


姓 名:郑龙三
性 别:男
办公地址:教学楼 B419-1

个人简介:韩国培材大学基因工程专业,1998 年获学士学位,2001 年获硕士学位,2005 年获博士学位。2005-2007
年任职于南京农业大学动物医学院。主要研究蛋白内稳态调控在肿瘤和病毒感染中的作用机制。在 PNAS、J Virol、JID、MCB 和 JBC 等国际知名刊物共发表 SCI 论文 30
余篇;获得中国、日本、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和韩国等国专利 12 项。任 J Biol Chem, Oncogene, J Cell Sci
等期刊论文评审人。目前主要从以下几方面开展工作:研究蛋白修饰、表观遗传修饰等在病毒(流感病毒、PEDV 和 ASFV

1. 企业合作横向课题(主持,2019-2023 年,200 万)
2. 国家重点研发计划(子课题主持,项目编号 2018YFC1603603,2018-2021 年,75 万)
3. 海外青年科学家研究基金项目(主持,项目编号 Y0201700559,2017-2020 年,50 万)
4. 中央高校基本业务费(主持,项目编号 Y021300526,2014-2016 年 50 万)
5. 南京农业大学引进人才启动经费
6. 江苏省优势学科人才引进启动经费

荣誉奖项:江苏省五一劳动荣誉奖(2019 年) “生泰尔”奖教金(2014 年)

1. Bo Z, Miao Y, Xi R, Zhong Q, Bao C, Chen H, Sun L, Qian Y, Jung YS*, Dai J. PRV UL13 inhibits
cGAS-STING mediated IFN-? production via phosphorylating IRF3. Vet Res 2020 Sep
2. Bo Z, Miao Y, Xi R, Gao X, Miao D, Chen H, Jung YS, Qian Y*, Dai J. Emergence
of a Novel Pathogenic Recombinant Virus from Bartha Vaccine and Variant Pseudorabies
Virus in China. Transbound Emerg Dis 2020 Aug 28. doi: 10.1111/tbed.13813.
3. Chen H, Qian Y, Chen X, Ruan Z, Ye Y, Chen H, Babiuk LA, Jung YS*, Dai J. HDAC6 Restricts
Influenza A Virus by Deacetylation of the RNA Polymerase PA Subunit.
J Virol 2019,93(4):e01896-18.
4. Lian X, Bao C, Li X, Zhang X, Chen H, Jung YS, Qian Y. Marek’s disease virus
disables the ATR-Chk1 pathway through activating STAT3 . J Virol 2019,93(9):02290-18.
5. Sun H, Yao W, Wang K, Qian Y, Chen H, Jung YS*. Inhibition of neddylation pathway represses

influenza virus replication and pro-inflammatory responses. Virology 2018, 514:230-239.
6. Lian X, Ming X, Xu J, Cheng W, Zhang X, Chen H, Ding C, Jung YS*, Qian Y. First molecular
detection and characterization of Marek's disease virus in red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis): a
case report. BMC Vet Res 2018,14(1):122.
7. Ming X, Bao CY, Hong T, Yang Y, Chen X, Jung YS, Qian Y. Clusterin, a novel
DEC1 target, modulates DNA damage-mediated cell death. Mol Cancer Res, 2018,16(11):1641-1651.
8. Liu K, Qian Y, Jung YS, Zhou B, Cao R, Shen T, Shao D, Wei J, Ma Z, Chen P, Zhu H, and Qiu Y.
mosGCTL-7, a C-type lectin protein, mediates Japanese encephalitis virus infection in mosquitoes. J
Virol 2017, 91(10):e01348-16.
9. Yan W, Scoumanne A, Jung YS, Xu E, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Ren C, Sun P and Chen X. Mice deficient in
poly(C)-binding protein 4 are susceptible to spontaneous tumors through increased expression of
ZFP871 that targets p53 for degradation. Genes Dev. 2016, 30(5):522-34.
10. Liu XD, Qian Y, Jung YS and Chen PY. Isolation and immunomodulatory activity of bursal
peptide, a novel bursal peptide from the chicken bursa of Fabricius. J Vet Sci 2015, 16(4):501-7.
11. Jung YS, Qian Y, Yan W, and Chen X. Pirh2 E3 ubiquitin ligase modulates
keratinocyte differentiation through p63. J. Investi. Dermatol. 2013, 133(5):1178-87.
12. Cho SJ, Rossi A, Jung YS, Yan W, Liu G, Zhang J, Zhang M, Chen X. Ninjurin1, a target of p53,
regulates p53 expression and p53-dependent cell survival, senescence, and
radiation-induced mortality. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013, 110(23):9362-7.
13. Qian Y#, Jung YS#, and Chen X. DEC1 controls the response of p53-dependent cell survival
versus cell death to a stress signal through macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA 2012, 109, 11300-11305.
14. Jung YS, Qian Y, and Chen X. DNA polymerase eta is targeted by Mdm2 for polyubiquitination and
proteasomal degradation in response to ultraviolet irradiation. DNA Repair (Amst) 2012,
11(2), 177-184.
15. Jung YS, Qian Y, and Chen X. Pirh2 RING-finger E3 ubiquitin ligase: Its role in tumorigenesis
and cancer therapy. FEBS Lett 2012, 586, 1397-1402.
16. Cho SJ, Jung YS, Zhang J, Chen X. The RNA-binding Protein RNPC1 Stabilizes the
mRNA Encoding the RNA-binding Protein HuR and Cooperates with HuR to Suppress Cell Proliferation. J
Biol Chem 2012, 287(18), 14535-14544.
17. Zhang Y, Yan W, Jung YS, Chen X. Mammary epithelial cell polarity is differentially regulated
by p73 isoforms via epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. J Biol Chem 2012, 287(21), 17746-13.
18. Jung YS, Qian Y, and Chen X. The p73 tumor suppressor is targeted by Pirh2 RING
finger E3 ubiquitin ligase for the proteasome-dependent degradation. J Biol Chem 2011, 286,
19. Jung YS, Hakem A, Hakem R, and Chen X. Pirh2 E3 ubiquitin ligase
monoubiquitinates DNA polymerase eta to suppress translesion DNA synthesis. Mol Cell Biol 2011,
31, 3997-4006.
20. Jung YS, Liu G, and Chen X. Pirh2 E3 ubiquitin ligase targets DNA polymerase eta
for 20S proteasomal degradation. Mol Cell Biol 2010, 30, 1041-1048.
21. Jung YS, Qian Y, and Chen X. Examination of the expanding pathways for the regulation of p21
expression and activity. Cell Signal 2010, 22, 1003-1012.
22. Jung YS, Kim HY, Lee MG, Pouyssegur J, and Kim E. Physical interaction and functional coupling

between Daxx and sodium hydrogen exchanger isoform 1, an implication regarding Daxx
role in ischemic stress-induced cell death. J Biol Chem 2008, 283, 1018-1025.
23. Jung YS, Kim HY, Lee YJ, and Kim E. Subcellular localization of Daxx determines
its opposing functions in ischemic cell death. FEBS Lett 2007, 581, 843-852.
1. 赵诗莹,陈新,陈欢,钱莺娟,郑龙三*,戴建君. 黄腐酚对流行性腹泻病毒的体外抑制作用.病毒学报 2020
2. 陈新,曹雨,薄宗义,陈欢,孙雯,张志芳,印春生,钱莺娟*,JUNG Yong-Sam*,戴建君. Tubacin 对蓝舌病毒感染的抑制作用.中国兽医学报
3. 叶跃天,郇文彬,陈欢,钱莺娟,JUNG Yong-Sam*,戴建君. 黄连素抑制猪流行性腹泻病毒复制和组装.中国兽医学报 2019,39(10):1829-1835.
4. 王飞飞,刘珂,郇贝丽,欧安妮,魏建超,李蓓蓓,邵东华,邱亚峰,钱莺娟,JUNG Yong-Sam*,马志永*. ATP5J 促进猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒复制研究.畜牧与兽医
5. 阮智杨,陈新,孙雯, JUNG Yong-Sam*,钱莺娟*. 奶牛乳房炎病原菌的分离鉴定及药物敏感试验.畜牧与兽医 2018,50(6):105-109.
6. 鲍晨沂,连雪,杨莎莎,张旭,JUNG Yong-Sam*,钱莺娟*. 马立克病病毒致瘤蛋白Meq 转录调节鸡p21
基因的表达. 畜牧与兽医 2018,50(5):84-88.
7. 李雪琪, 陈鸿军,连雪,鲍晨沂,孙海伟, JUNG Yong-Sam*,钱莺娟*.鸡源性p53 单克隆抗体的制备和鉴定.中国动物传染病学报 2018,26(3):72-77.
8. 王飞飞,刘珂,郇贝丽,魏建超,邵东华,李蓓蓓,邱亚峰,石元元,钱莺娟,马志永*,JUNG Yong-Sam*.猪源干扰素刺激基因 PPBP 荧光定量 PCR
检测方法的建立及初步应用. 中国动物传染病学报 2018.26(3):28-33.
9. 李雪琪,连雪,鲍晨沂,孙海伟,陈鸿军,JUNG Yong-Sam*,钱莺娟*. 细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶抑制蛋白 p21 单克隆抗体制备. 中国兽医科学

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