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曹瑞兵,男,博士,南京农业大学动物医学教授,副院长,中国畜牧兽医学会兽医传染病学分会理事。1999 年本科毕业于南京农业大学畜牧兽医专业,2004 年获南京农业大学预防兽医学博士学位;2012 年
9 月~2013 年 9 月在美国加州大学戴维斯分校兽医学院访问研修,2004 年 6
月至今南京农业大学动物医学院工作,从事动物传染病诊断与免疫研究,目前主要研究流行性乙型脑炎与坦布苏病毒病的分子流行病学、病原与宿主先天性免疫的相互作用以及诊断与免疫制剂。先后主持 2
项国家自然科学基金和 1 项农业科研行业专项,在 Virus Research, Journal of Medical Virology, Infection, Genetics and
Evolution, The Veterinary Journal, Avian Pathology 和 cell cycle 等期刊发表研究论文 10 多篇,获国家发明专利 2
项,获中华农业科技二等奖 1 项。

[1]. 重要神经嗜性人兽共患病免疫与致病机制研究(病原感染与传播机制研究,
[2]. 猪 OAS 抗日本脑炎病毒感染的分子机理研究(31172318),国家自然科学基金项目,主持,2012-2015.
[3]. 猪乙型脑炎诊断试剂盒和高效疫苗的创制与产业化(201208032),国家公益性行业(农业)专项,主持,2012~2016.
[4]. PCV2 基因组中类干扰素刺激反应元件的生物学功能研究(30600018),国家青年自然基金项目,主持,2007~2009.

[1]. 多种重大动物疫病检疫关键技术及系列标准化的研究与应用,辽宁省科学技术奖励 二等奖 证书号 2014J-2-14-05 排名(5/10)
[2]. 猪圆环病毒病防控技术研究与应用,教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖 (第 8
完成人)证书号 2012-236
[3]. 南京农业大学 青年骨干教师 2009
[4]. 重大动物疫病及外来病诊断技术,中华农业科技二等奖(KJ2007-G2-013-05)
[5]. 重要马病(马动脉炎、马鼻肺炎)分子生物学检测技术的研究应用,山东省出入境检验检疫局科技进步二等奖(3/7),2005

[1]. 曹瑞兵、陈溥言、张羽,一种日本脑炎颗粒疫苗及其制备方法和应用,国家
发明专利.证书号:第 1015601 号,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0599687.7.
[2]. 陈溥言,沈婷,曹瑞兵. 一种能抑制乙型脑炎病毒复制与感染的 siRNA 及其制备方法和应用,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0156269.0.

[1]. Sheng Zheng, Dan Zhu, Xue Lian, Weiting Liu, Ruibing Cao*, and Puyan Chen.
Porcine 2`, 5`-Oligoadenylate Synthetases Inhibit Japanese Encephalitis Virus Replication In Vitro.
Journal of Medical Virology. 88:760–768 (2016)
[2]. Xin-Feng Li, Rui-Bing Cao, Jun Luo, Jian-Ming Fan, Jing-ManWang,
Yuan-Peng Zhang, Jin-Yan Gu ,Xiu-Li Feng, Bin Zhou, Pu-Yan Chen. MicroRNA transcriptome profiling
of mice brains infected with Japanese encephalitis virus by RNA sequencing. Infection, Genetics and
Evolution 39 (2016) 249–257.
[3]. Jingman Wang, Xinfeng Li, Jinyan Gu, Yu Fan, Peng Zhao, Ruibing Cao*, Puyan Chen.
The A66G back mutation in NS2A of JEV SA14-14-2 strain contributes to production of NS1′
protein and the secreted NS1′ can be used for diagnostic biomarker for virulent virus
infection. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 36 (2015) 116–125.

[4]. Wang J, Liu W, Meng G, Zhao K, Gu J, Chen P, Cao R*. Isolation and genome characterization of
a novel duck Tembusu virus with a 74 nucleotide insertion in the 3' non-translated region. Avian
Pathol. 2015 .44(2):92-102.
[5]. Cao R, Zhang J, Zhang M, Chen X. PPM1D regulates p21 expression via
dephoshporylation at serine 123. Cell Cycle. 2015 Feb 16;14(4):641-7.
[6]. Shen, T., Liu, K., Miao, D., Cao, R., and Chen, P. Effective inhibition of Japanese
encephalitis virus replication by shRNAs targeting various viral genes in vitro and in
vivo. Virology. (2014).454–455.
[7]. Feng X L, Cao R B, Zhou B, et al. The potential mechanism of Bursal-derived BPP-II on the
antibody production and avian pre-B cell [J]. Vaccine. 2013, 31(11): 1535-1539.
[8]. Jinyan Gu, Yu Zhang, Xue Lian, Hailiang Sun, Jingman Wang, Weiting Liu, Gang Meng, Peng Li,
Dan Zhu, Yuexin Jin, Ruibing Cao*. Functional analysis of the interferon stimulated response
element of porcine circovirus type 2 and its role during viral replication in vitro and in
vivo. Virology Journal 2012, 9(1):152.
[9]. Fengjuan Wang, Xiuli Feng, Qisheng Zheng, Hongyan Hou, Ruibing Cao*, Puyan Chen.
Multiple linear epitopes (B-cell、CTL and Th) of JEV expressed in recombinant MVA as multiple
epitope vaccine induces a protective immune response. Virology Journal. 2012, 9:204.
[10]. Jinyan Gu1, Ruibin Cao1, Yu Zhang, Xue Lian, Hassan Ishag, Puyan Chen. Deletion of the
single putative N-glycosylation site of the porcine circovirus type 2 Cap protein enhances
specific immune responses by DNA immunisation in mice. The Veterinary Journal.192 (2012)
[11]. Yu Zhang1, Ruibing Cao1, Puyan Chen*, Jinyan Gu. Mutation of putative N-Linked
Glycosylation Sites in Japanese encephalitis Virus Premembrane and Envelope proteins
enhances humoral immunity in BALB/C mice after DNA vaccination. Virology Journal. 2011,
[12]. Peng Li, Rui-Bing Cao, Qi-Sheng Zheng, et al..Enhancement of humoral and
cellular immunity in mice against Japanese encephalitis virus using a DNA prime–protein boost
vaccine strategy. The Veterinary Journal, 2010, 183:210-216.
[13]. Huaqi Pana, Ruibing Cao*, Lei Liu, et al. Molecular cloning and sequence

analysis of the duck enteritis virus UL5 gene. Virus Research, 2008 (136) 152-156.

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