov methods for second-order oscillatory
differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (11) (2013) 6241–6255.
21. Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, Qinghe Ming, New optimized explicit modified RKN methods for the
numerical solution of the Schr?dinger equation, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 51 (2013)
22. Xiong You*, Limit-cycle-preserving simulation of gene regulatory oscillators, Discrete Dynamics
in Nature and Society, 2012 (2012) Article ID 673296, 22 pages.
23. Yonglei Fang, Xiong You*, Zhaoxia Chen, New phase fitted and amplification fitted Numerov-type
methods for periodic IVPs with two frequencies, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012 (2012), Article
ID 742585, 15 pages.
24. Zhaoxia Chen, Xiong You*, Xin Shu, Mei Zhang, A new family of phase-fitted and
amplification-fitted Runge-Kutta type methods for oscillators, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012
(2012) Article ID 236281, 24 pages.
25. Xinyuan Wu*, Bin Wang, Wei Shi, Xiong You, On extended RKN integrators for multidimensional
perturbed oscillators with applications, Applied Mathematical Modeling 36 (2012) 1504–1513.
26. Zhaoxia Chen, Xiong You*, Wei Shi, Zhongli Liu, Symmetric and symplectic ERKN methods for
oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, Computer Physics Communications 183 (2012) 86–98.
27. Jiyong Li, Bin Wang, Xiong You, Xinyuan Wu*, Two-step extended RKN methods for oscillatory
systems, Computer Physics Communications 182 (2011) 2486–2507.

28. Xiong You*, Yonghui Zhang, Jinxi Zhao, Trigonometrically-fitted Scheifele two-step methods for
perturbed oscillators, Computer Physics Communications 182 (2011) 1481–1490.

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