姓 名 李玉花 性 别 女
学 位 博士 职 称 讲师
部 门
南京浦口区点将台路 40 号
2009.09–2015.09 西安交通大学 信息与通信工程系 硕博
2015.10–至今 南京农业大学 讲师病害检测,模式识别,图像处理
学术成果 (论文、专 利、软著等)
通信原理,电力系统继电保护,EDA 技术,信号处理专题
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,编号 61701242,主持
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目,编号 KJQN201844,主持
3. 南京农业大学工学院科研启动经费项目,主持
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目-车载式温室作物表型测量系统研究,编号 KYGX201703,参与
1. Yuhua Li, Chun Qi. Face recognition using position-dictionaries and region covariance
feature, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 8(6) pp. 1139-1147.
2. Yuhua Li, Chun Qi, A super-resolution method for face images using position- dictionary
pairs, Jounal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2012, 46(6): 7-11.
3. Yuhua Li, Chun Qi, Face recognition using hog feature and group sparse coding,
in: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013.
4. Yuhua Li, Chun Qi. Position constraint based face image super-resolution by learning
multiple local linear projections, Signal Processing-Image Communication, 2015, 32:
5. Yuhua Li, Face Recognition based on Discriminative Group Structured Dictionary,
6. Li, Y.; Wang, F.; Sun, Y.; Wang, Y. Graph Constraint and Collaborative
Representation Classifier Steered Discriminative Projection with Applications for the Early
Identification of Cucumber Diseases. Sensors 2020, 20, 1217.
7. Li, Y.; Luo Z.; Wang, F.; Wang, Y. Hyperspectral leaf image based cucumber disease
recognition using the extended collaborative representation model. Sensors 2020, 20(14), 4045.
8. Ye Sun, Yuhua Li, Leiqing Pan, Adnan Abbas, Yiping Jiang, Xiaochan Wang, Authentication of
the geographic origin of ‘Yangshan’ peach based on hyperspectral imaging and HPLC.
Postharvest Biology and Technology, Volume 171, 2021,111320 (共同一作).
9. J. Yang, C. Qi, Y. Li and J. Li, Face recognition using extended generalized
Rayleigh quotient, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Hong Kong,
2017, pp. 187-192.
10. Sun G X,Wang X C*,Ding Y Q,Li Y H,Zhang B H,Li Y B,Zhang Y.Image compression algorithm of
floral canopy based on mask hybrid coding for ROI[J].Int J Agric & Biol
11. Shihan Mao, Yuhua Li, You Ma, Baohua Zhang, Jun Zhou, Kai Wang, Automatic
cucumber recognition algorithm for harvesting robots in the natural environment using
deep learning and multi-feature fusion, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume
12. Wei Zheng, Yuhao Bai, Hui Luo, Yuhua Li, Xi Yang, Baohua Zhang, Self- adaptive
models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by
using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Volume
13. Yiping Jiang, Bei Bian, Xiaochan Wang, Sifan Chen, Yuhua Li, Ye Sun.
Identification of tomato maturity based on multinomial logistic regression with kernel clustering
by integrating color moments and physicochemical indices, Food Process Eng. 2020; 43:e13504.
14. 王迎旭; 孙晔; 李玉花; 孙国祥; 汪小旵. 基于叶绿素荧光成像的温室黄瓜植株病害分类与病情监测. 南京农业大学学报,2020,43(4):770-780.