


办公地址:逸夫楼 2015 室办公电话:025-84399020
个人简介:教授,博士生导师,2004 年至今南京农业大学动医学院工作。主要
从事动物生长和脂肪代谢的研究。发表 SCI 论文 50 余篇。制定国家标准两项“饲料添加剂半胱胺盐酸β环糊精微粒”(GB/T24832-2009)和“饲料添加剂 4-7
动物生理学”,“农场动物福利”,“动物肌肉生物学与肉品科学原理”, “规模化养禽技术”和“兽医生物大辞典”等,参译第十二版“DUKES’ Physiology of Domestic Animal”

(1)国家自然科学基金,31572482,炎症状态下 GR 和 NF-κB 介导的猪脂肪组织 ZAG 转录调控研究,2016/01-2019/12,主持;
(3) 教育部新世纪优秀人才,NCET-12-0889、2013/01-2015/12、主持;
(4) 973 项目,2012CB124703、母体营养影响子代肉品质的代谢程序化机制、
( 5 ) 中央高校基本业务费, 母体营养对子代脂肪代谢的影响及其机制, 2013-1015,主持


1. 一种检测猪毛中皮质醇的方法, 杨晓静, 黄燕平, 马文强, 赵茹茜,
2. 一种福利型母猪产床,周波,杨晓静,201220458182.3
3. 基于机器视觉技术的群养母猪饮水行为无线监测系统及其监测方法,陆明洲,沈明霞,赵茹茜,杨晓静,熊迎军,刘龙申. 201110352891.3
4 基于 DSP 的猪行为智能监测系统,赵茹茜,刘龙申,陆明洲,孙钦伟, 杨晓静,姚文, 沈明霞. 201120313540.7


1. Huang Y, Gao S, Jun G, Zhao R,Yang X*. Supplementing the maternal diet of rats with butyrate
enhances mitochondrial biogenesis in the skeletal muscles of weaned offspring.
Br J Nutr. 2017, Jan;117(1):12-20. doi: 10.1017/S0007114516004402.
2. Yin C, Liu W, Liu Z, Huang Y, Ci L, Zhao R,Yang X*.Identification of potential serum
biomarkers in pigs at early stage after Lipopolysaccharide injection.Res Vet Sci. 2017, Feb
17;111:140-146. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2017.02.016.
3. Huang Y, Gao S, Chen J, Albrecht E, Zhao R,Yang X*. Maternal butyrate
supplementation induces insulin resistance associated with enhanced

intramuscular fat deposition in the offspring.Oncotarget. 2016, Dec 30. doi:
4. Sun H, Huang Y, Yin C, Guo J, Zhao R, Yang X*. Lipopolysaccharide markedly changes glucose
metabolism and mitochondrial function in the longissimus muscle of pigs. Animal. 2016,
Feb 11:1-9.
5. Zhou J, Gao S, Chen J, Zhao R, Yang X*.Maternal sodium butyrate supplement elevates the
lipolysis in adipose tissue and leads to lipid accumulation in offspring liver of weaning-age
rats. Lipids Health Dis. 2016, Jul 22;15(1):119. doi: 10.1186/s12944-016-0289-1.
6. Guo J, Gao S, Liu Z, Zhao R,Yang X*.Alpha-Lipoic Acid Alleviates Acute Inflammation
and Promotes Lipid Mobilization During the Inflammatory Response in White Adipose
Tissue of Mice. Lipids. 2016, Oct;51(10):1145-52. doi: 10.1007/s11745-016-4185-2.
7. Guo J, Liu Z, Sun H, Huang Y, Albrecht E, Zhao R, Yang X*. Lipopolysaccharide challenge
significantly influences lipid metabolism and proteome of white adipose tissue in growing pigs.
Lipids Health Dis. 2015,14:68.
8. Liu Z, Guo J, Sun H, Huang Y, Zhao R, Yang X*. α-Lipoic acid attenuates
LPS-induced liver injury by improving mitochondrial function in association with GR mitochondrial
DNA occupancy. Biochimie. 2015,116:52-60.
9. Ci L, Liu Z, Guo J, Sun H, Huang Y, Zhao R, Yang X*. The influence of maternal dietary fat on
the fatty acid composition and lipid metabolism in the subcutaneous fat of progeny pigs. Meat Sci.
10. Zhou Q, Sun Q, Wang G, Zhou B, Lu M, Marchant-Forde JN, Yang X*, Zhao R. Group housing
during gestation affects the behaviour of sows and the physiological indices of
offspring at weaning. Animal. 2014, May 6:1-8.
11. Ci L, Sun H, Huang Y, Guo J, Albrecht E, Zhao R, Yang X*. Maternal dietary fat affects the LT
muscle fatty acid composition of progeny at weaning and finishing stages in pigs. Meat Sci. 2014

12. Yanping Huang, Weifeng Liu, Chao Yin, Le Ci, Ruqian Zhao, Xiaojing Yang* . Response to
lipopolysaccharide in salivary components and the submandibular gland of pigs. Livestock
Science . 2014,167 :323– 330
13 主编. 猪福利评价指南. 中国农业出版社,2014.
14.参译 DUKE’S 家畜生理学,中国农业出版社, 2014
15.参编“十二五”规划教材动物生理学, 中国农业出版社, 2011
16.参编 动物肌肉生物学与肉品科学, 中国农业大学出版社,2011

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