

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27

教师姓名: 蓝菁
性别: 女
职称: 副教授; 博士生导师
最高学历: 博士
研究方向: 土地经济与政策;资源环境经济与可持续发展
联系方式: E-mail:lanjing@njau.edu.cn;Tel:

主要科研项目: 主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目,社会网络视阈下农地流转供需错配的矫正机制研究,项目批准号:**, 2021.01-2024.12
主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目,环境规制对工业环境表现和环保企业发展的影响研究,项目批准号:**, 2015.01-2017.12
主持:环境保护部生物多样性专项,典型生物遗传资源经济价值评估研究, 2017.06-2017.12
主持:江苏高校哲学社会科学重点项目,农户土地流转行为的社会网络效应研究,项目批准号:2017ZDIXM098, 2017.09-2019.08
主持:环境保护部中国生态系统和生物多样性经济学试点研究课题,公众参与生物遗传资源保护研究, 2016.07-2016.12
主持:南京市留学回国人员科技项目(择优资助项目),农业面源污染控制研究:基于偏好显示的视角, 项目批准号:**, 2017.01-2019.12
主持:中央高校人文社会科学基金项目,环境规制对环保企业发展影响研究:治理需求、市场力量和响应机理,项目批准号:SK**, 2015.01-2016.12
主持:日本文部省科研奖励项目,Pollution Control in China: Human Capital and Environmental Regulation Stringency, 2013.04-2014.03


欧洲环境与资源经济学家学会(EAERE)会员,Environmental and Resource Economics、Environmental and Development Economics、Ecological Economics、World Development、Energy Economics、Forest Policy and Economics、Applied Geography、Research in Transportation Economics、Land Use Policy等国际同行评审期刊审稿人、国家自然科学基金通讯评审人。


Zhen Liu, Qiuming Li, Jing Lan*, Assem Abu Hatab.(2020). Does participation in the sloping land conversion program reduce the sensitivity of Chinese farmers to climate change? Land Use Policy, 99, 105021. (SSCI)

Jinna Yu, Zhen Liu, Tingting Zhang, Assem Abu Hatab, Jing Lan. (2020). Measuring productivity of healthcare services under environmental constraints: evidence from China. BMC Health Services Research, 20(673). (SCI)

Zhang Tingting, Lan Jing, Yu Jinna, Yao Shunbo, Liu Zhen*. (2020). Assessment of Forest Restoration Projects in Different Regions Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis Methods. Journal of Forest Research, 25(1):12-20.(SCI)

Etuah Seth, Ohene-Yankyera Kwasi, Liu Zhen, Mensah James Osei, Lan Jing*. (2020). Determinants of cost inefficiency in poultry production: Evidence from small scale broiler farms in the Ashaniti region of Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52, 1149–1159.(SCI)

Lan Jing, Liu Zhen*. (2019). Social network effect on income structure of SLCP participants: Evidence from Baitoutan Village, China. Forest Policy and Economics, 106, 1-8. (SSCI)

Liu Zhen, Zhang Yujie, Zheng Yuan, Lan Jing*, Gengrui Zhang. (2019). The effect of the Sense of Belonging and Social Identity on the Settlement Intentions of Rural-Urban Migrants:Evidence from China. Ciência Rural, 49(8), 1-13. (SCI)

Hu Pan, Liu Zhen, Lan Jing*. (2019). Equity and Efficiency in Spatial Distribution of Basic Public Health Facilities: A Case Study from Nanjing Metropolitan Area. Urban Policy and Research, 37(2), 243-266.(SSCI)

Shi Xiaoping, Chen Shujie, Ma Xianlei, Lan Jing*. (2018). Heterogeneity in interventions of village committee and farmland circulation: intermediary versus regulatory effects. Land Use Policy, 74, 291-300. (SSCI)

Liu Zhen, Lan Jing*. (2018). The effect of the Sloping Land Conversion Program on farm household productivity in rural China. Journal of Development Studies, 54(6), 1041-1059. (SSCI)

Lan Jing, Munro Alistair, Liu Zhen*. (2017). Environmental regulatory stringency and the market for abatement goods and services in China. Resource and Energy Economics, 50,105-123. (SSCI)

Lan Jing, Yin Runsheng*. (2017). Research trends: Policy impact evaluation: Future contributions from economics. Forest Policy and Economics, 83, 142-145. (SSCI)

Liu Zhen, Lan Jing*. (2015). The Sloping Land Conversion Program in China: Effect on the Livelihood Diversification of Rural Households. World Development, 70, 147-161. (SSCI)

Lan Jing*, Munro Alistair. (2013). Environmental Compliance and Human Capital: Evidence from Chinese Industrial Firms. Resource and Energy Economics, 35(4), 534-557. (SSCI)

Lan Jing*, Kakinaka Makoto, Huang Xianguo. (2012). Foreign Direct Investment, Human Capital and Environmental Pollution in China. Environmental and Resource Economics, 51(2), 255-275. (SSCI)

*corresponding author.

详情请见: https://ideas.repec.org/f/pla746.html


刘雅美,刘立,蓝菁*. 基于选择实验法的大豆种质农户选择偏好研究. 大豆科学(CSCD), 2019, 1: 124-133.
蓝菁,盛君,余奕宁,刘震*. 退耕还林背景下农户收入的社会网络效应分析——以四川南江县白滩村为例. 中国土地科学, 2017, 31(3): 36-43.
蓝菁,夏伟峰,刘立,欧维新*. 基于选择实验法的公众生物资源保护偏好研究. 资源科学, 2017,39(3): 577-584.
吉小燕,刘震,蓝菁,于金娜*. 剥离环境因素和随机因素的退耕户农业生产技术效率分析———基于陕西省吴起县农户调查数据. 农业技术经济, 2016,12: 76-83.
赵爱栋,蓝菁,马贤磊*,许实. 土地价格市场化对中国工业部门要素投入与技术选择的影响. 财经研究,2016,08: 85-96.
陈姝洁,马贤磊,陆凤平,蓝菁,石晓平*.中介组织作用对农户农地流转决策的影响—— 基于经济发达地区的实证研究.中国土地科学,2015,29(11):52-61.


会议论文(Conference Papers)

Aidong Zhao, Jing Lan, Xianlei Ma*, Futian Qu. The Impact of Land Price Marketization on Input and Technology Choices: Evidence from China's Industrial Sector, presented in Pre-IGU 2016 Conference Workshop — Land Use and Rural Sustainability, held in Xi'an, China, August 17-20, 2016.

Shi, X.P., Chen, S.J., Ma,X.L., & Lan, J.* (2017).Heterogeneity in interventions of village committee and farmland circulation: intermediary versus regulatory effects, presented in Pre-IGU 2016 Conference Workshop — Land Use and Rural Sustainability, held in Xi'an, China, August 17-20, 2016.

Lan, J.* & Munro, A. (2013).Development of eco-firms and Industrial Pollution Abatement. CESA-JNU Joint International Conference on Industrial Upgrading and Sustainable Economic Growth in China, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, 2013.12.12-13.

Lan, J.* & Munro, A.(2012). Environmental compliance and Human capital: evidence from China. The 8th Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Warsaw, Poland, 2012.11.01-03.

Lan, J.* (2012). Environmental Compliance and Human Capital: A Case Study in Jiangsu Province. Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, Athens, Greece, 2012.07.23-26


2009.09-2013.09 日本文部省科研奖励
2007.09-2009.06 AEON财团奖学金

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