


办公地址:动物医院 203 室办公电话:025-84395505
研究方向:1.炎症反应及其调控网络 2.反刍动物代谢综合征 3.小动物疾病学 4.实验外科学
沈向真,博士,动物医学院临床医学系教授,博士生导师。1989 年本科毕业于南京农业大学兽医系兽医专业、1995 年获得南京农业大学兽医内科学硕士学位、2003
年获得南京农业大学动物生理学博士学位。1995 年起, 留校任教。 2001 至 2002 年、2007 年、2013 年分别获得国家留学基金委和国际合作项目资助在英国 Aberdeen 大学
Rowett 营养与健康研究所 Gut Health Division 访问与合作科研; 2006 年、2008 年、2011 年在德国农畜生物学研究所(Leibniz Institute for
Farm Animal Biology,Germany)合作科研。担任中国畜牧兽医学会兽医外科学分会常务理事。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973
计划)课题、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、教育部“促进与美大地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目”、国家自然科学基金国际合作项目、农业部中德农业科技合作项目等多项国家级和部级科研项目。现指导博士生 8
名,其中国家留学基金委 CSC 奖学金留学生 5 名,硕士生 12 名。指导的常广
军博士获得 2016 年度江苏省优秀博士学位论文,张凯博士获得南京农业大学
2016 年度校长奖学金,先后派出 3 名博士生由中德农业科技合作项目资助到德国 Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Institute
for Genome Biology 学习与合作研究,与德方共同发表 8 篇合作研究论文,先后有 3 名博士生通过公开选拔获得国家留学基金委(CSC)联合培养博士生项目奖学金资助,在加拿大
Manitoba 大学、美国 Illinois 大学和美国 Pennsylvania 大学联合培养。 担任 Journal of Dairy Science、Journal of Animal
Science、Oncotarget、 Canadian Journal of Animal Science 等国际学术刊物审稿人。

1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《SARA 产生的 DAP 诱导反刍动物乳腺炎症反应的分子机制研究》 (项目编号:31672618) 2017.1-2020.12
2. 主持教育部“促进与美大地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目”《瘤胃产生的脂多糖内毒素对奶牛乳腺酪蛋白合成功能的影响与调控研究》 (项目编号:教外司美[2015]2062 号-2)
3. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《SARA 产生的内源 LPS 对反刍动物乳腺酪蛋白合成功能的影响及其机理研究》 (项目编号:31172371) 2012.1-2015.12
4. 主持国家重点基础研究发展计划《牛奶重要营养品质形成与调控机理研究》课题:《肝脏内乳成分前体物的代谢、分配及其分子机理》, 课题编号: 2011CB100802, 2011.1-2015.12
1. 南京农业大学优秀骨干教师;
2. 2016 年度江苏省优秀博士学位论文指导教师发明专利:
1. 沈向真, 常广军, 陶慧, 张凯. 肝脏复合血管瘘. 2013,9, 中国, 201320269624.4
(1)Dai H, Liu X, Yan J, Aabdin Z, Bilal M, Shen X*. Sodium butyrate ameliorates high-concentrate
diet-induced inflammation in the rumen epithelium of dairy goats. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry. 2017, 65(3):596-604.
(2)Abaker JA , Xu T, Jin D, Chang G, Zhang K, Shen X*. Lipopolysaccharide derived from the
digestive tract provokes oxidative stress in the liver of dairy cows fed a high-grain diet.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2017,100(1):666-678.
(3)Bilal MS#, Abaker JA#, Aabdin Z, Waheed U, Xu T, Dai H, Guo J, Shen X*. High grain diet triggers
inflammation in the goat uterus and a comprehensive regulation diet modulates the immune
response. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2017, 19(1):34-40.
(4)Bilal MS#, Abaker JA#, Aabdin Z, Xu T, Dai H, Zhang K, Liu X, Shen

X*. Lipopolysaccharide derived from the digestive tract triggers an inflammatory response in the
uterus of dairy cows during SARA. BMC Veterinary Research. 2016, 12:284.
(5)Zhang K, Chang G, Xu T, Xu L, Guo J, Jin D, Shen X*. Lipopolysaccharide derived from the
digestive tract activates inflammatory gene expression and inhibits casein synthesis in mammary
glands of lactating dairy cows. Oncotarget. 2016, 7(9):9652-9665.
( 6 ) Jin D, Chang G, Zhang K, Guo J, Xu T, Shen X*. Rumen-derived lipopolysaccharide enhances the
expression of lingual antimicrobial peptide in mammary glands of dairy cows fed a high-concentrate
diet. BMC Veterinary Research. 2016, 12(1):128.
(7)Xu T, Shen X, Seyfert HM*. Steaoryl-CoA desaturase 1 expression is downregulated in liver and
udder during E. coli mastitis through enhanced expression of repressive C/EBP factors and reduced
expression of the inducer SREBP1A. BMC Molecular Biology. 2016, 17(1):16.
(8)Chang G, Zhuang S, Seyfert HM, Zhang K, Xu T, Jin D, Guo J, Shen X*. Hepatic TLR4 signaling is
activated by LPS from digestive tract during SARA and epigenetic mechanisms contribute to enforced
TLR4 expression. Oncotarget. 2015, 6(36):38578-38590.
(9)Tao H, Chang G, Xu T, Zhao H, Zhang K, Shen X*. Feeding a high concentrate diet down-regulates
expression of ACACA, LPL and SCD and modify milk composition in lactating goats. PLoS One.
2015, 10(6):e0130525.
(10)Chang G, Petzl W, Vanselow J, Günther J, Shen X*, Seyfert HM*. Epigenetic mechanisms contribute
to enhanced expression of immune genes in the liver of cows suffering from experimentally induced
Escherichia coli mastitis. Veterinary Journal. 2015, 203(3):339-341.
(11)Chang G, Zhang K, Xu T, Jin D, Guo J, Zhuang S, Shen X*. Epigenetic mechanisms contribute to
the expression of immune related genes in the livers of dairy cows fed a high concentrate diet.
PLoS One. 2015, 10(4):e0123942.

(12)Chang G, Zhang K, Xu T, Jin D, Seyfert HM, Zhuang S, Shen X*. Feeding a high-grain diet reduces
the percentage of LPS clearance and enhances immune gene expression in goat liver. BMC Veterinary
Research. 2015, 11:67.
(13)Chang G, Xu T, Brand B, Petzl W, Shen X, Seyfert HM*. Three promoters with different tissue
specificity and pathogen inducibility express the toll-like-receptor 2 (TLR2)-encoding gene in
cattle. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 2015, 167(1-2):57-63.
(14)Chang G, Seyfert HM, Shen X*. Adaption of a SYBR-Green based reagent kit for real-time PCR
quantitation of GC-rich DNA. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015, 14(3):8509-8515.
(15)Xu T, Tao H, Chang G, Zhang K, Xu L, Shen X*. Lipopolysaccharide derived from the rumen
down-regulates stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 expression and alters fatty acid composition in the
liver of dairy cows fed a high-concentrate diet. BMC Veterinary Research. 2015, 11:52.

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