崔中利,生命科学学院微生物学系教授,博士生导师,农业农村部农业环境微生物重点实验室主任。江苏省 “333高层次人才培养工程”首批中青年科学技术带头人,“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才资助计划”项目,江苏省****基金获得者(2012),国家科技进步二等奖获得者(第二获奖人),钟山****计划首席教授(2019)。同时担任南京市政协委员,江苏省微生物学会副理事长,中国微生物学会理事,中国土壤学会理事,中国微生物学会环境微生物专业委员会副主任,中国微生物学会基础微生物专业委员会委员,中国土壤学会生物与生物化学专业委员会副主任,中国生物工程学会工业与环境生物技术专业委员会委员。担任《土壤学报》、《Frontier in Microbiology》、《Journal of Applied Microbiology》和《南京农业大学学报》等学术期刊编委。
主要从事微生物技术在农产品安全生产中的应用方面的研究。作为主要贡献人参与了农药残留微生物降解技术的研发,建立了国内最大的农药残留降解微生物菌种资源库,提出了农药残留微生物降解田间应用标准,并在水稻、蔬菜和茶叶等农作物上进行了大规模的试验示范,项目获得2005年度国家科技进步二等奖。近年来开展了新型糖苷水解酶资源开发、粘细菌生防资源评价及其在植物病害防治方面的研究和应用等工作。先后主持完成国家“863”计划项目、国家自然科学基金以及省级科研项目等多项。2005-2007年在日本京都大学进行了蛋白质晶体结构解析方面的研究工作,熟悉蛋白质晶体培养、X-衍射数据分析析,解析了海藻糖降解途径中的鼠李糖苷酶的结构。相关科研成果在ISME J, Microbiome, PNAS, ApplEnvironMicrobiol等杂志上发表SCI论文50余篇。
主要研究经历(Academic experiences)
2005/10-2007/02,日本国京都大学,农学部,博士后,合作导师,Kousaku Murata
2003/05-2005/08,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,博士后,合作导师,赵其国 院士
主要研究方向(Research Interests)
1. 土传病害真菌防治; Biocontrol of plant disease by predatory microbes
2. 酶资源与蛋白质工程; Enzyme resources and protein engineering
3.生物降解与生物转化; Biodegradation and Bioconversion
Biocontrol of plant disease by predatory microbes (Myxobacteria)
Myxobacteria are a group of special gram-negative bacteria, which can move on solid surface withot flagellum. Myxobacteria are ubiquitous Gram-negative soil-residing bacteria with a complex developmental cycle. Thay can be classified into proteolytic, cellulolytic and chitinnolytic habits according to the organic matter that they feed on. The proteolytic habit of myxobacteria is associated with predation of a broad range of soli bacteria and fungi, which has long been observed. However, the involvedmechanismsare poorly understood. In our lab, Corallococcussp. strainEGB can prey on various pathogenic fungi and efficiently control fungal diseases with a novel outer membraneβ-1,6-glucanase (ISME J, 2019; Biological Control, 2018&2017). Otherwise,Corallococcus sp. strain EGB controlled cucumber Fusarium wilt by migrating to the plant root and regulating the soil microbial community, which has the potential to be developed as a novel biological control agent of soil-borne Fusarium wilt (Microbiome, 2020, Food Microbiology, 2020).
Enzymes involved in the bioconversion
Enzymes are important catalyst in biotransformation of important chemical intermediates in pharmaceutical, brewery, biofuel, and fine chemicals industry. These enzymes with high catalytic ability or special substrate affinity are important resources. We are seeking to screen enzymes involved in biodegradation for potential application in biotransformation of valuable products. Otherwise, our lab also preformed the identifivation of novel glycosidase, which is involved in the bioconversion of glucan and pectin and biocontrol of fungal disease with fungal cell wall as the targte. The novel cellulase (Appl Microbiol Biotech,2012), maltohexaose foraming amylase (Appl Environ Microbiol, 2015), β-1,3-glucan (Appl Environ Microbiol, 2017), maltogenic amylase (Appl Environ Microbiol, 2018), β-1,6-glucan (ISME, 2019) and chitinase (Int J Biol Macromol, 2019) have been characterised.
Enzymes involved in organic pollutants degradation are of special interest to protein crystallographer. These enzymes are different from enzymes involved in the common life process. They are evolved for the metabolism of special chemicals, especially artificially synthesized compounds (Appl Environ Microbiol, 2017&2108). We focus on the solving of the 3-D structure of enzymes involved in biodegradation. We have solved the structure of a novel 1, 2, 4-trihydroxybenezen dioxygenase, carboxypeptidase and maltogenic amylase. Crystals of p-nitrophenol 4-monooxygenase and a novel CMC-cellulase diffracting to high resolution were screened, which could diffract to 1.9? (BBRC, 2018&2019). Structures could give hints of the catalytic mechanisms of these enzymes and also lay the foundation for rational design of high effective enzymes for bioconversion.
Microbial degradation of environmental pollutants
Microorganisms play important roles in the removal of organic pollutants in the environment. Degradative bacteria are the keys factor in the efficient bioremediation of organic pollutants. We focus on the development of microbiological techniques for bioremediation of chemical pesticides pollution and clarifying the microbial mechanisms during the degradation. A large number of strains that could degrade pesticides and herbicides have been isolated in our laboratory. Most of these strains could completely mineralize the target chemicals (Appl Environ Microbiol, 2017&2108; FEMS Microbiol Lett, 2011). For example, Pseudomonas putida DLL-1 was able to utilize parathion and methyl parathion as sole carbon sources. Genes involved in degradation of methyl parathion was cloned from strain DLL-1. Methyl parathion hydrolase Mph was a novel phosphotriesterase reported by our lab (Appl Environ Microbiol, 2001&2005). It was completely different from Oph from Flavobacterium sp. ATCC27551. Strains with high capacity towards hexachlorohexane, atrazine, 3, 5, 6-Trichloro-2-pyridinol and acetochlor were isolated (Appl Microbiol Biotech,2013; Int Biodeter Biodegr, 2015, FEMS J, 2016). Field experiments showed that degradative strains can effectively remove pesticides residues in soils.
教育部技术发明奖,土壤农药污染微生物修复技术的研究与应用,二等,2007,第二获奖人 (李顺鹏,崔中利,何健,洪青,蒋建东,管晓进).
课题组近五年项目资助(Cui LabFundings)
代表性论文(Representative publications, Corresponding author*)
Xianfeng Ye#, Zhoukun Li#, Xue Luo, Wenhui Wang, Yongkai Li, Rui Li, Bo Zhang, Yan Qiao, Jie Zhou, Jiaqin Fan, Hui Wang, Yan Huang, Hui Cao, Zhongli Cui*, and Ruifu Zhang*, A predatory myxobacterium controls cucumber Fusarium wilt by regulating the soil microbial community. Microbiome, 2020,
Zhoukun Li #, Xianfeng Ye #, Muxing Liu, Chengyao Xia, Lei Zhang, Xue Luo, Ting Wang, Yue Chen, Yuqiang Zhao, Yan Qiao, Yan Huang, Hui Cao, Xiangyang Gu, Jiaqin Fan, Zhongli Cui *, Zhengguang Zhang *, A novel outer membrane β-1,6-glucanase is deployed in the predation of fungi by myxobacteria. ISME Journal, 2019, 13(9), 2223-2235.
Muxin Liu, ...... Zhongli Cui, GuoLiang Wang, Ping Wang, Zhou B, Zhengguang Zhang*.Phosphorylation-guarded light-harvesting complex II contributes to broad-spectrum blast resistance in rice. PNAS. 2019; 116(35):17572-17577.
Xianfeng Ye, Yang Chen, Shiyun Ma, Tian Yuan, Yaxuan Wu, Yingxuan Li, Yuqiang Zhao,Shuying Chen, Yiwen Zhang, Liuyan Li, Zhoukun Li, Yan Huang,Hui Cao*, Zhongli Cui*. Biocidal effects of volatile organic compounds produced by the myxobacterium Corallococcus sp. EGB against fungal phytopathogens. Food Microbiol, 2020.
Wenhui Wang , Xue Luo , Xianfeng Ye , Yang Chen , Hui Wang*, Lei Wang , Yunbin Wang , Yunya Yang , Zhoukun Li , Hui Cao,Zhongli Cui *. Predatory Myxococcales are widely distributed in and closely correlated with the bacterial community structure of agricultural land.Applied Soil Ecology, 2020,146, 103365.
Jie Zhou, Zhoukun Li, Han Zhang, Jiale Wu, Xianfeng Ye, Weiliang Dong, Min Jiang, Yan Huang,Zhongli Cui*, A Novel Maltogenic Amylase CoMA fromCorallococcussp. EGB Catalyzes the Conversion of Maltooligosaccharidesand Soluble Starch to Maltose.Appl Environ Microbiol, 2018.
Zhoukun Li, Xianfeng Ye, Peilin Chen, Kai Ji, Jie Zhou, Fei Wang, Weiliang Dong, Yan Huang, Zhengguang Zhang,Zhongli Cui*, Antifungal potential ofCorallococcussp. strain EGB against plant pathogenic fungi,Biol Control, 2017, 110: 10-17.
Jie Zhou#, Zhoukun Li#, Jiale Wu, Lifeng Li, Ding Li, Xianfeng Ye, Xue Luo, Yan Huang,Zhongli Cui*, Hui Cao*, Functional analysis of a novel β-(1,3)-glucanase fromCorallococcussp. EGB containing a fascin-like module,Appl Environ Microbiol, 2017, 83(16): e01016-17.
Weiliang Dong#, Fei Wang#, Fei Huang#, Yicheng Wang, Jie Zhou, Xianfeng Ye, Zhoukun Li, Yin Hou, Yan Huang, Jiangfeng Ma, Ming Jiang,Zhongli Cui*. Metabolic pathway involved in 6-chloro-2-benzoxazolinone degradation byPigmentiphagasp. strain DL-8 and identification of the novel metal-dependent hydrolase CbaA.Appl Environ Microbiol, 2016, 82(14): 4169-4179.
Zhoukun Li, Jiale Wu, Biying Zhang, Fei Wang, Xianfeng Ye, Yan Huang, Qiang Huang,Zhongli Cui*. AmyM, a novel maltohexaose-forming α-amylase fromCorallococcussp. strain EGB.ApplEnvironMicrobiol, 2015, 81(6): 1977-1987.
Fei Wang, Jie Zhou, Zhoukun Li, Weiliang Dong, Ying Hou, Yan Huang,Zhongli Cui*. Involvement of the cytochrome P450 system EthBAD in the N-deethoxymethylation of acetochlor byRhodococcussp. strain T3-1.ApplEnvironMicrobiol, 2015, 81(6): 2182-2188.
Weiliang Dong#, Qiongzhen Chen#, Ying Hou, Shuhuan Li, Kai Zhuang, Fei Huang, Jie Zhou, Zhoukun Li, Jue Wang, Lei Fu, Zhengguang Zhang, Yan Huang, Fei Wang,Zhongli Cui*. Metabolic Pathway Involved in 2-Methyl-6-Ethylaniline Degradation bySphingobiumsp. Strain MEA3-1 and Cloning of the Novel Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase System meaBA.ApplEnvironMicrobiol, 2015, 81(24): 8254-8264.
Fei Wang, Ying Hou, Jie Zhou, Zhoukun Li, Yan Huang,Zhongli Cui*. Purification of an amide hydrolase DamH fromDelftiasp. T3-6 and its gene cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization.Appl Microbiol Biotech, 2014, 98(17): 7491-7499.
Jingquan Li#, Yan Huang#, Ying Hou, Xiangmin Li, Hui Cao,Zhongli Cui*. Novel Gene Clusters and Metabolic Pathway Involved in 3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinol Degradation byRalstoniasp.T6.ApplEnvironMicrobiol, 2013, 79(23):7445-53.
李周坤,叶现丰,杨帆,黄彦,范加勤,王辉,崔中利*, 黏细菌捕食生物学研究进展及其在农业领域的应用潜力,南京农业大学学报,2021,44(2): 208-216.
崔中利,李周坤,黄彦 一种珊瑚球菌及其应用. 申请号:ZL 9.8 (已授权)。
崔中利,李周坤,黄彦 一种α-淀粉酶及其基因、含有该基因的工程菌及其应用,申请号:ZL 8.5 (已授权)。
崔中利,李周坤,张碧莹,叶现丰,黄彦 一种新的β-1,6-葡聚糖酶及其基因和应用. 申请号:ZL 7.9 (已授权)。
崔中利,李周坤,冀凯,黄彦 一种异淀粉酶及其基因、含有该基因的工程菌及其应用,申请号:ZL 1.0 (已授权)。
崔中利,周杰,李周坤,吴家乐,黄彦 一种麦芽糖淀粉酶及其基因、含有该基因的工程菌及其应用,申请号:4.7 (已授权)。
崔中利,李周坤,王婷,罗雪,黄彦 一株捕食植物病原细菌的叶柄粘球菌及其在细菌性病害生物防治中的应用,申请号:8.3(已授权)。
崔中利,李周坤,陈晓培,夏丞垚,黄彦 一种淀粉分支酶及其基因、含有该基因的工程菌及其应用,申请号:1.1。
崔中利,乔燕,叶现丰,李周坤,曹慧 一种利用β-1,6葡聚糖酶联产酵母葡聚糖、甘露糖蛋白和酵母提取物的方法,申请号:3.9。PCT/CN2020/079724.
电话:, E-mail:czl@njau.edu.cn
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27
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个人简介办公室:生科楼C5009实验室:生科楼C5011电话:e-mail:liangyh@njau.edu.cn所受教育及工作经历(Educationandworkingexperience)2008.07--现在南京农业大学生命科学学院微生物系,教授,博士生导师2002.09--2008.07美 ...南京农业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-27南京农业大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蒋建东/教授
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