



院 系 物理系 性 别 男
出 生 年 月 1986.11 学 位 理学博士学 历 博士研究生 毕 业 院 校
东南大学职 称 讲师 研 究 方 向 量子光学
办 公 地 点 理学楼 225 电 子 邮 箱 zhonghuzhu@njau.edu.cn

朱钟湖,中共党员,湖北咸宁人,理学院物理系讲师。2008 年 9 月考入长江大学物理与光电工程学院,2012 年 7 月获长江大学物理学专业理学学士学位,同年 9
月考上东南大学物理学院研究生。2017 年 9 月于东南大学物理学院获物
理学专业理学博士学位,同年 10 月加入南京农业大学理学院物理系。主要从事量子光学和光与物质相互作用方面的理论研究工作,师从杨文星教授。目前已经在 Physical Review A、Optics
Letters、Laser Physics Letters、J. Opt. Soc. Am. B、 Physics Letters A 等国际权威学术期刊发表 SCI 论文 15
余篇,其中第一作者论文 6 篇,论文被他人正面引用近 30 余次。
主讲《物理学 B》、《大学物理实验 A》及《大学物理实验 B》等课程。

1 、少周期脉冲激光诱导半导体微结构超快动力学及量子相干控制
2 、基于光子数可分辨探测的量子高精密相位测量的理论和实验研究

[1] Zhu Zhonghu, Yang Wen-Xing*, Xie Xiao-Tao, Liu Shasha, Liu Shaopeng, Lee

Ray-Kuang, Three-dimensional atom localization from spatial interference in a double two-level
atomic system, Physical Review A, 2016, 94(1): 013826.

[2] Zhu Zhonghu, Chen Ai-Xi, Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, High-precision
three-dimensional atom localization via three-wave mixing in V-type three-level atoms,
Physics Letters A, 2016, 380(46): 3956-3961.

[3] Zhu Zhonghu, Yang Wen-Xing*, Chen Ai-Xi, Liu Shaopeng, Lee Ray-Kuang, Dressed-state
analysis of efficient three-dimensional atom localization in a ladder-type
three-level atomic system, Laser Physics, 2016, 26(7): 075203.

[4] Zhu Zhonghu, Yang Wen-Xing*, Chen Ai-Xi, Liu Shaopeng, Lee Ray-Kuang, Two-dimensional
atom localization via phase-sensitive absorption-gain spectra in five-level hyper
inverted-Y atomic systems, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2015, 32(6):

[5] Zhu Zhonghu, Chen Ai-Xi, Yang Wen-Xing*, Lee Ray-Kuang, Phase knob for switching
steady-state behaviors from bistability to multistability via spontaneously generated
coherence, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2014, 31(9): 2061–2067.

[6] Zhu Zhonghu, Bai Yanfeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Lee Ray-Kuang, Controllable optical steady
behavior from nonradiative coherence in GaAs quantum well driven by a single elliptically
polarized field, Modern Physics Letters B, 2014, 28(15): 1450117.

[7] Shui Tao, Yang Wen-Xing*, Chen Ai-Xi, Liu Shaopeng, Li Ling, Zhu zhonghu, High-precision
two-dimensional atom localization from four-wave mixing in a double-Lambda four-level
atomic system, Laser Physics, 2018, 28(3): 035201.

[8] Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Zhu Zhonghu, Shui Tao, Li Ling, Quadrature

squeezing of a higher-order sideband spectrum in cavity optomechanics, Optics Letters,
2018, 43(1): 9-12.

[9] Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Shui Tao, Zhu Zhonghu, Chen Ai-Xi, Tunable two-phonon
higher-order sideband amplification in a quadratically coupled optomechanical
system, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 17637.

[10] Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Zhu Zhonghu, Liu Shasha, Lee Ray-Kuang, Effective
hyper-Raman scattering via inhibiting electromagnetically induced transparency in
monolayer graphene under an external magnetic field, Optics Letters, 2016, 41(12): 2891-2894.

[11] Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Zhu Zhonghu, Coherent control of the Goos-Hanchen
shift via Fano interference, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 119(14): 143101.

[12] Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Zhu Zhonghu, Lee Ray-Kuang, Effective terahertz signal
detection via electromagnetically induced transparency in grapheme, Journal of the Optical Society
of America B, 2016, 33(2): 279–285.

[13] Liu Shasha, Liu Shaopeng, Zhu Zhonghu, Yang Wen-Xing*, High-efficiency infrared
four-wave mixing signal in monolayer grapheme, Laser Physics, 2016, 26(3): 035401.

[14] Yang Wen-Xing*, Liu Shaopeng, Zhu Zhonghu, Ziauddin, Lee Ray-Kuang, Tunneling-induced
giant Goos-Hanchen shift in quantum wells, Optics Letters, 2015, 40(13): 3133-3136.

[15] Liu Shaopeng, Yang Wen-Xing*, Zhu Zhonghu, Liu Shasha, Lee Ray-Kuang, Giant enhanced
four-wave mixing efficiency via two-photon resonance in asymmetric quantum wells, Laser Physics
Letters, 2015, 12(9): 095202.

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