李向飞 详细介绍
性别 男
职称 副教授
最高学历 博士
毕业院校 南京农业大学
专业领域 水产动物营养与饲料科学
联系方式 xfli@njau.edu.cn
研究方向 水产动物代谢调控、功能性饲料添加剂研发
及任职情况 担任EBioMedicine、British Journal of Nutrition、Life Sciences、Aquaculture、Genome、Fish & Shellfish Immunology、Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B、Frontiers in Physiology、Aquaculture Nutrition、Molecular Biology Reports、Fish Physiology and Biochemistry、Journal of Thermal Biology、Aquaculture Research、Animals、Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition、Scientific Reports、PLoS One, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society、Journal of Ocean University of China等期刊审稿人。
承担项目 1、国家自然科学基金面上项目--“转录辅激活因子PGC1β介导的高糖诱导团头鲂线粒体功能损伤机制研究”,项目编号:**;2、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目--“RNA结合蛋白QKI调控团头鲂糖异生作用的分子机制研究”,项目编号: **; 3、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目--“高糖胁迫下团头鲂AMPK通路磷酸化水平分析及二甲双胍对其的调控研究”,项目编号:BK**;4、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目--“RNA结合蛋白QKI介导的团头鲂胰岛素敏感性调控机制研究”,项目编号:KYZ201645;5、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目--“RNA结合蛋白QKI调控团头鲂糖异生作用的分子机制研究”,项目编号: KJQN201708。
奖励及荣誉 1、2016年,江苏省科学技术奖二等奖,获奖项目名称:绿色水产营养调控技术体系构建及其在淡水鱼虾中的应用,排名第十;2、2017年,神农中华农业科技奖三等奖,获奖项目名称:异育银鲫绿色功能性饲料研发与推广,排名第八;3、2018年,中国水产科学研究院科技进步奖一等奖,获奖成果名称:团头鲂养殖全过程营养需要和健康高效饲料研发与示范推广,排名第八。
1. ZhangLi, Liu Wen-Bin, Paul B. Brown, Xu Chao, Shi Hua-Juan, Zheng Xiao-Chuan, ZhangLing, Huang Yang-Yang, He Chang, LiXiang-Fei*. Utilization ofraw and gelatinized starch by blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala asevidenced by the glycolipid metabolism, glucose tolerance and mitochondrialfunction [J].Aquaculture, 2020, 529: 735603.
2. ShiHua-Juan, Liu Wen-Bin, Xu Chao, Zhang Li, Liu Jie, Zhang Ding-Dong, Zhang Ling, Li Xiang-Fei*. Transcriptionalregulation of the AMP-activated protein kinase and glycolipidmetabolism-related genes by insulin and glucagon in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala): a comparativestudy [J].Aquaculture, 2020, 515: 734553.
3. XuChao, Zhong Xiao-Qun, Li Xiang-Fei*, Shi Hua-Juan, Liu Wen-Bin. Regulation of growth,intestinal microflora composition and expression of immune-related genes bydietary supplementation of Streptococcusfaecalis in blunt snout bream (Megalobramaamblycephala) [J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2020, 105: 195-202.
4. XuChao, Liu Wen-Bin, Wang Bing-Ke, Li Xiang-Fei*. Restricted feedingbenefits the growth performance and glucose homeostasis of blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala fedhigh-carbohydrate diets [J]. Aquaculture Reports, 2020, 18: 100513.
5. Li Xiang-Fei, Wang Bing-Ke, Xu Chao, Shi Hua-Juan, Zhang Li, Liu Jia-Dai, TianHong-Yan, Liu Wen-Bin. Regulation of mitochondrial biosynthesis and function bydietary carbohydrate levels and lipid sources in juvenile blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala [J].Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 2019, 227: 14-24.
6. AbasubongKenneth Prudence, Liu Wen-Bin, Adjoumani Yao Jean-Jacques, Xia Si-Lei, Xu Chao, Li Xiang-Fei*. Xylooligosaccharidesbenefits the growth, digestive functions and TOR signaling in Megalobrama amblycephala fed diets withfish meal replaced by rice protein concentrate [J].Aquaculture, 2019,500: 417-428.
7. JiangGuang-Zhen, Shi Hua-Juan, Xu Chao, Zhang Ding-Dong, Liu Wen-Bin, Li Xiang-Fei*. Glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase in blunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala: molecular characterization, tissue distribution and theresponsiveness to dietary carbohydrate levels [J]. Fish Physiology andBiochemistry, 2019, 45: 401-415.
8. ZhongXiao-Qun, Liu Ming-Yang, Xu Chao, Liu Wen-Bin, Abasubong Kenneth Prudence, Li Xiang-Fei*. Dietary supplementation of Streptococcus faecalis benefits thefeed utilization, antioxidant capability, innate immunity and diseaseresistance of blunt snout bream (Megalobramaamblycephala) [J]. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 45:643-656.
9. XuChao, Liu Wen-Bin, Rem? Sofie Charlotte, Wang Bing-Ke, Shi Hua-Juan, Zhang Li,Liu Jia-Dai, Li Xiang-Fei*. Feedingrestriction alleviates high carbohydrate diet-induced oxidative stress andinflammation of Megalobrama amblycephala by activating the AMPK-SIRT1 pathway [J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology,2019, 92: 637-648.
10. XuChao, Liu Wen-Bin, Zhang Ding-Dong, Cao Xiu-Fei, Shi Hua-Juan, Li Xiang-Fei*.Interactions between dietary carbohydrate and metformin: Implications on energysensing, insulin signaling pathway, glycolipid metabolism and glucose tolerancein blunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala [J]. Aquaculture, 2018, 483: 183-195.
11. CaiWan-Cun, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Li Xiang-Fei*,Sun Cun-Xin, Mi Hai-Feng, Liu Shuang-Qing, LiuWen-Bin*. Effects of complete fish meal replacement by rice proteinconcentrate with or without lysine supplement on growth performance, muscledevelopment and flesh quality of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) [J].AquacultureNutrition, 2018,24: 481-491.
12. ShiHua-Juan, Liu Wen-Bin, Xu Chao, Zhang Ding-Dong, Wang Bing-Ke, Zhang Li, Li Xiang-Fei*.Molecular characterization of the RNA-binding protein quaking-a in Megalobrama amblycephala: response to high-carbohydratefeeding and glucose/insulin/glucagon treatment [J]. Frontiers in Physiology,2018, 9: 434. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00434.
13. AbasubongKenneth Prudence, Liu Wen-Bin, Zhang Ding-Dong, Yuan Xiang-Yang, Xia Si-Lei, XuChao, Li Xiang-Fei*. Fishmeal replacement by rice protein concentrate withxylooligosaccharides supplement benefits the growth performance, antioxidantcapability and immune responses against Aeromonashydrophila in blunt snout bream (Megalobramaamblycephala) [J].Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2018, 78: 177-186.
14. CaiWan-Cun, Liu Wen-Bin, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Wang Kai-Zhou, Sun Cun-Xin, Li Xiang-Fei.Lysine supplement benefits the growth performance, protein synthesis and muscledevelopment of Megalobrama amblycephala fed diets with fish meal replaced by rice protein concentrate [J]. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 44(4):1159-1174.
15. XuChao, Liu Wen-Bin, Zhang Ding-Dong, Shi Hua-Juan, Zhang Li, Li Xiang-Fei*. Benfotiamine, alipid-soluble analogue of vitamin B1, improves the mitochondrialbiogenesis and function of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) fed high-carbohydrate diets by promotingthe AMPK/PGC-1β/NRF-1 axis [J]. Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, 9: 1079. doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.01079.
16. ShiHua-Juan, Xu Chao, Liu Ming-Yang, Wang Bing-Ke, Liu Wen-Bin, Chen Dan-Hong,Zhang Li, Xu Chen-Yuan, Li Xiang-Fei*.Resveratrol improves the energy sensing and glycolipid metabolism of blunt snoutbream Megalobrama amblycephala fed high-carbohydratediets by activating the AMPK–SIRT1–PGC-1α network [J]. Frontiers in Physiology,2018, 9: 1258. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01258.
17. Li Xiang-Fei, Xu Chao, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Zhang Ding-Dong, Liu Wen-Bin. Molecularcharacterization of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1b in blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala and thetranscriptional response to glucose loading after the adaptation tohigh-carbohydrate diets [J].Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 43: 1337-1349.
18. Li Xiang-Fei,Wang Tian-Jiao, Qian Yu, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Zhang Ding-Dong, Liu Wen-Bin.Dietary niacin requirement of juvenile blunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala based on a dose-response study [J]. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2017, 23: 1410-1417.
19. Xu Chao, LiuWen-Bin, Dai Yong-Jun, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Wang Bing-Ke, Li Xiang-Fei*. Long-term administration of benfotiamine benefitsthe glucose homeostasis of juvenile blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala fed a high-carbohydrate diet [J].Aquaculture, 2017, 470: 74-83.
20. XuChao, Liu Wen-Bin, Zhang Ding-Dong, Wang Kai-Zhou, Xia Si-Lei, Li Xiang-Fei*. Molecularcharacterization of AMP-activated protein kinase α2 from herbivorous fish Megalobrama amblycephala andresponsiveness to glucose loading and dietary carbohydrate levels [J].Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 2017, 208: 24-34.
21. WangBing-Ke, Liu Wen-Bin, Xu Chao, Cao Xiu-Fei, Zhong Xiao-Qun, Shi Hua-Juan, Li Xiang-Fei*.Dietary carbohydrate levels and lipid sources modulate the growth performance,fatty acid profiles and intermediary metabolism of blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala in aninteractive pattern [J]. Aquaculture, 2017, 481: 140-153.
22. Li Xiang-Fei, Xu Chao,Zhang Ding-Dong, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Liu Wen-Bin. Molecular characterization andexpression analysis of glucokinase from herbivorous fish Megalobrama amblycephala subjected to a glucose load after theadaption to dietary carbohydrate levels [J]. Aquaculture, 2016, 459:89-98.
23. Li Xiang-Fei, Xu Chao,Tian Hong-Yan, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Zhang Ding-Dong, Liu Wen-Bin. Feeding ratesaffect stress and non-specific immune responses of juvenileblunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala subjected to hypoxia [J]. Fish & ShellfishImmunology, 2016, 49(2): 298-305.
24. Li Xiang-Fei, Wang Fei,Qian Yu, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Zhang Ding-Dong, Liu Wen-Bin. Dietary vitamin B12 requirement of fingerling blunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala determined by growth performance, digestive and absorptivecapability and status of the GH-IGF-I axis [J]. Aquaculture, 2016, 464: 647-653.
25. Li Xiang-Fei, LuKang-Le, Liu Wen-Bin, Jiang Guan-Zhen, Xu Wei-Na. Effects of dietary lipid andcarbohydrate and their interaction on growth performance and body compositionof juvenile blunt snout bream, Megalobramaamblycephala. The IsraeliJournal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 2014, IJA_66, 931
26. Li Xiang-Fei, TianHong-Yan, Zhang Ding-Dong, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Liu Wen-Bin. Feeding frequencyaffects stress, innate immunity and disease resistance of juvenile blunt snoutbream Megalobrama amblycephala. Fish& Shellfish Immunology, 2014, 38(1): 80-87.
27. Li Xiang-Fei, Wang Ying,Liu Wen-Bin, Jiang Guang-Zhen, Zhu Jie. Effects of dietary carbohydrate/lipidratios on growth performance, body composition and glucose metabolism offingerling blunt snout bream Megalobramaamblycephala. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2013, 19(5): 701-708.
28. Li Xiang-Fei, JiangGuan-Zhen, Qian Yu, Xu Wei-Na, Liu Wen-Bin. Molecular characterization oflipoprotein lipase from blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala and theregulation of its activities and expression by dietary lipid levels.Aquaculture, 2013, 416-417: 23-32.
29. Li Xiang-Fei, JiangYang-Yang, Liu Wen-Bin, Ge Xian-Ping. Protein-sparing effect of dietary lipidin practical diets for blunt snout bream (Megalobramaamblycephala) fingerlings: effects on digestive and metabolic responses.Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2012, 38(2): 529-541.
30. Li Xiang-Fei, Liu Wen-Bin,Lu Kang-Le, Xu Wei-Na, Wang Ying. Dietary carbohydrate/lipid ratios affectstress, oxidative status and non-specific immune responses of fingerling bluntsnout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2012, 33(2): 316-323.
31. Li Xiang-Fei, LiuWen-Bin, Jiang Yang-Yang, Zhu Hao, GeXian-Ping. Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels in practical diets ongrowth performance and body composition of blunt snout bream (Megalobramaamblycephala) fingerlings. Aquaculture, 2010, 303(1): 65-70.
1、李向飞,刘文斌,王冰柯,蒋广震,张定东.一种渔用糖代谢调控物及其制备方法与应用[P]. 中国专利,2018年9月,专利号:ZL0.2;
2、李向飞,刘文斌,徐超,蒋广震,张定东.一种改善鱼体糖类耐受性的调控组合物及其制备方法[P]. 中国专利,2019年1月,专利号:ZL8.6;
3、李向飞,徐超,刘文斌,张定东,蒋广震. 一种高效水产糖代谢调控组合物及其制备方法与应用[P]. 中国专利,2018年11月,申请号:4.1;
4、 刘文斌,李向飞,徐维娜,蒋广震. 一种蛋白节约型团头鲂幼鱼配合饲料及其制备方法[P]. 中国专利,2013年10月,专利号:ZL6.4;
5、刘文斌,徐维娜,蒋广震,李向飞. 一种团头鲂免疫增强型饲料及其生产方法[P]. 中国专利,2013年5月,专利号:ZL4.7。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27
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