



姓名 江亿平 性别 男 职称 副教授职务 办公地点 办公电话
E-mail ypjiang@njau.edu.cn

导师类型 硕导(管理科学与工程) 硕导(物流工程与管理) 硕导(MEM)




[1]Identification of tomato maturity based on multinomial logistic regression wit
h kernel clustering by integrating color moments and physicochemical indices. Jou rnal of Food
Process Engineering, 2020. ( joint work with Bei Bian, Xiaochan Wan
g, Sifan Chen, Yuhua Li, Ye Sun)
[2]Integrated multi-item packaging and vehicle routing with split delivery proble m for fresh
agri-product emergency supply at large-scale epidemic disease contex
t. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2020. ( joint work with Bei Bia n, Yang Liu)
[3]Integrated harvest and farm-to-door distribution scheduling with postharvest q uality
deterioration for vegetable online retailing. Agronomy, 2019. ( joint work wit

h Bei Bian, Lingling Li)
[4]Emergency logistics in a large-scale disaster context: achievements and challen ges. Inter J Env
Res Pub Heal, 2019. ( joint work with Yufei Yuan)
[5]Replacement service decisions for disruption recovery in light rail systems. Man agement of
Environmental Quality, 2019. ( joint work with Yan Fang)
[6]Active control on path following and lateral stability for truck-trailer combinatio ns. Arabian
Journal for Science and Engineering, 2019. ( joint work with Xiaomei X u, Lei Zhang, Ning Chen)
[7]Integrated harvest and distribution scheduling with time windows of perishabl e agri-products in
one-belt and one-road context. Sustainability, 2018. ( joint wor k with Liangqi Chen, Yan Fang)
[8]Integrated optimization on assortment packing and collaborative shipping for f ashion clothing.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2018. ( joint work with Q ianying Wang, Yang Liu)
[9]Emergency rescue vehicle dispatch planning using a hybrid algorithm. Internati onal Journal of
Information Technology & Decision Making, 2018. ( joint work wit h Jie Cao, He Han, Yajing Wang)
[10]Bundle pricing decisions for fresh products with quality deterioration. Journa l of Food
Quality, 2018. ( joint work with Yan Fang, Xingxing Han)
[11]Multi-Objective optimal design of sandwich panels using genetic algorithm. En gineering
Optimization, 2017. ( joint work with Xiaomei Xu, Heow-Pueh Lee) [12]Dynamic behavior of a vehicle
with rear axle compliance steering. Journal of Vi

broengineering, 2017. ( joint work with Xiaomei Xu, Ning Chen, Heow-Pueh Lee) [13]A two-stage
resource allocation model for lifeline systems quick response wit h vulnerability analysis.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2016. ( joint wor k with Chong Zhang, Xiao Liu, Bo Fan,
X. Song)
[14]Sound insulation performance optimization of lightweight sandwich panels. Jo urnal of
Vibroengineering, 2016. ( joint work with Xiaomei Xu, Heow-Pueh Lee, Nin g Chen)
[15]The effect of loss-averse behaviour on capacity portfolio planning for power s ystems.
International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 2015. ( joint work with Xin g Bao)
[16]Modeling multiple humanitarian objectives in emergency response to large-sc ale disasters.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Revie w, 2015. ( joint work with Kai
Huang, Yufei Yuan, Lindu Zhao)
[17]A decomposable self-adaptive projection-based prediction-correction algorith m for convex time
space network flow problem. Applied Mathematics and Compu tation, 2014. ( joint work with Xiaoling
Fu, Kai Huang, Lindu Zhao)
[18]Solving dynamic emergency distribution scheduling problems in practice. Intel ligent Decision
Technologies, 2013. ( joint work with Lindu Zhao)
[19]An integrated time-space network flow model for large-scale disaster respons e management. ICIC
Express Letters Part B: Applications, 2012. ( joint work with Lin du Zhao)


[2]教育部人文社科项目,农业供给侧改革下生鲜农产品 B2C 直销的采摘与配送联合优化研究,2017/07~2020/06,主持人
[3]江苏省自然科学基金项目,大型网上超市订单分配与物流配送的时空网络优化方法,20 16/07~2019/06,主持人

?东南大学/加拿大 McMaster 大学,系统工程(中国)/信息系统(加拿大)专业,联合培养博士


?新加坡国立大学,Research Fellow
?加拿大 McMaster 大学,Post-Doctoral Fellow

?《Optimization Theory & Methods》,面向硕博研究生与留学生,春学期

[1]国家自然科学基金同行评议人 [2]教育部学位论文通讯评议专家
[3]中国农业工程学会农业系统工程专委会常务理事 [4]中国系统工程学会物流系统工程专委会委员

[9]担任 European Journal of Operational Research; Transportation Research Par t E: Logistics and
Transportation Review; Applied Mathematics and Computatio
n; Computers & Industrial Engineering; Journal of Cleaner

?2017~2019 学年南京农业大学工学院优秀教师,2019.

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