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姓名: 吴磊
性别: 男 出生年月:1980.1
院系: 化学系 政治面貌:中共党员
学位: 博士 学历: 研究生
职称: 教授,博士生导师 从事专业: 有机化学毕业学校: 中国科学院化学研究所(2007)
研究方向: 杂原子化学;纳米催化材料;天然产物(药物)全合成职务: 副院长
办公室: 教四楼B208 电话: 025-84395351 EMAIL:


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吴磊,1980 年生,南京农业大学教授、博士生导师,理学院副院长,天然产物化学二级博士点负责人。2001年本科毕业于安徽师范大学,同年考取中国科学院广州化学研究所有机化学专业,2004
年获得中国科学院理学硕士学位。2007 年博士毕业于中国科学院化学研究所,师从范青华研究员。2007 年 11 月-2010 年 5 月在美国 Syracuse University
和University of Notre Dame 从事博士后研究,2010 年 5 月-2012 年 8 月任职于哈尔滨工业大学基础与交叉科学研究院(哈工大“百人计划”引进),2012 年 8
育部留学回国人员科研启动项目、北京分子科学国家实验室开放基金、南京农业大学高层次引进人才启动基金、哈尔滨工业大学引进人才启动基金等多项科研项目,已在 ACS Catal., Org. Lett. ,
Chem. Commun., JOC, Chem. Eur. J., Adv. Synth. Catal., CST, JACS 等国际权威期刊以第一及通讯作者发表 SCI
论文五十多篇,累计影响因子大于 240,H 指数为 23,他引 1200 余次。其中影响因子 IF>5.0 论文 30 篇,3 篇研究论文入选 “ESI 高被引论文”。2012 年为 Bentham
出版集团 Curr. Org. Chem.期刊客座编辑。受邀出版英文图书章节两章(德国 Wiley 和美国 Nova Science 出版社)。为《有机化学》、《化学学报》、ACS Catal.,
GC, CC, OL, ASC, Chem. Eur. J.等国内外 SCI 期刊审稿人。教育部“青年长江”函评专家、国家基金委联合基金项目、青年基金项目函评专家。

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Individual Profiles
Lei Wu, born on January 28th of 1980, professor and doctoral supervisor, works as vice dean of the
College of Science in Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU). He received his PhD in science from
the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. After that, he conducted his postdoctoral research at
Syracuse University and the University of Notre Dame respectively in USA from 2007 to 2009. He went
back to China as a laureate of “Hundred-Talent Program” of Harbin Institute of Technology in talent
introduction project. In August of 2012, Prof. Wu was introduced to the Department of Chemistry,
College of Science of NAU. He was selected successively as Outstanding Young Teachers of "Qinglan
Project" in Jiangsu Province, Young Leaders of Science and Technology in "333 High-level Talent
Cultivation Program". In 2018, he was awarded excellent teacher for graduate students in NAU. His
research area focuses on heteroatom chemistry and metallic nano-catalysis, with several research
projects conducted including National Natural Science Foundation of China (General and Youth
Program), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (General Program), Scientific
Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars by State Education Ministry,
Open Fund of Beijing National Laboratory Molecular Sciences, High-level Scientific Research
Foundation for the introduction of talent in NAU and Scientific Research Foundation for the
Introduced Talents in Harbin Institute of Technology. Up to now, he has published more than 50 SCI
papers as first and/or corresponding author on authoritative international journals such as ACS
Catal., Chem. Commun., Org. Lett., Chem. Eur. J., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Synth. Catal., Catal.
Sci. Technol. and so on. The impact factors add up to more than 240, with H index higher than 22
and citation by other groups over 1200 times. Among them, there are more than 30 papers that IF
higher than 5 and 3 papers were selected as “ESI Highly Cited Paper”. In 2012, he worked for
Bentham Publishing Group as guest editor for journal of Curr. Org. Chem. Furthermore, he was
invited to publish book of two chapters (Wiley, Germany and Nova Science, America). He also serves
as a reviewer for several domestic and foreign SCI journals, including ACS Catal., Green Chem.,
Org. Lett., Adv. Synth. Catal., Chem. Eur. J. and so on.

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课题组成员(2020 年 6 月):Current Team Members

祝洁 博士 罗凯 博士
(副教授/硕导,2015 年南京理工大学毕业) (讲师,2017 年南京农业大学毕业)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jie Zhu Dr.
Kai Luo

博士研究生(Ph.D. Candidates):
2013 级:季益刚 (在职博士生,副教授,江苏第二师范学院)
2018 级:谢孝雨
2019 级:李阳
2020 级:张深远、胡丽彦
硕士研究生(M. Sc. Candidates): 2018 级硕士生:张乘运、崔苏航
2019 级硕士生:徐云芳、李源、王狮
2020 级硕士生:付梓桐、朱鹏伟

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已毕业学生:Graduated Students
1 2014-2017 罗凯 博士毕业留校;
获 2016 年博士生“校长奖学金”;
2017 年南京农业大学优秀博士毕业生;
2019 年“南京农业大学优秀博士学位论文”获得者

2 2015-2018
2017 年博士生“校长奖学金”;
2018 年南京农业大学优秀博士毕业生

3 2013-2018
2015 年硕士生“校长奖学金”;
2016 年“大北农”企业奖学金

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4 2016-2019 刘腾
2019 年南京农业大学优秀博士毕业生

5 2014-2020
河南工业大学化学化工学院-讲师;获 2017 年硕士生“校长奖学金”;
2019 年博士研究生国家奖学金
2019 南京农业大学最具影响力研究生提名奖

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1 2013-2015 张宇 曾任职于上海EAG laboratories; Ph.D. Candidate, City University
of Hong Kong;
2017 年“南京农业大学优秀学术型硕士学位论文”获得者
2 2014-2016 刘腾 本组读博;
获 2015 年研究生国家奖学金;
2016 年南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业生
3 2014-2017 毛矛 常州合全药业;
获 2017 年硕士生“校长奖学金”;
2017 年南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业生;
2018 年“南京农业大学优秀学术型硕士学位论文”获得者

4 2015-2017

5 2015-2017

获 2017 年硕士生“校长奖学金”;
2017 年南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业生本校读博(章维华教授课题组)

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6 2015-2018 张玲
中钢集团南京新材料研究院有限公司;获 2018 年硕士生“校长奖学金”;
2018 年南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业生;
2019 年“南京农业大学优秀学术型硕士学位论文”获得者

7 2016-2018 马静
8 2016-2019 韦凯
2020 年“南京农业大学优秀学术型硕士学位论文”获得者

9 2016-2019

10 2017-2019
11 2017-2020

获 2018 年硕士研究生国家奖学金;
2019 年南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业生江苏正大天晴制药有限公司
2020 年南京农业大学优秀硕士毕业生

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12 2017-2020

13 2017-2020
14 2018-2020
15 2018-2020
16 2018-2020

江苏正大丰海制药有限公司; 2020 硕士生“校长奖学金”苏州翔实医药发展有限公司安徽怀远一中

SRT(科研创新训练)小组: 本科毕业论文:
2013 张玲、杨芳、高建行 2012 李明刚、周益政、张雅楠(中国药科大学)
2014 董婕、曹淑君、郭立城 2013 李春英、刘腾、刘云兵、秦欢
2015 陈丽先、叶凤英、丁大茗 2014 关凯中、张玲、杨芳
2016 季桓静、杨惠婷、杨蕾 2015 董婕、赵雅伟
2019 刘雨薇、王莹、王琛 2017 季桓静、杨蕾
2019 付梓桐

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科研项目(Grants and Projects)
3. 参与国家重点研发计划子课题一项;
2. 主持江苏省自然科学基金一项(项目编号:BK20191305);
1. 主持南京农业大学中央高校基本科研业务费一项;

7. 主持完成国家自然科学基金(青年及面上)两项,项目编号:21002019、21372118;
6. 主持完成江苏省自然科学基金(面上项目)一项,项目编号:BK20141359;
5. 主持南京农业大学引进人才科研启动经费(2012.8-2015.12;100 万);
4. 主持教育部留学回国人员启动经费;
3. 主持北京分子科学国家实验室开放基金、中国科学院分子识别与功能重点实验室开放基金;
2. 主持哈尔滨工业大学引进人才科研启动经费和校创新基金;
1. 作为主要成员曾参与国家自然科学基金项目(No. 20325209、205322010), 国家杰出青年基金(No. 2005CCA 06600) 、美国国家自然科学基金(NSF No.

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所获奖项(Awards and Titles)
4. 2019 年 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人;南京农业大学“钟山学者学术骨干”
3. 2018 年 获南京农业大学“优秀研究生教师”称号;“333 工程”(第五期)
2. 2013 年 江苏省“333 高层次人才培养工程”第三层次(第四期)
1. 2012 年 受邀为Current Organic Chemistry (IF: 3.064)杂志客座编(Guest Editor)

教学信息(Teaching Information)
2016 秋季学期 研究生《高等有机化学》
2016 春季学期 本科生《有机化学》必修课
2014 春季学期 本科生《精细化学品化学》
2013 秋季学期 研究生《现代有机合成技术》选修课
2012-2013 第一学期 《实验化学 II》 必修课
2011 年秋季学期 哈尔滨工业大学化工学院 《有机化学 II》 必修课

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发表论文及专著(Publications List)/发明专利(Patents)

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9130-6619 http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-6655-2011

2. 发明人:吴磊、吴金金、刘月欣、丁承强、丁艳锋,发明专利名称:2(5H)-呋喃 2-酮衍生物制备方法及其水稻控蘖应用,申请号:202010322187.2。
1. 发明人:吴磊、戴朋、罗凯,发明专利名称:亚砜四氮唑衍生物及其制备方法与应用,专利授权号:ZL201710784802.X。

As Corresponding Author:
Year of 2020:
51. Xiao-Yu Xie, Yang Li, Yun-Tao Xia, Lei Wu*, Visible-Light-Induced
Metal-free and Oxidant-free Cyclization of (2-isocyanoaryl)(methyl)sulfanes with Ethers, to
be submitted.
50. 祝洁,杨文超,张乘运,吴磊*,近十年dendralenes 合成研究进展,有机化学,2020,综述约稿。
49. Kai Luo, Yuan Li, Yi-Gang Ji, Lei Wu*, Metal-Free Cascade Alkynylation and Cyclopropanation of
Phosphinyl Allenes with
N-Tosylhydrazones Accessing Alkynylcyclopropane Derivatives, to be submitted.
48. Yue Liu, Yun-Tao Xia, Su-Hang Cui, Yi-Gang Ji, and Lei Wu,* Palladium-Catalyzed
Cascade Hydrosilylation and Aminomethylation of Isatin Derivatives, Advanced Synthesis &
Catalysis, 2020, 362, 2632-2636. (SCI IF2019: 5.851)
47. Xue Sun, Teng Liu, Yan-Tong Yang, Yue-Jie Gu, Yu-Wei Liu, Yi-Gang Ji, Kai Luo,
Jie Zhu and Lei Wu*, Visible- Light-Promoted Regio- and Stereoselective Oxyalkenylation
of Phosphinyl Allenes, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis,

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2020, 362, 2701-2708. (SCI IF2019: 5.851)
Year of 2019:
46. Yun-Tao Xia, Xiao-Yu Xie, Su-Hang Cui, Yi-Gang Ji, Lei Wu*, Secondary Phosphine Oxides
Stabilized Au/Pd Nanoalloys: Metal Components-Controlled Regioselective Hydrogenation
toward Phosphinyl (Z)-[3]Dendralenes, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 11699. (SCI IF2018:
45. Kai Luo, Wen-Chao Yang, Kai Wei, Yue Liu, Jun-Ke Wang, Lei Wu*, Di-tert-butyl
Peroxide-Mediated Radical C(sp2/sp3)-S Bond Cleavage and Group-Transfer Cyclization, Organic
Letters, 2019, 21, 7851-7856. (SCI IF2018: 6.555, Highlighted by the Organic Chemistry Portal
Website: https://www.organic-chemistry.org/abstracts/lit7/021.shtm)
44. Yun-Tao Xia, Jin-Jin Wu, Cheng-Yun Zhang, Mao Mao, Yi-Gang Ji, Lei Wu*, Cascade Alkynylation
and Highly Selective Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Binaphthyl-Palladium Nanoparticles Accessing
Phosphinyl (Z)-[3]Dendralenes, Organic Letters, 2019, 21, 6383-6387. (SCI IF2018: 6.555)
43. Teng Liu, Jie Zhu, Xue Sun, Liang Cheng, Lei Wu*, I2/TBHP Mediated Selective C(sp2)-P
Cleavage: Substrate-Controlled Regioselectivity, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2019, 361,
3532-3537. (SCI IF2018: 5.451)
42. Kai Wei#, Kai Luo#, Fang Liu, Lei Wu*, Li-Zhu Wu*, Visible-Light-Driven Selective Alkenyl C-P
Bond Cleavage of Allenyl- phosphine Oxides, Organic Letters, 2019, 21, 1994-1998. (SCI IF2018:
41. Teng Liu, Yi-Gang Ji, Lei Wu*, tert-Butyl Nitrite-mediated Radical Cyclization of Tetrazole
Amines and Alkynes toward Tetrazolo[1,5-a]quinolines, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17,
2619-2623. (SCI IF2018: 3.49)
40. Wen-Chao Yang*, Jian-Guo Feng, Lei Wu*, Yong-Qiang Zhang*, Aliphatic Aldehyde: A Novel Radical
Alkylating Reagent,
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2019, 361, 1700-1709. (SCI IF2018: 5.451)
Year of 2018:
39. Yao-Zhong Chen, Teng Liu, Jie Zhu, Hui Zhang, Lei Wu*, Transition-Metal-Free Radical Cleavage
of Hydrazonyl N-S Bond: Tosyl Radical-Initiated Cascade C(sp3)-OAr Cleavage, Sulfonyl
Rearrangement and Atropisomeric Cyclopropanation, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5(24),
3567-3573. (SCI IF2017: 5.455)

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38. Yao-Zhong Chen#, Jie Zhu#, Jin-Jin Wu, Lei Wu*, Organobase Catalyzed
Straightforward Synthesis of Phosphinyl Functionalized 2H-Pyran Cores from Allenylphosphine
Oxides and 1,3-Diones, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2018, 16(36), 6675-6679. (SCI IF2017:
37. Xiao-Dong Wang, Jin-Jin Wu, Xue Sun, Wen-Chao Yang, Jie Zhu*, Lei Wu*,
Allenylphosphine Oxides as Starting Materials for the Synthesis of Conjugated Enynes: Boosting
the Catalytic Performance by MOF Encapsulated Palladium Nanoparticles, Advanced Synthesis &
Catalysis, 2018, 360(18), 3518-3525. (SCI IF2017: 5.123)
36. Wen-Chao Yang, Kai Wei, Xue Sun, Jie Zhu, Lei Wu*, Cascade C(sp3)-S Bond Cleavage
and Imidoyl C-S Formation: A Radical Cyclization of 2-Isocyanoaryl Thioethers toward
2-Substituted Benzothiazoles, Organic Letters, 2018, 20(10), 3144-3147. (SCI IF2017: 6.492)
35. Kai Luo, Ling Zhang, Kai Wei, Wen-Chao Yang, Lei Wu*, Latent Radical Cleavage of
alpha-Allenylic C-O Bond: Potassium Persulfate Mediated Thiolation of Allenylphosphine Oxides,
Synthesis, 2018, 50(15), 2990-2998. (Invited Article for Special Topics, SCI IF2017: 2.722)
34. Teng Liu, Xue Sun, Lei Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Cascade C-O Cleavage and C-H Alkenylation of
Phosphinyl Allenes: An Expeditious Approach to 3-Alkenyl Benzo[b]phosphole Oxides,
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2018, 360(10), 2005-2012. (SCI IF2016: 5.646)
33. Jie Zhu,* Wen-Chao Yang, Xiao-Dong Wang, Lei Wu*, Photoredox Catalysis in C-S bonds
Construction: Recent Progress in Photo-catalyzed Formation of Sulfones and Sulfoxides, Advanced
Synthesis & Catalysis, 2018, 360(3), 386-400. (Front
Cover Picture, Selected as “ Very Important Publication (VIP)”, “ESI Highly Cited Paper”, SCI
IF2016: 5.646)
32. Peng Dai#, Kai Luo#, Xiang Yu, Wen-Chao Yang, Lei Wu*, Wei-Hua Zhang*, Tert-Butyl
Nitrite Mediated Expeditious Methylsulfoxidation of Tetrazole-amines with DMSO: Metal-free
Synthesis of Antifungal Active Methylsulfinyl-1H- tetrazole Derivatives, Advanced Synthesis &
Catalysis, 2018, 360(3), 468-473. (SCI IF2016: 5.646)
31. Jie Zhu, Xiao-Tao Sun, Xiao-Dong Wang, Lei Wu*, Enantioselective Dihydroxylation of
Alkenes Catalyzed by 1,4-Bis (9-O-dihydroquinidinyl)phthalazine-Modified Binaphthyl-Osmium
Nanoparticles, ChemCatChem, 2018, 10(8), 1788- 1792. (SCI IF2016: 4.803)

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Year of 2017:
30. Ling Zhang, Jie Zhu, Jing Ma, Lei Wu*, Wei-Hua Zhang*, Visible-Light-Driven α-Allenylic C-O
Bond Cleavage and Alkenyl C-S Formation: Metal-free and Oxidant-free Thiolation of Allenyl
Phosphine Oxides, Organic Letters, 2017, 19(23), 6308-6311. (SCI IF2016: 6.579)
29. Yun-Tao Xia, Jing Ma, Xiao-Dong Wang, Lei Yang, Lei Wu*, Enantioselective
Hydrogenation of N-heteroaromatics Catalyzed by Chiral Diphosphines Modified Binaphthyl Palladium
Nanoparticles, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7(23), 5515-5520. (SCI IF2016: 5.773)
28. Kai Luo, Ling Zhang, Jing Ma, Qiang Sha, Lei Wu*, Acetic Acid-Mediated
Sulfonylation of Allenylphosphine Oxides: Divergent Synthesis of Bifunctionalized
1,3-Butadienes and Allenes, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, 82(13), 6978-6985. (SCI
IF2016: 4.849)
27. Wen-Chao Yang, Peng Dai, Kai Luo, Yi-Gang Ji, Lei Wu*, Aldehydes as Carbon Radical Acceptors:
Silver Nitrate Catalyzed Cascade Decarboxylation and Oxidative Cyclization toward
Dihydroflavonoid Derivatives, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2017, 359(14), 2390-2395.
(Journal Most Accessed Article in 05/2017, SCI IF2016: 5.646)
26. Jie Zhu#, Mao Mao#, Huan-Jing Ji, Jiang-Yan Xu, Lei Wu*, Palladium-catalyzed Cleavage of
α-Allenylic Aryl Ether toward Pyrazolemethylene-Substituted Phosphinyl Allenes and Their
Transformations via Alkenyl C-P(O) Cleavage, Organic Letters, 2017, 19(8), 1946-1949. (SCI
IF2016: 6.579)
25. Xiao-Tao Sun#, Jie Zhu#, Yun-Tao Xia, Lei Wu*, Palladium Nanoparticles Stabilized by
Metal–Carbon Covalent Bonds as Expeditious Heterogeneous Catalyst for Oxidative
Dehydrogenation of N-Heterocycles, ChemCatChem, 2017, 9(13), 2463-2466. (SCI IF2016: 4.803)
24. Yi-Gang Ji, Kai Wei, Teng Liu, Lei Wu*, Wei-Hua Zhang*, “Naked” Iridium (IV) Oxide
Nanoparticles as Expedient and Robust Catalysts for Hydrogenation of Nitrogen Heterocycles:
Remarkable Vicinal Substitution Effect and Recyclability, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2017,
359(6), 933-940. (SCI IF2016: 5.646, Highlighted by Synfacts)
23. Kai Luo, Wen-Chao Yang, Lei Wu*, Photoredox Catalysis in Organophosphorus
Chemistry, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, 6(4), 350-367. ( Invited Review, SCI
IF2016: 2.788)

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22. Mao Mao#, Ling Zhang#, Yao-Zhong Chen, Jie Zhu, Lei Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling of
Allenylphosphine Oxides with N-Tosylhydrazones toward Phosphinyl [3]Dendralenes, ACS Catalysis,
2017, 7(1), 181-185. (SCI IF2016: 10.614, O pen
Access, Designated as ACS Editor’s Choice, “ESI Highly Cited Paper”)

Year of 2016:
21. Yun-Tao Xia, Xiao-Tao Sun, Ling Zhang, Kai Luo, Lei Wu*, Metal-free Hydrogen Atom Transfer
from Water: Expeditious Hydrogenation of N-Heterocycles Mediated by Diboronic Acid, Chemistry-A
European Journal, 2016, 22, 17151-17155. (SCI IF2015: 5.771)
20. Wen-Chao Yang, Peng Dai, Kai Luo, Lei Wu*, Iodide/tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Mediated Benzylic
C–H Sulfonylation and Peroxidation of Phenol Derivatives, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2016,
358, 3184-3190. (SCI IF2015: 6.453)
19. Yu Zhang#, Jie Zhu#, Yun-Tao Xia, Xiao-Tao Sun, Lei Wu*, Efficient Hydrogenation
of N-heterocycles Catalyzed by Carbon-Metal Covalent Bonds Stabilized Palladium
Nanoparticles: Synergistic Effects of Particle Size and Water, Advanced Synthesis &
Catalysis, 2016, 358, 3039-3045. (Highlighted by Synfacts, SCI IF2015: 6.453)
18. Kai Luo#, Yao-Zhong Chen#, Li-Xian Chen, Lei Wu*, Autoxidative C(sp2)?P Formation:
Direct Phosphorylation of Heteroarenes under Oxygen, Metal-Free, and Solvent-Free
Conditions. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, 81, 4682-4689. (SCI IF2015: 4.785)
17. Kai Luo#, Yao-Zhong Chen#, Wen-Chao Yang, Jie Zhu, Lei Wu*, Cross-Coupling
Hydrogen Evolution by Visible Light Photocatalysis Toward C(sp2)-P Formation:
Metal-free C-H Functionalization of Thiazole Derivatives with Diarylphosphine
Oxides, Organic Letters, 2016, 18, 452-455. (SCI IF2015: 6.732, “ESI Highly Cited Paper”)
16. Yu Zhang, Mao Mao, Yi-Gang Ji, Jie Zhu, Lei Wu*, Modular metal-carbon stabilized
palladium nanoparticles for the catalytic hydrogenation of N-heterocycles, Tetrahedron Letters,
2016, 57, 329-332. (SCI IF2015: 2.347)

Years of 2011-2015:
15. Yao-Zhong Chen, Ling Zhang, Ai-Min Lu, Fang Yang and Lei Wu*, α-Allenyl Ethers as Starting
Materials for Palladium

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Catalyzed Suzuki?Miyaura Couplings of Allenylphosphine Oxides with Arylboronic Acids, Journal of
Organic Chemistry,
2015, 80, 673-680. (SCI IF: 4.785)
14. Teng Liu, Yun-Tao Xia, Jie Zhu, Ai-Min Lu, Lei Wu*, Metal-free synthesis of chlorinated and
brominated phosphinoyl 1,3-butadiene derivatives and its synthetic applications, Tetrahedron
Letters, 2015, 56, 6508-6512. (SCI IF: 2.347)
13. Teng Liu, Jie Dong, Shu-Jun Cao, Li-Cheng Guo, Lei Wu*, Suzuki–Miyaura coupling
of phosphinoyl-α-allenic alcohols with arylboronic acids catalyzed by a palladium complex
“on water”: an efficient method to generate phosphinoyl 1,3-butadienes and derivatives, RSC
Advances, 2014, 4, 61722-61726. (SCI IF: 3.708)
12. 季益刚,吴磊*,范青华*,金属/金属氧化物纳米粒子在不对称氢化和氢转移反应中的应用研究进展,化学学报,
2014, 72, 798-808. (综述约稿, SCI IF: 0.874)
11. Lei Wu*, Immobilized Catalysts for Organic Synthesis: Homogeneous & Heterogeneous,
Current Organic Chemistry,
2013, 17, 1235-1235 (Editorial Material).
10. Lei Wu*, Yu Zhang, Yi-Gang Ji, Homogeneous Recyclable Catalysts Based on Metal Nanoparticles
for Organic Synthesis (Invited Review). Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17, 1288-1302. (SCI IF:
9. Yan-fei Wang*, Zhanmin Xiao, Lei Wu*, Metal-nanoparticles Supported on Solid as
Heterogeneous Catalysts, Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17, 1325-1333. (SCI IF: 3.064)
8. Lei Wu*, Xiao Zhang, Qing-Qing Chen, An-Kun Zhou, A novel copper-catalyzed reductive
coupling of N-tosylhydrazones with H-phosphorus oxides, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2012, 10,
7859-7862. (SCI IF: 3.696)
7. Lei Wu*, Xi?o Zhang, Zhimin Tao, A Mild and Recyclable Nano-sized Catalyst for the Stille
Reaction in Water, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2012, 2, 707-710. (SCI IF: 3.575)
6. Lei Wu*, A Facile Tandem Reactions to Acess β-Hydroxy-α,α-difluoroketone
Derivatives Catalyzed by Titanocene Dichloride/Magnesium. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2011,
132, 367-372. (SCI IF: 2.033)
5. Lei Wu*, Jie Ling, Zong-Quan Wu, A Highly Active and Recyclable Catalyst:
Phosphine Dendrimer-Stabilized Nickel Nanoparticles for the Suzuki Coupling Reaction. Advanced
Synthesis & Catalysis, 2011, 353, 1452-1456. (SCI IF: 6.048)

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As First Author:
4. Lei Wu, Yan-Mei He, Qing-Hua Fan*, Controlled Reversible Anchoring of
η6-Arene/TsDPEN-Ru(II) Complex onto Magnetic Nanoparticles: A New Strategy for Catalyst
Separation and Recycling. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2011, 353, 2915-2919. (SCI IF: 6.048)
3. Lei Wu, Jyotsana Lal, Karen A. Simon, Erik A. Burton, Yan-Yeung Luk*,
Non-Amphiphilic Assembly in Water: Polymorphic Nature, Thread Structure and Thermodynamic
Incompatibility, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 7430-7443. (SCI IF: 9.023)
2. Lei Wu, Zhi-Wei Li, Feng Zhang, Yan-Mei He, Qing-Hua Fan*, Air-Stable and Highly
Active Dendritic Phosphine Oxide-Stabilized Palladium Nanoparticles: Preparation,
Characterization and Applications in the Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation and Hydrogenation Reactions,
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2008, 350, 846-862. (SCI IF: 5.187)
1. Lei Wu, Bao-Lin Li, Yi-Yong Huang, Hai-Feng Zhou, Yan-Mei He, Qing-Hua Fan*,
Phosphine Dendrimer-Stabilized Palladium Nanoparticles, a Highly Active and Recyclable Catalyst
for the Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction and Hydrogenation. Organic Letters, 2006, 8, 3605-3608. (SCI IF:

Book Chapters:
2. Lei Wu, Ji Liu, Baode Ma, Qing-Hua Fan*, Homogeneous Asymmetric Catalysis Using
Immobilized Chiral Catalysts, (Chapter 4, BOOK TITLE: Bridging Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
Catalysis: Concepts, Strategies, and Applications, Edited by Prof. Can Li), 2014, Wiley-VCH, Page
1. Yi-Gang Ji, Lei Wu*, Recyclable Metal Nanoparticulate Catalysts Based on
Dendrimers, (Chapter 11, BOOK TITLE: Dendrimers: Synthesis, Applications and Role in
Nanotechnology) Nova Science Publishers, New York 2013, Page 249-263;

As Co-author:
9. Karen A. Simon, Gauri Shetye, Ulrich Englich, Lei Wu, Yan-Yeung Luk*, Noncovalent
Polymerization of Mesogens

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Crystallizes Lysozyme: Correlation between Nonamphiphilic Lyotropic Liquid Crystal
Phase and Protein Crystal Formation, Langmuir, 2011, 17, 10901-10906.
8. An-Kun Zhou, Lei Wu, Da-Zhi Li, Qing-Qing Chen, Xiao Zhang, A Novel Metal-free
Reductive Esterification of N-Tosylhydrazones with Carboxylic Acids, Chinese Journal of
Chemistry, 2012, 30, 1862-1866.
7. Karen A. Simon, Erik A. Burton, Fei Cheng, Nisha Varghese, Eric R. Falcone, Lei Wu and
Yan-Yeung Luk*, Controlling Thread Assemblies of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Liquid Crystal
Phase by Using Functionalized Nanotopography. Chemical Materials, 2010, 22, 2434.
6. Yan-Yeung Luk, Lei Wu, Jyotsana Lal, Karen A. Simon, Erik A. Burton, Noncovalent polymer
assembly in water and their applications in materials fabrication, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF
5. Sri Kamesh Narasimhan, Deborah J. Kerwood, Lei Wu, Jun Li, Rosina Lombardi, Teresa B.
Freedman* and Yan-Yeung Luk*, Induced Folding by Chiral Non-Planar Aromatics. Journal of Organic
Chemistry, 2009, 74, 7023.
4. Shuyu Hou, Erik A. Button, Ricky Lei Wu, Yan-Yeung Luk, Dacheng Ren, Prolonged
control of patterned biofilm formation by bio-inert surface chemistry, Chemical Communications,
2009, 1207-1209.
3. Bao-Lin Li, Lei Wu, Yan-Mei He, Qing-Hua Fan, The Synthesis and Properties of
Iridium(III)-Cored Dendrimers with Carbazole Peripherally Functionalized β-Diketonato Dendrons.
Dalton Transactions, 2007, 20, 2048.
2. Yi-Yong Huang, Yan-Mei He, Hai-Feng Zhou, Lei Wu, Bao-Lin Li, Qing-Hua
Fan, Thermomorphic system with non-fluorous phase-tagged Ru(BINAP) catalyst: Facile
liquid/solid catalyst separation and application in asymmetric hydrogenation, Journal of
Organic Chemistry, 2006, 71, 2874-2877.
1. Hai-Feng Zhou, Qing-Hua Fan, Yi-Yong Huang, Lei Wu, Yan-Mei He, Wei-Jun Tang,
Lian-Quan Gu, Albert S. C. Chan, Mixture of poly(ethylene glycol) and water as
environmentally friendly media for efficient enantioselective transfer hydrogenation and
catalyst recycling, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 2007, 275, 47-53.

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