性别 男
教 授
E-mail kqlee@njau.edu.cn
南京市浦口区点将台路 40 号
研究领域 智能纳米材料与环境装备;生物质环境新材料;纳米传感与电容材料与器件
博士:农业生物环境与能源工程(082803)招生研究方向:纳米功能材料调研究生招生 控与装备设计;新型电容与传感材料与器件设计
有机物污染的修复以及新型电容与传感材料与器件设计与研究方法。先后承担国家重点研发、国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点、江苏省重点研发、江苏省科技专项等各类研究课题 20
余项,在国内外学术期刊发表研究论文 69 篇,其中 SCI 论文 27
教育部学位论文评审专家;江苏省能源研究会理事;农业工程学会会员;美国化学协会会员;Chemosphere 等国际知名期刊审稿人
1. 2018.18-2022.12,高稳定性多孔秸秆炭表面氮基团活性点的定向调控及其对土壤铅镉汞的选择固定机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目,78 万元); 2.
2018.6-2021.12,基于氮磷活性点位定向调控的秸秆炭钝化剂的可控制备及其对铅镉汞的固定机制(江苏省重点研发社会发展,50 万元)
3.2013.01-2015.8,生物质炭绿色农业技术转化与示范(农业科技成果转化资金项目,2013GB23600666,60 万元)
4. 2018.05-2021.12,新型绿色高效生物炭基控释复混大蒜专用肥产业化开发(江苏省科技专项,50 万元)
5.2014 年-2016 年,“高效去除水中微量有机污染物的氧化物基介孔碳催化材料的制备与催化再生(中国博士后基金,8 万元)
6. 2020 年-2022 年,新型秸秆生物质炭基控释复混葡萄专用肥制备及养分控释机理研究(中央高校新疆联合专项,主持)
7.2012 年-2014 年,“高效去除微囊藻毒素的烧绿石型复合氧化物基介孔碳的可控制备与催化再生(国家自然科学基金,51102136)
8. 2008 年-2010 年,“十一·五”国家水专项太湖项目武进港课题“武进港小流域农村污水处理及氮磷削减技术与工程示范”子课题(编
9.2011 年-2012 年,“新型磁性碳吸附材料的孔调控、分子修饰及其对水中微囊藻毒素的净化(上海市科技局项目,11R21412300)
10. 2011 年-2013 年,基于辐照技术抑制越冬期蓝藻复苏的机理研究”(国家自然科学基金,11075039)
5. 2009 年-2010 年,江苏省农机局项目“基于纳米多孔炭材料/TiO2 的等离子放电催化深度处理水中低浓度有机污染物(编号:2009-G002)”,主持完成。 11.2006 年-2007
12.2007 年-2009 年,塔式蚯蚓生态滤池农村生活污水处理成套技术示范研究
13-18. 2018.05-2019.12,园林生物质碳气化联产高温尾气多功能智能化处理系统开发等企业委托课题(企业委托课题)
1.Li, B.Y.,Li, K.Q*. 2019. Effect of nitric acid pre-oxidation concentration on pore structure and
nitrogen/oxygen active decoration sites of ethylenediamine -modified biochar for mercury(II)
adsorption and the possible mechanism. Chemosphere, 220, 28-39.5.089 TOP20% 2.Li, K.Q*., Wan, Z.Q.
2019. Preparation of Biomass-based Mesoporous Carbon with Higher Nitrogen-/Oxygen-chelating
Adsorption for Cu(II) Through Microwave Pre-Pyrolysis. Jove-Journal of Visualized
Experiments(144).2.584 JCR 2 区
3.Li, K.Q*., Wan, Z.Q., Liu, J.M., Guliyeva, G. 2019.
Bayberry-Kernel-Derived Wormlike Micro/Mesoporous Carbon Decorated with Human Blood Vessel-Like
Structures and Active Nitrogen Sites as Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Sensors for Efficient
Lead-Ion Detection. Acs Omega, 4(1), 1191-1200.1.
4.K.Q. Li*, Y. Zhou, J. Li, Soft-templating synthesis of partially graphitic Fe-embedded ordered
mesoporous carbon with rich micropores from bayberry kernel and its adsorption for Pb(II) and
Cr(III), Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 82 (2018) 312-321.JCR 1 区, 3.728
5.K.Q. Li*, J.M. Liu, J. Li, Z.Q. Wan, Effects of N mono- and N/P dual-doping on H2O2, center dot
OH generation, and MB electrochemical degradation efficiency of activated carbon fiber electrodes,
Chemosphere, 193 (2018) 800-810.JCR 1 区, 5.089 TOP20%
6. Z.Q.Wan,K.Q. Li*, Effect of pre-pyrolysis mode on simultaneous introduction of
nitrogen/oxygen-containing functional groups into the structure of bagasse-based mesoporous carbon
and its influence on Cu(II) adsorption, Chemosphere, 194 (2018) 370-380.JCR1 区, 5.089 TOP20%
7.K.Q. Li*, Z.Q. Wan, J. Li, M.Z. Lu, X.H. Wang, Amino-functionalized bimodal ordered mesoporous
carbon with high surface area for efficient adsorption of lead (II) ions, Desalination and Water
Treatment, 60 (2017) 200-211.JCR2 区,1.643
8.Li KQ*, Tao SY, Li J, Wang XH. Controllable Fe introduction into ordered mesoporous carbon with
interconnected small pores for investigating Fe doping effect on hydrogen adsorption. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017;42:4733-4740.JCR2 区, 3.647
9. H. Li, X. Li, L. Liu,KQ. Li*, X. Wang, H. Li, Experimental study of microwave-assisted pyrolysis
of rice straw for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016)
2263-2267.JCR2区, 3.419
10.K.Q. Li, Z. Rong, Y. Li, C. Li, Z. Zheng, Preparation of nitrogen-doped cotton stalk microporous
activated carbon fiber electrodes with different surface area from hexamethylenetetramine-modified
cotton stalk for electrochemical degradation of methylene blue, Results in Physics, 7 (2017)
656-664.JCR2 区, 1.259
11.K.Q. Li*, J. Li, M.Z. Lu, H. Li, X.H. Wang, Preparation and amino modification of mesoporous
carbon from bagasse via microwave activation and ethylenediamine polymerization for Pb(II)
adsorption, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (2016) 24004-24018.JCR2 区, 1.643 12.K.Q. Li*, Y.
Jiang, X.H. Wang, D. Bai, H. Li, Z. Zheng, Effect of nitric acid modification on the lead(II)
adsorption of mesoporous biochars with different mesopore size distributions, Clean Technologies
and Environmental Policy, 18 (2016) 797-805.JCR2 区, 2.374
13.K.Q. Li*, J.F. Cao, H. Li, J.M. Liu, M.Z. Lu, D.Y. Tang, Nitrogen functionalized hierarchical
microporous/mesoporous carbon with a high surface area and controllable nitrogen content for
enhanced lead(II)
adsorption, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 92186-92196.JCR2 区, 3.485
14. Ma HW,Li KQ*, Chai QF. Chemical modification of bagasse-based mesoporous carbons for
chromium(III) ion adsorption. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials
2017;15:S52-S61.JCR4 区, 1.363
15. Li B. Y.;Li K. Q*., Effect of nitric acid pre-oxidation concentration on pore structure and
nitrogen/oxygen active decoration sites of ethylenediamine -modified biochar for mercury(II)
adsorption and the possible mechanism. Chemosphere 2019, 220, 28-39.JCR1 区, 5.089 TOP20%
16.Li K. Q*.; Wan Z. Q.; Liu J. M.; Guliyeva G.,
Bayberry-Kernel-Derived Wormlike Micro/Mesoporous Carbon Decorated with Human Blood Vessel-Like
Structures and Active Nitrogen Sites as Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Sensors for Efficient
Lead-Ion Detection. Acs Omega 2019, 4 (1), 1191-1200.
17.Li K. Q*.; Wan Z. Q., Preparation of Biomass-based Mesoporous Carbon with Higher
Nitrogen-/Oxygen-chelating Adsorption for Cu(II) Through Microwave Pre-Pyrolysis. Jove-Journal of
Visualized Experiments 2019, (144).JCR2 区, 1.677
18. Li X. H.;Li K. Q.; Li H.; El-Mashad H.; Jenkins B. M.; Yin W. Q., White Poplar Microwave
Pyrolysis: Heating Rate and Optimization of Biochar Yield. Bioresources 2018, 13 (1),
1107-1121.JCR2 区, 1.526 19. Li J.; Li X. B.;Li K. Q.; Tao T., Plasmas ozone inactivation of
Legionella in deionized water and wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018, 25
(10), 9697-9707.JCR2 区, 2.989
20. Wang X. H.;Li K. Q.; Li H.; Bai D.; Liu J. R., Research on China's rural household energy
consumption - Household investigation of typical counties in 8 economic zones. Renewable &
Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017, 68, 28-32.JCR1 区, 9.122 TOP10%
21. Li X. H.;Li K. Q.; Geng C. L.; El Mashad H.; Li H.; Yin W. Q., An economic analysis of rice
straw microwave pyrolysis for hydrogen-rich fuel gas. Rsc Advances 2017, 7 (84), 53396-53400.JCR2
区, 3.257 22 Li J.;Li K. Q.; Zhou Y.; Li X. B.; Tao T., Kinetic analysis of Legionella inactivation
using ozone in wastewater. Chemosphere 2017, 168, 630-637.JCR1 区, 5.089 TOP20%
23.Lu M. Z.; Xiong Y. J.;Li K. Q.; Liu L. S.; Yan L.; Ding Y. Q.; Lin X. Z.; Yang X. J.; Shen M.
X., An automatic splitting method for the adhesive piglets' gray scale image based on the ellipse
shape feature. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2016, 120, 53-62.JCR2 区, 2.365 TOP20%
1.新型雾霾空气洁净专用炭质口罩,申请号 20141061198.9
申请号 201410112291.3
3.一种新型多功能空气净化材料,申请号 201410611998.9
4.一种原位固化移除土壤重金属的生态袋及施用方法,申请号 20140611997.4
6.一种利用互花米草茎杆制备活性炭的方法,申请号 200810023749.2
7.一种用于含酚废水电化学处理的石墨电极,申请号 200810018745.5
8.一种治理重金属镉的活性炭的制备方法,申请号 2008
9.竹炭填料生物滴滤塔脱除烟气中二氧化硫的方法,申请号 200710021124.8
10.一种处理生活污水的塔式蚯蚓生态滤池,申请号 200810018774.1
南京农业大学钟山学术新秀;江苏省创新创业二等奖;Chemosphere 杰出审稿人;江苏省教学成果二等奖;江苏省科技镇长团优秀团员;南京农业大学优秀共产党员;南京农业大学教学成果特等奖;南京农业大学
Kunquan Li
Kunquan Li
Professo r
Departmen t
AgriculturalMechanizatio n
Telephone 13813361576
Electronic photo
Unit address
No.40, Dianjiangtai Road, Poukou District
Post code
Research field
Intelligent Material and Application, Biomass Environmental Materials and Energy
Social appointment s
Research projects
Agriculturaltechnologyassociationmemberof Jiangsu province; Energy associationmemberof Jiangsu
Jan.2018-Dec.2022 Directional control of nitrogen-containing functional active binding sites of
straw-based porous biochar with high stability and its selective mechanism for Pb, Cd and Hg
immobilization from contaminated soil, Sponsored by National Natural Science Fund of P.R.China,
Project Leader
Jan.2018-Dec.2021 Directional control of nitrogen, phosphorus – containing active binding sites of
biochar with high stability and its selective adsorption for Pb from contaminated soil, Sponsored
by National Natural Science Fund of P.R.China, Project Leader Jan.2013-Dec.2015 Transformation and
Demonstration of Biomass carbon green agriculture technology (No.2013GB23600666) Jan.2014-Dec.2016
Controlled Synthesis of Dual-functional Composite Oxide Based Order Mesoporous Carbon and Its
Adsorption Characteristics of Microcystins (No. 97120021), Sponsored by The Ministry of Education
of P.R.China, Project Leader
Jan.2012-Dec.2014 Controllable Preparation and Catalytic Regeneration of Pyrochlore-type Composite
Oxide based Mesoporous Carbon for the Removal of Microcystins(No. 51102136), Sponsored by National
Natural Science Fund of P.R.China, Project Leader Jan.2012-Dec.2014 Controlled Synthesis of
Dual-functional Composite Oxide Based Order Mesoporous Carbon and Its Adsorption Characteristics of
Microcystins (No. 97120021),Sponsored by The
Academic achievement s
Ministry of Education of P.R.China, Project Leader
Jan.2011-Dec.2012 Porosity Adjustment and Molecular Modification of Magnetic Carbon Absorption
Material and Its Removal of Microcystins(No. 51102136), Sponsored by Municipal Science and
Technology Bureau of Shanghai of P.R.China, Project Leader Jan.2009-Dec.2010 Study on Non-thermal
Plasma Technology Combined with ACF Modified by Titania Film for Trace Organic Compounds
Removal(No.2009-G002),Sponsored by Agricultural Bureau of Jiangsu Province of P.R.China, Project
Jan.2008-Dec.2010 Reduction Technology of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Rural Sewage in Wujin
Reservoir Areas and Engineering Demonstration (No.2008ZX07101-004-01), Sponsored by Ministry of
Environmental Protection of China,Main Participator
21.K.Q. Li*, Y. Zhou, J. Li, Soft-templating synthesis of partially graphitic Fe-embedded ordered
mesoporous carbon with rich micropores from bayberry kernel and its adsorption for Pb(II) and
Cr(III), Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 82 (2018) 312-321.JCR 1 区, 3.728
22.K.Q. Li*, J.M. Liu, J. Li, Z.Q. Wan, Effects of N mono- and N/P dual-doping on H2O2, center dot
OH generation, and MB electrochemical degradation efficiency of activated carbon fiber electrodes,
Chemosphere, 193 (2018) 800-810.JCR 1 区, 4.551 TOP20% 23.Z.Q.Wan,K.Q. Li*, Effect of pre-pyrolysis
mode on simultaneous introduction of nitrogen/oxygen-containing functional groups into the
structure of bagasse-based mesoporous carbon and its influence on Cu(II) adsorption, Chemosphere,
194 (2018) 370-380.JCR1 区, 4.551 TOP20%
24.K.Q. Li*, Z.Q. Wan, J. Li, M.Z. Lu, X.H. Wang, Amino-functionalized bimodal ordered mesoporous
carbon with high surface area for efficient adsorption of lead (II) ions, Desalination and Water
Treatment, 60 (2017) 200-211.JCR2 区,1.643
25.Li KQ*, Tao SY, Li J, Wang XH. Controllable Fe introduction into ordered mesoporous carbon with
interconnected small pores for investigating Fe doping effect on hydrogen adsorption. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017;42:4733-4740.JCR2 区, 3.647 26.H. Li, X. Li, L. Liu,KQ. Li*, X.
Wang, H. Li, Experimental study of microwave-assisted pyrolysis of rice straw for hydrogen
production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 2263-2267.JCR2 区, 3.419
27.K.Q. Li, Z. Rong, Y. Li, C. Li, Z. Zheng, Preparation of nitrogen-doped cotton stalk microporous
activated carbon fiber electrodes with different surface area from
hexamethylenetetramine-modified cotton stalk for electrochemical degradation of methylene blue,
Results in Physics, 7 (2017)
656-664.JCR2 区, 1.259
28.K.Q. Li*, J. Li, M.Z. Lu, H. Li, X.H. Wang, Preparation and amino modification of mesoporous
carbon from bagasse via microwave activation and ethylenediamine polymerization for Pb(II)
adsorption, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (2016) 24004-24018.JCR2 区, 1.643
29.K.Q. Li*, Y. Jiang, X.H. Wang, D. Bai, H. Li, Z. Zheng, Effect of nitric acid modification on
the lead(II) adsorption of mesoporous biochars with different mesopore size distributions, Clean
Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18 (2016) 797-805.JCR2 区, 2.374
30.K.Q. Li*, J.F. Cao, H. Li, J.M. Liu, M.Z. Lu, D.Y. Tang, Nitrogen functionalized hierarchical
microporous/mesoporous carbon with a high surface area and controllable nitrogen content for
enhanced lead(II) adsorption, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 92186-92196.JCR2 区, 3.485
31.Ma HW,Li KQ*, Chai QF. Chemical modification of bagasse-based mesoporous carbons for
chromium(III) ion adsorption. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials
2017;15:S52-S61.JCR4区, 1.363
32.Li B. Y.;Li K. Q*., Effect of nitric acid pre-oxidation concentration on pore structure and
nitrogen/oxygen active decoration sites of ethylenediamine -modified biochar for mercury(II)
adsorption and the possible mechanism. Chemosphere 2019, 220, 28-39.JCR1 区, 4.551 TOP20%
33.Li K. Q*.; Wan Z. Q.; Liu J. M.; Guliyeva G.,
Bayberry-Kernel-Derived Wormlike Micro/Mesoporous Carbon Decorated with Human Blood Vessel-Like
Structures and Active Nitrogen Sites as Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Sensors for Efficient
Lead-Ion Detection. Acs Omega 2019, 4 (1), 1191-1200.
34.Li K. Q*.; Wan Z. Q., Preparation of Biomass-based Mesoporous Carbon with Higher
Nitrogen-/Oxygen-chelating Adsorption for Cu(II) Through Microwave Pre-Pyrolysis. Jove-Journal of
Visualized Experiments 2019, (144).JCR2 区, 1.677
35.Li X. H.;Li K. Q.; Li H.; El-Mashad H.; Jenkins B. M.; Yin W. Q., White Poplar Microwave
Pyrolysis: Heating Rate and Optimization of Biochar Yield. Bioresources 2018, 13 (1),
1107-1121.JCR2 区, 1.526 36.Li J.; Li X. B.;Li K. Q.; Tao T., Plasmas ozone inactivation of
Legionella in deionized water and wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018, 25
(10), 9697-9707.JCR2 区,2.989 37.Wang X. H.;Li K. Q.; Li H.; Bai D.; Liu J. R., Research on China's
rural household energy consumption - Household investigation of
Reward & honor
typical counties in 8 economic zones. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017, 68, 28-32.JCR1
区, 9.122 TOP10%
38.Li X. H.;Li K. Q.; Geng C. L.; El Mashad H.; Li H.; Yin W. Q., An economic analysis of rice
straw microwave pyrolysis for hydrogen-rich fuel gas. Rsc Advances 2017, 7 (84), 53396-53400.JCR2
区, 3.257 39.Li J.;Li K. Q.; Zhou Y.; Li X. B.; Tao T., Kinetic analysis of Legionella inactivation
using ozone in wastewater. Chemosphere 2017, 168, 630-637.JCR1 区, 4.551 TOP20%
40.Lu M. Z.; Xiong Y. J.;Li K. Q.; Liu L. S.; Yan L.; Ding Y. Q.; Lin X. Z.; Yang X. J.; Shen M.
X., An automatic splitting method for the adhesive piglets' gray scale image based on the ellipse
shape feature. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2016, 120, 53-62.JCR2 区, 2.365 TOP20%
1.Nanjing Agricultural University Young Teacher Award 2012-2016 2.Most Beautiful Teacher of Nanjing
Agricultural University, 2019. 3.Excellent Communist Party Member of Nanjing Agricultural
University, 2018.
4.Outstanding reviewer of Chemosphere, 2018. 5.Nanjing University Excellent graduate 2009
6.Teaching achievement second award of Jiangsu Province 2009