


姓名:苏 娟性别:女
办公地址:逸夫楼 1007办公电话:025-84395294
研究方向:神经内分泌、生殖生物学个人简介:2010.12-至今, 副教授
2012.3-2013.9 月,美国威斯康星大学访问学者
2008.6-2010.12, 讲师
1. 中央高校基本业务费自主创新重点项目,KYZ201526,Kisspeptin 对热应激雄性大鼠生殖功能调节机制的研究, 2015/01-2017/12, 20万,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然基金,31372388,神经介素U调控猪免疫功能的分子机理研究, 2014.1.1-2017.12.31,80万,在研,参与。
3. 江苏省2013年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目,CXAA13-0309, 2014-2015,3万,已结题,参与。
4. 国家自然基金,31172282,鸡血-脾屏障的立体构筑及其淋巴细胞归巢的分子机制,2012.1.1-2015.12.31,61万,已结题,参与。
5. 国家自然基金青年基金一项, 31001039,神经介素S对猪生殖调节机制的研究,2011/01-2013-12,19,已结题,主持。
6. 南京农业大学青年教师创新基金,Kisspeptin对鸡生殖活动调节的研究, 2009.1.1-2010.12.31,已结题,主持。
7. 教育部博士点基金,20070307021,Ghrelin 对猪生殖活动调节的研究, 2007.1.1-2009.12.31,6万元,已结题,参加。
8. 国家自然基金,30471248,orexin对猪生殖调控的研究, 2005.1.1-2007.12.31,已结题,参与。

Inhibition of miR-15a Promotes BDNF Expression and Rescues Dendritic Maturation Deficits
inMeCP2‐Deficient Neurons,Stem Cell,2015.1.13,33(5):1618~1629
(2) Yuanlong Hou(#) , Xiaoyan Wang(#)(*) , Zhihai Lei, Jihui Ping, Jiajian Liu, Zhiyu Ma,Zheng
Zhang, Cuicui Jia, Mengmeng Jin, Xiang Li, Xiaoliang Li,Shaoqiu Chen, Yingfang Lv,Yingdong Gao,Wei
Jia,Juan Su(*) , Heat-Stress-In duced Metabolic Changes and Altered MaleReproductive Function,J.
Proteome Res., 2015.1.21,14(3):1495~1503
(3) Fang R(#), Su J(#), Zheng L, Jin M, Hou Y, Ma Z,Guo T, Zhu S, Ma X, Ahmed E,
Lei Z(*),
Cloning and distribution of neuropeptide W and its receptors in pigs,Research in Veterinary
Science, 2015.6.7, 101:106~116
(4) Zheng L(#) , Su J(#), Fang R, Jin M, Lei Z (*) , Developmental changes in the role of
gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) and its receptors in the reproductive axis of male
Xiaomeishan pigs, Animal Reproduction Science, 2015.1.24, 154: 113~120
(5) Yao Yuan(#), Su Juan(#) , Zhang, Fan, Lei, Zhihai(*), Effects of Central and Peripheral
Administration of Neuropeptide S on the Level of Serum Proinflammatory Cytokines in
Pigs, Neuroimmunomodulation, 2014.01.01, 21(1):45~51
(6) Yang G(#), Su J(#), Yao Y, Lei Z (*), Distribution of neuromedin S and its receptor NMU2R in
pigs, Research in Veterinary Science, 2012.01.01,92(2)
(7) Su J(#), Lei Z(*), Zhang W, Ning H,Ping J, Distribution of orexin B and its relationship with
GnRH in the pig hypothalamus,Res Vet Sci,2008.10.10,85(2): 315~323
(8) Ma Z, Su J, Guo T, Jin M, Li X, Lei Z(*), Neuromedin B and ItsReceptor: Gene Cloning, Tissue
Distribution and Expression Levels of the Reproductive Axis in Pigs, PLoS One
(9) Weixiang Guo, Eric D. Polich, Juan Su, Yu Gao, Devin M. Christopher, Xinyu

Zhao(*), FragileX Proteins FMRP and FXR2P Control Synaptic GluA1 Expression and Neuronal Maturation
via Distinct Mechanisms, Cell Reports, 2015.6.16, 11
(10) Li Xun, Su Juan, Fang Rui, Zheng Lucheng, Lei Ruipeng, Wang Xiaoye, Lei Zhihai(*), Jin
Mengmeng, JiaoYang, HouYuan Long,GuoTingting,Ma Zhiyu, The effects of RFRP-3, the mammalian
ortholog of GnIH, on reproductive axis in vitro, Molecular and Cellular
Endocrinology, 2013.6.15, 372(1-2):65~72
(11) Li Xun, Su Juan, Lei Zhihai(*), Zhao Yangyang, Jin Mengmeng, Fang Rui, Zheng Lucheng,
JiaoYang, Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) and its receptor in the female pig: cDNA cloning,
expression in tissues and expression pattern in the reproductive axis during the estrous
Cycle, Peptides, 2012.8.01, 36(2):176~185
(12) Yao Y, Su J,Yang G,Lei Z(*), Effects of neuropeptide S on the proliferation of splenic
lymphocytes, phagocytosis and proinflammatory cytokine production of pulmonary alveolar macrophages
in the pig, Peptides, 2011.01.01,32:118~124
(13) Yang G, Su J,Yao Y, Lei Z(*), The regulatory mechanism of neuromedin S on
luteinizing hormone in pigs,Animal Reproduction Science,2010.01.01,122(3-4): 367~374
(14) Ning Hong-mei, Ge Ya-ming, Su Juan, Zhang Wen-long, Yao Yuan, Yang Gui-hong,Lei Zhi-hai(*),
Effects of Orexin A on mRNA Expression of Various Neuropeptides in the
Hypothalamus and Pituitary, and on Serum LH Levels in Ovariectomized Gilts,
Agricultural Sciences in China, 2010.9.20, 9(9):1362~1371
(14) Yang Guihong, Su Juan, Li Xun, YaoYuan, Lei, Zhihai,Yang Xizhi,Kou Rui, Liu Yanpeng,
Expression of NMS and NMU2R in the pig reproductive axis during the estrus cycle and the effect of
NMS on the reproductive axis in vitro,
Peptides, 2009.12.01, 30(12): 2206~2212
(15) Yao Yuan, Lin Xiaoqin, Su Juan, Yang Guihong, Hou YuJing, LeiZhihai(*),Cloning and
distribution of neuropeptide S and its receptor in the pig,

Neuropeptides, 2009.12.01,43(6):465~481
(15) Zhang W, Lei Z, Su J, Chen S, Expression of ghrelinin the porcine hypothalamo-pituitary-ovary
axis during the estrous cycle, Anim Reprod Sci., 2008.10.20,109(1-4):356~367

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