


南京农业大学 ★ 动物医学院

黄金虎 博士 副研究员 硕士Th导师


地址:逸夫楼 1000-5 电话:025-84396170电子邮件:jhuang@njau.edu.cn

湖南株洲人,副研究员。2006-2011 年,南京农业大学动物医学院动物医学专业就读本科,获学士学位。 2011-2016
持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金面上项目及特别资助项目等项目 9 项,参与国家重点研发计划、政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,国家自然科学基金等 10
余项。发表研究论文 30 余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在 J Antimicrob Chemother、Int J Antimicrob Agents、 Transbound Emerg
Dis、Vet Microbiol 等杂志发表 SCI 论文 10 余篇。
2019-12 至现在,南京农业大学,动物医学院,副研究员
2018-12 至 2019-12,南京农业大学,动物医学院,助理研究员
2017-01 至 2020-08,南京农业大学,动物医学院,师资博士后

2011-09 至 2016-12,南京农业大学,兽医药理与毒理学,博士;导师:王丽平教授
2014-09 至 2016-09,Iowa State University,兽医微生物与预防兽医学,国家公派联合培养博士;合作导师:Dr. Qijing Zhang(张启敬教授)
2006-09 至 2011-06,南京农业大学,动物医学,学士

VET3142 兽药残留分析(本科,选修,动物药学,36 学时) VET3142-1 兽药残留分析(本科,选修,动物医学,36 学时) VET4116
兽医药理学(本科,选修,动物科学,54 学时)
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32072915,ICE 介导猪链球菌 mutT 缺陷型突变子形成及调控细菌发生“突变-ICE 水平转移”转换的机制,2021-01 至
2024-12,58 万元,在研,参加,排名第 2
2. 江苏省科协,青年科技人才托举工程资助培养,2020-09 至 2022-08,3 万元,在研,主持
3. 农业农村部,动物源细菌耐药性监测计划,2020-06 至 2020-12,43.8 万元,已结题,参加
4. 科技部,政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,2018YFE0102200,新型分子模块化快速检测技术在牛源病原菌感染和耐药性诊断中的应用,2019-08 至 2022-07,104.65
万元,在研,参加,排名第 4
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31872517,猪链球菌中 PhO-MLS 类抗菌药耐药基因 optrA- erm(B)的共转移及演化机理研究,2019-01 至
2022-12,59 万元,在研,参加,排名第 2


南京农业大学 ★ 动物医学院

6. 科技部,政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,2017YFE0114400,减少抗菌药物用量的畜禽健康养殖与动物福利综合技术研究与示范,2018-07 至 2022-06,160
万元,在研,参加,排名第 4
7. 科技部,国家重点研发计划课题,2018YFD0500303,畜禽重要病原菌耐药性的产生机制,2018-07至 2020-12,66 万元,在研,参加,排名第 2
8. 中国博士后科学基金会,特别资助项目,2018T110515,猪链球菌耐药基因 optrA 和 vanG 共传播机制研究,2018-07 至 2020-06,15 万元,已结题,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,31702292,HdiR-like 蛋白调控猪链球菌耐药相关 ICEs 水平传播的分子机制,2018-01 至 2020-12,24
10. 江苏省科技厅,省基础研究计划青年项目,BK20170710,猪链球菌 Φm46.1 家族耐药相关前噬菌体感受 DNA 损伤介导其水平转移的分子机制,2017-07 至
2020-06,20 万元,已结题,主持
11. 中国博士后科学基金会,面上项目,2017M611841,猪链球菌 Φm46.1 家族前噬菌体介导的耐药基因传播机制,2017-07 至 2020-06,5 万元,已结题,主持
12. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年基金,KJQN201827,2018-01 至 2020-12,已结题,主持
13. 江苏省博士后基金日常资助,2017-07 至 2019-06,已结题,主持
14. 南京农业大学科研启动经费,2017-01 至 2019-12,已结题,主持
15. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2016YFD0501309,动物常用药物的生物药剂学分类技术及应用研究,
2016-01 至 2020-12,在研,参加
16. 江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生科研创新计划项目,KYLX_0595,已结题,主持


2018,美国微生物学会 ASM Microbe 2018 年会 ASM Student and Postdoctoral Travel Award 2018,南京农业大学校级优秀博士学位论文

1. 猪链球菌耐药相关可移动元件及其转移调控机制研究,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会第一届青年拔尖人才学术论坛,广州,2020.12.11-13(口头报告)
2. 携带 optrA/vanG 的利奈唑胺/万古霉素耐药猪链球菌分析,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会第十五次学术讨论会,兰州,2019.10.13-16(口头报告)
3. 携带 optrA、cfr 和 bcrABDR 的广泛耐药猪链球菌的鉴定及毒力分析,江苏省首届畜牧兽医青年科技论坛,扬州,2019.04.13(口头报告)
4. Identification of six novel capsular polysaccharide loci (NCL) from Streptococcus suis
multidrug resistant non-typeable strains and the pathogenic characteristic of strains
carrying new NCLs. Antimicrobial resistance and one health via whole chain, Beijing, China,
2018.11.10-11. (Poster)
5. Emergence of a vanG-carrying and multidrug resistant ICE in zoonotic pathogen Streptococccus
suis. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6.7-11 (Poster)
6. 前噬菌体介导猪链球菌多重耐药的分子机制,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会第十四次学


南京农业大学 ★ 动物医学院

7. Presence of the novel oxazolidinone/phenicol resistance gene optrA in streptococci
of pig origin. International conference on global food safety and antimicrobial resistance.
Shenzhen, China, 2016.11.13- 16 (Poster)
8. Evolution and diversity of the antimicrobial resistance associated mobilome in
Streptococcus suis: A probable mobile genetic elements reservoir for other streptococci.
ASM Microbe 2016, Boston, USA, 2016.6.16-20 (Poster)
9. 猪链球菌对大环内酯类抗生素的耐药性和 MLST 分型,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会第十二次学术讨论会,郑州,2013.10.15-20(口头报告)
1. 王丽平,张瑜娟,黄金虎. 一种稳定表达鸡 BCRP 转运体的 MDCK 细胞模型及其构建方法与应用。专利申请号:201710475408.8。
2. 王丽平,张瑜娟,黄金虎. 一种稳定共表达鸡源 BCRP 和 P-gp 转运体的 MDCK 细胞模型及其构建方法与应用。专利申请号:201711479521.X。

1. Jinhu Huang, Xingyang Dai, Lin Ge, Muhammad Shafiq, Jan Mohammad Shah, Junjie Sun,Sida Yi,
Liping Wang*. Sequence Duplication Within pmrB Gene Contribute to High-Level Colistin
Resistance in Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli. Microbial Drug Resistance, Microb Drug Resist.
2020, 26(12):1442-1451
2. Fanshu Du, Xi Lv, Duan Duan, Liping Wang*, Jinhu Huang*. Characterization of a
Linezolid- and Vancomycin-Resistant Streptococcus suis Isolate That Harbors optrA and vanG
Operons. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2026. (5Y-IF2018=4.840, Rank 32/133 Microbiology)
3. Jinhu Huang#, Mengli Wang#, Yi Gao, Li Chen, Liping Wang*. Emergence of plasmid-mediated
oxazolidinone resistance gene poxtA from CC17 Enterococcus faecium of pig origin.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2019, 74(9): 2524-2530 (5Y-IF2018=5.068, Rank 22/267
Pharmacology & Pharmacy)
4. Jinhu Huang, Junjie Sun, Yuanchang Wu, Li Chen, Duan Duan, Xi Lv, Liping Wang*.
Identification and pathogenicity of an XDR Streptococcus suis isolate that harbours the
phenicol-oxazolidinone resistance genes optrA and cfr, and the bacitracin resistance locus bcrABDR.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2019, 54(1): 43-48 (5Y-IF2018=4.563, Rank 32/267
Pharmacology & Pharmacy)
5. Jinhu Huang, Xi Liu, Hao Chen, Li Chen, Xueping Gao, Zihao Pan, Jian Wang, Chengping Lu,
Huochun Yao, Liping Wang*, Zongfu Wu*. Identification of six novel capsular polysaccharide loci
(NCL) from Streptococcus suis multidrug resistant non-typeable strains and the pathogenic
characteristic of strains carrying new NCLs. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2019, 66(2):
995-1003 (5Y-IF2018=3.235, Rank 2/141 Veterinary Sciences)
6. Jinhu Huang, Li Chen, Daiwei Li, Mengli Wang, Fanshu Du, Yi Gao, Zuowei Wu, Liping Wang*.
Emergence of a vanG-carrying and multidrug resistant ICE in zoonotic pathogen
Streptococcus suis. Veterinary Microbiology, 2018, 222: 109-113 (5Y-IF2018=2.834, Rank 7/141
Veterinary Sciences)
7. Jinhu Huang, Li Chen, Zuowei Wu, Liping Wang*. Retrospective analysis of genome sequences
revealed the wide dissemination of optrA in Gram-positive bacteria. Journal of Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy, 2017, 72(2): 614-616 (5Y-IF2017=5.173, Rank 19/261 Pharmacology & Pharmacy)
8. Jinhu Huang, Jiale Ma, Kexin Shang, Xiao Hu, Yuan Liang, Daiwei Li, Zuowei Wu, Lei Dai, Li
Chen, Liping Wang*. Evolution and Diversity of the Antimicrobial Resistance Associated Mobilome in
Streptococcus suis: A Probable Mobile Genetic Elements Reservoir for Other Streptococci.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection


南京农业大学 ★ 动物医学院

Microbiology, 2016, 6: 118 (5Y-IF2016=4.918, Rank 25/125 Microbiology)
9. Jinhu Huang, Yuan Liang, Dawei Guo, Kexin Shang, Lin Ge, Jam Kashif, Liping
Wang*. Comparative Genomic Analysis of the ICESa2603 Family ICEs and Spread of erm(B)- and
tet(O)-Carrying Transferable 89K- Subtype ICEs in Swine and Bovine Isolates in China.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7: e00055 (5Y- IF2016=4.526, Rank 26/125 Microbiology)
10. Jinhu Huang, Kexin Shang, Jam Kashif, Liping Wang*. Genetic diversity of Streptococcus suis
isolated from three pig farms of China obtained by acquiring antibiotic resistance genes. Journal
of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015, 95(7): 1454-1460 (5Y-IF2015=2.212, Rank 6/57
Agriculture, Multidisciplinary)
11. Jinhu Huang#, Yingxia Li#, Kexin Shang, Jam Kashif, Xiaolu Qian, Liping Wang*. Efflux Pump,
Methylation and Mutations in the 23S rRNA Genes Contributing to the Development of
Macrolide Resistance in Streptococcus suis Isolated from Infected Human and Swine in China.
Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2014, 34(1): 82-86
12. 黄金虎, 刘民星, 商可心, 王丽平*. 46 株猪链球菌对大环内酯类抗生素的耐药性及 PFGE 分型. 南京农业大学学报. 2013, 36(04): 105-110
1. 李香秀, 王玥, 孙乃岩, 刘洋, 黄金虎, 樊萍, 王丽平*. 六种常用抗寄生虫药在鸡的生物药剂学分类研究. 南京农业大学学报. 2020, 43(05):
2. Zhang Y, Huang J, Li X, Fang C, Wang L*. Identification of Functional Transcriptional
Binding Sites within Chicken Abcg2 Gene Promoter and Screening Its Regulators. Genes, 2020, 11(2):
3. Liu Y, Li X, Zhang Y, Huang J, Wu Y, Wang L*. Considerations for application of
biopharmaceutics classification system in chicken: Exemplified by seven drugs
classification. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2020, 43(2): 179-188
4. Shafiq M, Huang J, Rahman SU, Shah JM, Chen L, Gao Y, Wang M, Wang L*. High
incidence of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli coharboring mcr-1 and bla(CTX)-(M-15)
recovered from pigs. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2019, 12: 2135-2149
5. Zhang, Y.; Guo, L.; Huang, J.; Sun, Y.; He, F.; Zloh, M.; Wang, L*. Inhibitory Effect of
Berberine on Broiler P-glycoprotein Expression and Function: In Situ and In Vitro Studies.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20, 1966.
6. 郭荔, 李香秀, 何方, 刘洋, 张瑜娟, 黄金虎, 王丽平*. 鸡小肠原位单向灌流法和 MDCK 细胞系测
定美托洛尔渗透性的影响因素. 南京农业大学学报, 2019, 42(03): 505-512.
7. 高懿, 黄金虎, 陈丽, 王梦莉, 孙俊杰, 王丽平*. 江苏北部地区猪源屎肠球菌耐药性分析及其酰胺醇类耐药基因的检测. 南京农业大学学报, 2019, 42(02):
8. 刘洋, 郭荔, 何方, 李香秀, 黄金虎, 王丽平*. 槲皮素对鸡 P-糖蛋白转运功能的影响. 畜牧与兽医, 2019, 51(02): 47-51.
9. 杜凡姝, 吕茜, 段锻, 陈丽, 黄金虎, 王丽平*. 江苏苏北地区猪链球菌耐药性调查及万古霉素耐药基因检测. 畜牧与兽医, 2018, 50(12): 32-36.
10. Liu Y, Guo L, Zloh M, Zhang Y, Huang J, Wang L*. Relevance of Breast Cancer Resistance
Protein to Pharmacokinetics of Florfenicol in Chickens: A Perspective from in Vivo and
in Vitro Studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(10): 3165.
11. Zhang Y, Huang J, Liu Y, Guo T, Wang L*. Using the lentiviral vector system to stably express
chicken P- gp and BCRP in MDCK cells for screening the substrates and studying the interplay of
both transporters. Archives of Toxicology, 2018, 92(6): 2027-2042.
12. Guo T, Huang J, Huan C, He F, Zhang Y, Bhutto ZA, Wang L*. Cloning and Transcriptional
Activity Analysis of the Porcine Abcb1 Gene Promoter: Transcription Factor Sp1 Regulates
the Expression of


南京农业大学 ★ 动物医学院

Porcine Abcb1. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9: 373.
13. Bhutto Z. A, He F, Zloh M, Yang J, Huang J, Guo T, Wang L*. Use of quercetin in animal feed:
effects on the P-gp expression and pharmacokinetics of orally administrated enrofloxacin in
chicken. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 4400.
14. Ma J, Pan Z, Huang J, Sun M, Lu C, Yao H*. The Hcp proteins fused with diverse extended-toxin
domains represent a novel pattern of antibacterial effectors in type VI secretion systems [J].
Virulence, 2017, 8(7): 1189-1202.
15. Guo T, Huang J, Zhang H, Dong L, Guo D, Guo L, He F, Bhutto Z.A., Wang L*. Abcb1 in pigs:
molecular cloning, tissues distribution, functional analysis, and its effect on
pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 32244.
16. 葛琳, 郭大伟, 何方, 黄金虎, 王丽平*. PmrA-PmrB 二元调控系统介导大肠杆菌对黏杆菌素耐药的
机制研究. 畜牧兽医学报, 2016, (04): 812-819.
17. Yao J, Shang K, Huang J, Ran W, Kashif J, Wang L*. Overexpression of an ABC transporter and
mutations of GyrA, GyrB, and ParC in contributing to high-level ciprofloxacin resistance in
Streptococcus suis type 2. Bioscience Trends, 2014, 8(2): 84-92.
18. Qian X, Shang K, Kashif J, Huang J, Wang L*. Dual efflux pumps SatA and SatB Are associated
with ciprofloxacin resistance in Streptococcus suis isolates. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2014,
34(4): 438- 443.
19. Kashif, J, Buriro, R, Memon, J, Yaqoob, M, Soomro, J, Diao, D, Huang, J, Wang, L*. Detection
of class 1 and 2 integrons, beta-lactamase genes and molecular characterization of
sulfonamide resistance in Escherichia coli isolates recovered from poultry in China. Pakistan
Veterinary Journal, 2013, 33: 321- 324.
20. 蒋春阳, 黄金虎, 陈默, 蓝重斌, 林双荣, 罗志飞, 刘永杰*, 陆承平. 南京地区池塘水中嗜水气单
胞菌的分离鉴定与相关毒力基因检测. 畜牧与兽医, 2010, (6): 4-7.


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