


姓 名:郭大伟
性 别:男
办公地址:逸夫楼 1000-1
研究方向:1) 兽药微纳新制剂的创制
2) 纳米银的绿色制备及生物医学应用
郭大伟,博士,副教授,中国毒理学会会员,中国生物医学工程学会会员。近年来,发表 SCI 和 EI 论文 20 篇,其中以第一作者在 Biomaterials、Nanoscale 等期刊上发表 10
篇 (3篇 IF>7,累计 IF>41, 总计被引 170 余次);申请专利 2 项。主持和参与科研项目 6 项,到账经费 100 余万元。2015 年入选南京农业大学“钟山学术新秀”。担任
Artifical cell, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology、Infection, Genetics and Evolution、Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Letters等 SCI 期刊审稿人。
2017/03–今: 美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心,药学院,访问学者
2015/12–今: 南京农业大学,动物医学院,副教授
2015/02–2015/07: 中国药科大学,药学院,进修生
2013/11–2015/12: 南京农业大学,动物医学院,讲师
2010/03–2013/10: 东南大学,生物科学与医学工程学院,博士生
2007/09–2009/12: 南京农业大学,动物医学院,硕士生
2003/09–2007/06: 安徽农业大学,动物科技学院,本科生
1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31502120),2016~2018,主持
2) 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(BK20140716),2014~2017,主持
3) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(2016T90475),2016~2017,主持
4) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2015M571771),2015~2017,主持
5) 中央高校基本科研业务费青年项目(KJQN201620),2016~2018 主持
6) 国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0501306),2016~2020,参与
7) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXZZ-0172),已结题,主持
1) 2016 年 院优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
2) 2015 年 南京农业大学第三批“钟山学术新秀”
3) 2015 年 院青年教师授课比赛三等奖
4) 2014 年 勃林格殷格翰奖教金

1) 郭大伟, 豆丹丹, 王丽平. 一种伊维菌素固体脂质纳米粒及其制备方法. 专利申请
号: 201510825143.0
2) 郭大伟, 李馨雨, 王丽平. 一种结构脂质载体的制备方法及结构脂质载体. 专利申请号: 201710512598.6

1) Zhu Lingying#, Guo Dawei#, Sun Lili, Huang Zhihai, Zhang Xiuyan, Ma Wenjuan, Wu Jie, Xiao
Lun, Zhao Yun, Gu Ning. Activation of autophagy by elevated reactive oxygen species
rather than released silver ions promotes cytotoxicity of
polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles in hematopoietic cells. Nanoscale 2017. 17(9):
5489-5498 (#Co-first author; SCI; IF: 7.367)
2) Guo Dawei#, Dou Dandan#, Li Xinyu, Zhang Qian, Zohaib Ahmed Bhutto, Wang Liping.
Ivermection-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: preparation, characterisation, stability and
transdermal behavior. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 2017. DOI:
10.1080/21691401.2017.1307207 (#Co-first author; SCI; IF: 5.605)
3) Tang Xuna#, Guo Dawei#, Jiang Shanxiang, Gu Ning, Ni Yanhong, Ge Jiuyu, Hu Qingang. Facile
preparation of nanosilver particles with excellent antimicrobial activity via
release of ionic silver. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2017, 17(2):
1046-1052. (#Co-first author; SCI; IF: 1.483)
4) Guo Dawei, Liu Guoyan, Li Xinyu, Tang Xuna, Zhang Junren, Zhu Xuewei,
Jiang Shanxiang. A facile one-pot green synthesis and antibacterial activity of
silver nanoparticles using lentinan from Lentinus edodes. Journal of Bionanoscience 2015, 9:
325-329. (EI)

5) Guo Dawei, Dou Dandan, Ge Lin, Huang Zhihai, Wang Liping, Gu Ning. A caffeic
acid mediated facile synthesis of silver nanoparticles with powerful anti-cancer activity.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2015, 134: 229-34. (SCI; IF: 4.152)

6) Guo Dawei, Zhang Junren, Huang Zhihai, Jiang Shanxiang, Gu Ning. Colloidal silver
nanoparticles improve anti-leukemic drug efficacy via amplification of oxidative stress. Colloids
and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2015, 126: 198-203. (SCI; IF: 4.152)
7) Guo Dawei, Zhao Yun, Zhang Yu, Wang Qing, Huang Zhihai, Ding Qi, Guo Zhirui, Zhou Xuefeng,
Zhu Lingying, Gu Ning. The cellular uptake and cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles
on chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2014, 10(4): 669-78. (SCI;
IF: 7.578)
8) Guo Dawei, Zhu Lingying, Huang Zhihai, Zhou Haixia, Ge Yue, Ma Wenjuan, Wu Jie,
Zhang Xiuyan, Zhou Xuefeng, Zhang Yu, Zhao Yun, Gu Ning. Anti-leukemia activity of

PVP-coated silver nanoparticles via generation of reactive oxygen species and release of silver
ions. Biomaterials 2013, 34(32): 7884-94. (SCI; IF: 7.604)
9) Guo Dawei#, Zhang Xiuyan#, Huang Zhihai, Zhou Xuefeng, Zhu Lingying, Zhaoyun, Gu
Ning. Comparison of cellular responses across multiple passage numbers in
Ba/F3-BCR-ABL cells induced by silver nanoparticles. Science China Life Sciences 2012, 55(10):
898-905. (#Co-first author; SCI; IF: 2.024)
10) Guo Dawei, Wang Liping, Lu Chengping, In vitro biofilm forming potential
of Streptococcus suis isolated from human and swine in China, Brazilian Journal of
Microbiology 2012, 43(3): 993-1004. (SCI; IF: 0.896)

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