


办公地址:江苏省南京市玄武区童卫路 6 号南京农业大学教 11 楼电子邮箱:shuosu@njau.edu.cn
兽医流行病学生物信息学 兽医公共卫生
黑龙江哈尔滨人,1987 年 1 月生,2015 年 12 月于华南农业大学博士毕业后以引进人才进入南京农业大学工作,现为南京农业大学动物医学院教授、博士生导师。
年入选中国科协青年人才托举工程,2018 年入选中组部第四批国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,2019
年获得国家自然基金优秀青年科学基金,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才。承担国家重点研发计划课题和国家自然基金等多个省部级以上项目以及南京农业大学高层次人才启动经费等,累计获得资助超过 1000
万。累计发表 SCI 论文 50 多篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在 Lancet Infectious Disease、Trends in Microbiology、Journal of
Virology, Emerging Infectious Diseases 等高水平 SCI 期刊发表代表性文章 20 余篇,引用超过 500 次。先后担任了 Infection,
Genetics and Evolution; BMC Veterinary Research; BMC Infectious Disease 等多个知名 SCI 杂志的学术编辑。也担任了
Journal of Virological Methods; Transboundary and Emerging Disease; Equine Veterinary Journal 等
SCI 杂志编委。现在担任 Emerging Infectious Diseases, Journal of Virology , Lancet Infectious
Diseases,Veterinary Microbiology 等 20 多个高水平 SCI 期刊杂志审稿人。
江苏省自然基金青年科学基金中国科协青年人才托举工程 国家自然科学基金项目

荣誉奖项:大北农青年学者奖(2016) 国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才(2018)国家自然基金优青基金(2019)
1. Li G, He W, Zhu H, Bi Y, Wang R, Xing G, Zhang C, Zhou J, Yuen K.-Y, Gao G. F, Su
Shuo*(通讯作者). Origin, Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Dynamics of Novel Porcine Circovirus
3.Advanced Science, 2018,35(5): 2-12.IF5years=15.074
2. Su Shuo, Gu M, Liu D, et al. Epidemiology, Evolution, and Pathogenesis of H7N9
Influenza Viruses in Five Epidemic Waves since 2013 in China[J]. Trends in Microbiology,
2017, 25(9):713. ESI 微生物学高被引论文 IF5years=12.097
3. He W, Auclert LZ, Zhai X, Wong G, Zhang C, Zhu H, Xing G, Wang S, He W, Li K,
Wang L, Han G-Z, Veit M, Zhou J, Su Shuo*( 通讯作者). 2019. Interspecies
Transmission, Genetic Diversity, and Evolutionary Dynamics of Pseudorabies Virus. The
Journal of infectious diseases 219:1705-1715.IF5years=5.231
4. Li, G., Wang, R., Zhang, C., Wang, S., He, W., & Zhang, Liu J, Cai Y, Zhou J, Su
Shuo*(通讯作者) (2018). Genetic and evolutionary analysis of emerging H3N2 canine
influenza virus. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 7(1), 73. IF5years=6.183
5. Su Shuo*(通讯作者), Wong G, Shi W, Liu J, Lai A, Zhou J, Liu W, Bi Y, Gao G.F. Epidemiology,
Genetic Recombination, and Pathogenesis of Coronaviruses. Trends in Microbiology. 2016,
16(3):294-295. ESI 微生物学高被引论文 IF5years=12.097
6. Su Shuo, Bi Y, Wong G, Gray G. C, Gao G. F, Li S. Epidemiology, Evolution,
and Recent Outbreaks of Avian Influenza Virus in China[J]. Journal of Virology, 2015,
89(17): 8671-8676. ESI 微生物学高被引论文 IF5years=4.259
7. Tan L, Su Shuo*(通讯作者), Smith D. K, He S, Zheng Y, Shao Z, Ma J, Zhu H, Zhang
G. A combination of HA and PA mutations enhances virulence in a mouse-adapted H6N6
influenza A virus[J]. Journal of Virology, 2014, 88(24):14116-14125. IF5years=4.259
8. Tan J, Wang R, Ji S, Su Shuo*(通讯作者), Zhou J. One Health strategies for rabies
control in rural areas of China[J]. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2017 Mar 2. doi:
10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30116-0. IF5years=23.363
9. Su Shuo, Tian J, Hong M, Zhou P, Lu G, Zhu H, Zhang G, Lai A, Li S. Global and
quantitative proteomic analysis of dogs infected by avian-like H3N2 canine influenza
virus[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:228. IF5years=4.84
10. Su Shuo, Wang L, Fu X, He S, Hong M, Zhou P, Lai A, Gray G, Li S. Equine Influenza A(H3N8)
Virus Infection in Cats[J]. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2014,
20(12):2096-2099. IF5years=7.152
11. He W, Zhao J, Xing G, Li G, Wang R, Wang Z, Zhang C, Franzo G, Su Shuo*(通讯作者), Zhou J. 2019.
Genetic analysis and evolutionary changes of Porcine circovirus 2. Mol Phylogenet Evol
12. Su Shuo*(通讯作者), Fu X, Li G, et al. Novel Influenza D virus: Epidemiology, pathology,
evolution and biological characteristics[J].Virulence, 2017, 8(1):00-00. 期刊封面亮点论文

13. Liu J, Zhao W, He W, Wang N, Su J, Ji S, Chen J, Wang D, Zhou J, Su Shuo*(通讯作者). 2019.
Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies against Variable Epitopes of the M Protein of Rabies
Virus. Viruses-basel11.IF5years=3.916
14. Zhang W, Zhang L, He W, Zhang X, Wen B, Wang C, Xu Q, Li G, Zhou J, Veit M, Su Shuo*(通讯作者).
2019. Genetic Evolution and Molecular Selection of the HE Gene of Influenza C Virus. Viruses-basel

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