


办公地址:兽医院 304
研究方向:动物营养代谢病与营养免疫学;兽医临床病理与分子诊断学; 小动物疾病。

甘芳,1986 年 07 月出生,籍贯四川广安,副教授;2010 年 6 月本科毕业于南京农业大学动物医学专业,获学士学位,于同年 12 月获得国家执业兽医师资格证;2015 年 6 月博
士研究生毕业于南京农业大学临床兽医学专业,获博士学位;2015 年 7 月至 2019 年 3 月在南京农业大学做师资博士后,师从于王恬/黄克和教授,;2019 年 3
科学基金特别资助、中国博士后科学基金面上项目及中央高校基本业务费共 6 项基金资助。以第一作者发表 SCI 论文 11 篇,影响因子共 53.251,其中影响因子
5.0 以上 5 篇。相关研究成果获国家发明专利 2 项。科研项目:
(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“硒化黄芪多糖减弱 OTA 对猪细胞毒
(2)江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目“酵母硒减弱 OTA 对猪肾毒性的作用与表观遗传机制研究(BK2016040623)”,2016-2019,主持,已结题。
(4)江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生科研创新计划项目,“硒蛋氨酸抑制 PCV2 复制的 MAPK 信号转导通路机制研究(CXZZ13_0311)”,2013-2014,主持,已结题。
(5)国家自然科学基金面上项目“硒蛋白 S 在硒减轻猪赭曲霉毒素 A 中毒中的作用与机制研究(31472253)”,2015-2018,参加,正在进行。

(1) 黄克和,甘芳,陈兴祥,任飞,吕晨辉,赵如茜,潘翠玲,周红,叶耿平,石秀丽,一种抗猪热应激的富硒复合菌饲料添加剂及其应用,2013.7.13,中国,CN201210333510.1
(2) 黄克和,刘瑾,叶耿坪,陈兴祥,刘永杰,刘云欢,甘芳,一种抗奶牛

近 5 年代表性论著(第一作者):

(1) Gan F, Zhou X, Zhou Y, Hou L, Chen X, Pan C, Huang K*. Nephrotoxicity instead
of immunotoxicity of OTA is induced through DNMT1-dependent activation of JAK2/STAT3 signaling
pathway by targeting SOCS3. Arch Toxicol. 2019 Apr;93(4):1067-1082. (5-year IF 6.044)
(2) Gan F, Zhou Y, Qian G, Huang D, Hou L, Liu D, Chen X, Wang T, Jiang P, Lei X, Huang K*. PCV2
infection aggravates ochratoxin A-induced nephrotoxicity via autophagy involving p38
signaling pathway in vivo and in vitro. Environ Pollut. 2018 Jul;238:656-662. (5-year IF 5.252)
(3) Gan F, Liu Q, Liu Y, Huang D, Pan C, Song S, Huang K*. Lycium barbarum polysaccharides improve
CCl4-induced liver fibrosis, inflammatory response and TLRs/NF-kB signaling pathway
expression in wistar rats. Life Sci. 2018 Jan 1;192:205-212.
(4) Gan F, Hou L, Zhou Y, Liu Y, Huang D, Chen X, Huang K*. Effects of ochratoxin A on ER
stress, MAPK signaling pathway and autophagy of kidney and spleen in pigs. Environ Toxicol. 2017
(5) Gan F, Hu Z, Zhou Y, Huang K*. Overexpression and Low Expression of Selenoprotein S Impact
Ochratoxin A-Induced Porcine Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis in Vitro. J Agric Food Chem. 2017
Aug 16;65(32):6972-6981.
(6) Gan F, Zhou Y, Hou L, Qian G, Chen X, Huang K*. Ochratoxin A induces nephrotoxicity and
immunotoxicity through different MAPK signaling pathways in PK15 cells and porcine
primary splenocytes. Chemosphere. 2017 Sep;182:630-637.
(7) Xue H#, Gan F#, Qian G, Hu J, Hao S, Xu J, Chen X, Huang K*. Astragalus polysaccharides
attenuate PCV2 infection by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress in vivo and in vitro. Sci Rep.
2017 Jan 10;7:40440.

(8) Fang Gan, Zhihua Hu, Yu Huang, Hongxia Xue, Da Huang, Gang Qian, Junfa Hu, Xingxiang Chen,
Tian Wang, Kehe Huang, Overexpression of pig selenoprotein S blocks OTA-induced promotion
of PCV2 replication by inhibiting oxidative stress and p38 phosphorylation in PK15,

Oncotarget. 2016, 7(15):20469-85. (IF=5.008)

(9) Fang Gan, Zheqian Zhang, Zhihua Hu, John Hesketh, Hongxia Xue, Xingxiang Chen, Shu Hao, Yu
Huang, Patience Cole Ezea, Fahmida Parveen, Kehe Huang. Ochratoxin A promotes porcine
circovirus type 2 replication in vitro and vivo, Free Radical Bio Med, 2015, 80,
33-47. (IF=5.784)
(10) Fang Gan, Hongxia Xue, Yu Huang, Cuiling Pan, Kehe Huang. Selenium alleviates
nephrotoxicity of ochratoxin A through improving selenoenzyme expression in vitro, PLOS One,
2015, 10(3): e0119808. (IF=3.234)
(11) Fang Gan, Xingxiang Chen, Shengfa F. Liao, Chenhui Lv, Fei Ren, Gengping Ye, Cuiling Pan, Da
Huang, Jun Shi, Xiuli Shi, Hong Zhou, Kehe Huang. Selenium-enriched probiotics improve
antioxidant status, immune function, and selenoprotein gene expression of piglets raised under high
ambient temperature, J. Agric. Food Chem, 2014, 62(20), 4502?4508. (IF=3.107)
(12) Fang Gan, Fei Ren, Xingxiang Chen, Chenhui Lv, Cuiling Pan, Gengping Ye, Jun Shi, Xiuli Shi,
Hong Zhou, Shituleni Andreas Shituleni, Kehe Huang. Effects of selenium-enriched probiotics on heat
shock protein mRNA levels in piglet under heat stress conditions, J. Agric. Food Chem, 2013,
61(10), 2385?2391. (IF=3.107)

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