


办公地址:江苏南京卫岗 1 号,
2012 年毕业于南京农业大学预防兽医系,获博士学位。2010 年至 2013 年,
2015 年至 2016 年先后作为访问学者和博士后在美国密西根州立大学学习和工作
4 年,承担并参与 2 项美国 NIH 项目和 1 项 USDA
项目。现任动物医学院临床医学系副教授、硕士研究生导师、美国毒理学会会员、中国毒理学会会员、江苏省毒理学会青年委员、兽医毒理专业委员会委员。BMC Vet Res、Toxicol Sci
一直从事真菌毒素毒性机理、致病分子机制、畜禽中毒病与食品安全、小动物疾病等研究。近 5 年在 Arch Toxicol、Toxicol Sci 等国际知名刊物发表 SCI论文 18
篇,其中第一或通讯作者 SCI 论文 14 篇,累积影响因子大于 50,单篇最高影响因子 6.637。论文大部分发表在学科前 20%的杂志,其中 7 篇发表在学科前 10%的杂志。

江苏省优博获得者 勃林格殷格翰奖教金

1. Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, Steven J. Bursian, et al. Calcium-Sensing Receptor and Transient
Receptor Ankyrin-1 Mediate Emesis Induction by Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin). Toxicological Sciences,
155, 32-42, 2017. (IF=3.88, Top 10% in Toxicology)
2. Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, James J. Pestka*. Potential Roles for Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR)
and Transient Receptor Ankyrin-1 (TRPA1) in Murine Anorectic Response to Deoxynivalenol
(Vomitoxin), Archives of Toxicology, 91, 495-507, 2017. (IF=6.637, Top 10% in Toxicology)
3. Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, Steven J. Bursian, et al. Emetic Responses to T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and
Emetine Correspond to Plasma Elevations Peptide YY3-36 and
5-Hydroxytryptamine. Archives of Toxicology, 90, 997-1007, 2016. (IF=6.637, Top
10% in Toxicology)
4. Denis Male, Wenda Wu (Co-first author), Nicole J. Mitchell, et al. Modeling the emetic potencies
of food-borne trichothecenes by benchmark dose methodology, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 94,
178-185, 2016. (IF=3.584, Top 20% in Food Science and Technology)
5. Dawei Liu, Hongyi Liu, Wenda Wu*, et al. Potential natural exposure of endangered red-crowned
crane (Grus japonensis) to mycotoxins aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, and
ochratoxin A. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 17, 158-168, 2016.
6. Denis Male, Nicole J. Mitchell, Wenda Wu, et al. Modelling the anorectic potencies of food-borne
trichothecenes by benchmark dose and incremental area under the curve methodology. World Mycotoxin
Journal, 9, 279-288, 2016.
7. Xiu-meizhao, Rong-jia Li, Wenda Wu, et al. Separation and purification of deoxynivalenol (DON)
mycotoxin from wheat culture using a simple two-step silica gel column chromatography. Journal of
Integrative Agriculture, 15, 694-701, 2016.

8. Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, Xiao Pan,et al.Comparison of Anorectic Potencies of the Trichothecene
T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, Satratoxin G and Natural Alkaloid Emetine. Toxicology Reports, 2, 238-251,
9. Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, Xiao Pan, et al. Comparison of Anorectic and Emetic Potencies of
Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin) to the Plant Metabolite
Deoxynivalenol-3-Glucoside and Synthetic Deoxynivalenol Derivatives EN139528 and
EN139544.Toxicological Sciences,142,167-181,2014. (IF=4.478, Top 10% in Toxicology)
10. Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, Kaiyu He, et al. Role of Cholecystokinin in Anorexia Induction
Following Oral Exposure to the 8-Ketotrichothecenes Deoxynivalenol,
15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, Fusarenon X, and Nivalenol. Toxicological
Sciences, 138, 278-289, 2014. (IF=4.478, Top 10% in Toxicology)
11. Wenda Wu, Kaiyu He, Hui-Ren Zhou, et al. Effects of oral exposure to naturally-occurring and
synthetic deoxynivalenol congeners on proin?ammatory cytokine and chemokine mRNA expression in the
mouse. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 278, 107-115, 2014. (IF=3.705, Top 20% in Toxicology)
12. Wenda Wu, Haibin Zhang*. Role of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β in anorexia
induction following oral exposure to the trichothecene deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) in the mouse.
Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 39, 875-886, 2014.
13. Yuwei Wang, Wenda Wu (Co-first author), Xichun Wang, et al. Inhibitory Effects of
Deoxynivalenol on Gastric Secretion in Rats. Journal of Food Protection, 77, 1367-1371, 2014.
14. Zhiyu Shi, Yating Zheng, Haobo Zhang, Chenghua He, Wenda Wu, Haibin Zhang* DNA Electrochemical
Aptasensor for Detecting Fumonisins B1 Based on Graphene and Thionine Nanocomposite.
Electroanalysis, 27, 1097-1103, 2014.
15. Wenda Wu, Melissa A. Bates, Steven J. Bursian, et al. Peptide YY3-36 and
5-Hydroxytryptamine Mediate Emesis Induction by Trichothecene Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin).
Toxicological Sciences, 133, 186-195, 2013. (IF=4.328, Top 10% in Toxicology)
16. Wenda Wu, Melissa A. Bates, Steven J. Bursian, et al. Comparison of Emetic Potencies of the
8-Ketotrichothecenes Deoxynivalenol, 15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol,

3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, Fusarenon X, and Nivalenol. Toxicological Sciences, 131, 279-291, 2013.
(IF=4.328, Top 10% in Toxicology)
17. Wenda Wu, Brenna M. Flannery, Sugita-Konishi Yoshiko, et al.Comparison of Murine Anorectic
Responses to the 8-Ketotrichothecenes 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol,
15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol,FusarenonX and Nivalenol. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 2056-2061,
2012. (IF=3.01, Top 20% in Food Science and Technology)
18. Brenna M. Flannery, Wenda Wu, James J. Pestka*. Characterization of deoxynivalenol-
induced anorexia using mouse bioassay. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 1863-1869, 2011.

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