


姓名:姜平 性别:男
毕业院校:南京农业大学 最高学位:博士
办公地址:逸夫楼 4031
电子邮箱:jiangp@njau.edu.cn 研究方向:动物传染病诊断与免疫 个人简介:

国务院政府特殊津贴。国家生猪产业技术体系岗位专家,国家农业转基因生物安 全委员会委员;中国畜牧兽医学会动物传染病学分会、生物制品学分会、生物技 术学分会副理事长。1989 年 6
月南京农业大学毕业留校工作至今。1998 年加 拿大圭尔夫大学兽医学院进修,2000-2001 年美国芝加哥 Rush 大学医学中心博 士后研究。主持国家基金重点项目和国家生猪产业技术体系专项等课题
30 余项,主要研究猪重要传染病病原学、流行病学、致病机制和免疫防控技术,发表论文 250 篇,其中 SCI 论文 82 篇,获发明专利 11 项,国家标准 2 项,研制成功我 国第一个猪圆环病毒
2 型灭活疫苗(SH 株)和猪繁殖与呼吸综合征活疫苗(R98 株)等产品,获新兽药注册证书 4 个,实现产业化生产,产生显著经济效益和
社会效益。主编出版全国农业高等教程《兽医生物制品学》(第二、三版)和《兽 医全攻略-猪病》等专著 9 部。培养全日制博士生 34 名(留学生 3 名)和硕士 生 146 名。获部省级科技进步奖 9
项,国家发明专利优秀奖 1 项。指导的博士 论文获全国优秀博士论文提名奖 1 项。
1. 国家基金重点,猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒免疫调节蛋白与免疫逃逸机制
(31230071), 2013-2017, 290 万元
2. 国家基金项目,TGF-β 信号通路在猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒和副猪嗜血杆菌协同感染中的作用(31672565),2017-2020 年, 75.6 万元
3. 国家生猪产业技术体系专项(CARS-36),2016-2020, 350 万元
4. 国家重点研发计划项目子任务,伪狂犬病毒基因变异的生物学研究
(2016YFD0500105),2016-2020 年,120 万元
5. 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目子课题,苏淮猪重大疫病综合防控与
净化技术优化与应用(CX(15)100604),2015-2017,55 万元
6. 农业部杰出人才计划(C0201200632),2012-2016, 100 万元

1. Wang H, Bai J, Fan B, Li Y, Zhang Q, Jiang P,The iiInterferon-induced Mx2
inhibits porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication. J Interferon Cytokine
Res. 2016 Feb;36(2):129-39.
2. Zhu X, Bai J, Liu P, Wang X, Jiang P,Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 plays an
important role in porcine circovirus type 2 subclinical infection by down regulating
proinflammatory responses. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 1;6:32538.
3. Liu X, Fan B, Bai J, Wang H, Li Y, Jiang P,The N-N non-covalent domain of the
nucleocapsid protein of type 2 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus enhances
induction of IL-10 expression. J Gen Virol. (2015),96:1276-1286.
4. Liu J, Bai J, Zhang L, Jiang Z, Wang X, Li Y, Jiang P,Hsp70 positively regulates
porcine circovirus type 2 replication in vitro. Virology. 2013 Dec;447(1-2):52-62.
5. Liu J, Bai J, Lu Q, Zhang L, Jiang Z, Michal JJ, He Q, Jiang P, Two-dimensional liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry coupled with isobaric tags for relative and absolute
quantification (iTRAQ) labeling approach revealed first proteome profiles of pulmonary alveolar
macrophages infected with porcine circovirus type 2. J Proteomics. 2013, 79:72-86.
6. Li W, Wang X, Bai J, Ma T, Li Z, Li Y, Jiang P.,Construction and immunogenicity of recombinant
porcine circovirus-like particles displaying somatostatin.Vet Microbiol. 2013 Apr 12;
7. Zhang L, Liu J, Bai J, Du Y, Wang X, Liu X, Jiang P,Poly(I:C) inhibits porcinereproductive and
respiratorysyndromevirus replication in MARC-145 cells via activation of IFIT3.Antiviral Res. 2013
8. Wang X, Bai J, Zhang L, Wang X, Li Y, Jiang P,Poly (A)-binding protein interacts with the
nucleocapsid protein of porcinereproductive and respiratorysyndromevirus and participates in viral
replication. Antiviral Research 2012, 96: 315–323.
9. Lu Q, Bai J, Zhang L, Liu J, Jiang Z, Michal JJ, He Q, Jiang P,Two-dimensional liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry coupled with isobaric Tags for relative and absolute
quantification (iTRAQ) labeling approach revealed first proteome profiles of pulmonary alveolar
macrophages infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. J Proteome Res. 2012
May 4;11(5):2890-903.
10. Cao J, Wang X, Du Y, Li Y, Wang X, Jiang P,CD40 ligand expressed in
adenovirus can improve the immunogenicity of the GP3 and GP5 of porcine reproductive and
respiratory syndrome virus in swine,Vaccine 2010, 28: 7514-7522.
11. Li Y, Wang X, Jiang P, Wang X, Chen W, Wang X, Wang K,Genetic variation analyses of porcine
reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus isolated in China from 2002 to 2007 based on ORF5,
Veterinary Microbiology 2009, 138: 150–155.
12. Li J, Jiang P, Wang Y, Li Y, Chen W, Wang X ,Li P,Genotyping of Haemophilus parasuis from
diseased pigs in China and prevalence of two coexisting virus pathogens,Preventive Veterinary
Medicine 2009, 91:274-279.

13. Wang X, Jiang P, Li Y, Jiang W, Tong X,Protection of pigs against post-weaning multisystemic
wasting syndrome by a recombinant adenovirus expressing the capsid protein of porcine circovirus
type 2, Veterinary Microbiology, 2007, 121:215–224.
14. Li Y, Wang X, Bo K, Wang X, Tang B, Yang B, Jiang W, Jiang P,Emergence of a highly pathogenic
porcine reproductive and respiratory yndrome virus in
mid-east China, Veterinary Journal 2007,174:577-584.
15. Huang H, Jiang P, Li Y, Xu J, Jiang W, Wang X,Inhibition of porcine reproductive and
respiratory syndrome virus replication by short hairpin RNA in MARC-145 cells, Veterinary
Microbiology, 2006, 115:302-310.

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