


教 授 博士生导师
南京市卫岗 1 号 南京农业大学园艺学院邮编:210095
Tel: 025-84396485
Email: huangxs@njau.edu.cn
黄小三,1983 年出生,博士,教授。长期从事果树抗逆/抗病优异资源挖掘与利用、DNA 甲基化、表观遗传学和种质创新等方面的研究工作。已主持国家及省部级科研项目 20 多项;近年来共发表学术论文
28 篇,其中 SCI 收录 20 篇;有 8 篇发表在影响因子大于 6.0 的期刊上。包括 Plant Physiology、Plant Biotechnology
Journal、Plant Cell and Environment、Bioinformatics、Journal of Experimental Botany、Molecular
Cell、Genome Research、Genome Biology、Frontiers in Plant Science、BMC Genomics、BMC Plant Biology、Plant
Science 等国际著名期刊。已发表的 SCI 论文被他引 521 次。授权国家发明专利 7 项。积极参加国内外学术活动,为 Plant Biotechnology Journal
等多种国内外学术刊物审稿 60 余次。
2006.09-2011.11 华中农业大学,园艺学院,果树学,硕博连读

2002.09-2006.06 华中农业大学,园艺学院,园艺学,学士
2019.01-至今 南京农业大学,园艺学院,教授

2014.01-2018.12 南京农业大学,园艺学院,副教授

2015.03-2016.03 美国普渡大学,园艺与景观学院,访问学者

2011.12-2013.12 南京农业大学,园艺学院,讲师
本科生课程 8 门:园艺学通论、园艺生产实习与调研、果树育种实习等。

研究生课程 3 门:果树发育细胞生物学、现代园艺科学前沿。

指导本科生 SRT6 名,申请专利多项,其中有 3 人发表 SCI 论文;
指导 2019 年“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛获得校级一等奖,省级二等奖。
指导研究生 11 名,协助课题组长指导博士生 3 名;
其中 2 名获校级优秀毕业生,2 名获国家一等奖学金,多名学生论文发表在国际领域的 6 分以上高水平 SCI 期刊,并获得优秀论文奖。
2016-2017 年度“神农中华农业科技奖科研成果一等奖”(排名:12/17)、
2018-2019 年度“神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖”(排名:6/16)、第七届“江苏省农业技术推广一等奖”(2014;排名:16/25)等奖项。
(1)国家自然科学基金(31872070)杜梨钠氢逆向转运蛋白 PbrNHX2 的抗盐机制及调控网络解析(主持)
(2)国家自然科学基金(31301758)低温响应转录因子 PubHLH1 在梨抗寒中的功能及其调控机理(主持)
(5)教育部新教师博士点基金(130600661)转录因子 bHLH 调控梨冷响应基因表达的分子机理研究(主持)
(6)江苏省自然科学基金(BK20130689)bHLH 的功能鉴定及其抗寒机理解析

(9)中央高校自主创新重点项目(KYZ201607)杜梨 PbrNHX1 基因的功能鉴定及其抗盐机理解析(主持)
(10)国家博士后特别资助(2013T60545)PuICE1 的功能鉴定及其抗寒机理解析(主持)
(11)国家博士后面上资助(2012M521092)转录因子 ICE1 调控梨冷响应基因表达的分子机理(主持)
(12)校青年创新基金(1306J0538) NO 在梨抗寒中的作用及调控机理解析(主持)
(13)大学生创新创业训练专项(S20190040)山梨 β-淀粉酶基因 PbBAM3 的抗寒机理及调控网络解析(主持)
【1】A Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor, PtrbHLH, of Poncirus trifoliata Confers Cold
Tolerance and Modulates Peroxidase-Mediated Scavenging of Hydrogen Peroxide. Plant
Physiology , 2013 , 162 ( 2 ): 1178-1194. (IF5-yr=7.428) (第一作者)
【2】PbrMYB21, a novel MYB Protein of Pyrus betulaefolia, functions in drought tolerance and
modulates polyamine levels by regulating arginine decarboxylase

gene. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 15(9):1186-1203(.
【3】A WRKY transcription factor PbrWRKY53 from Pyrus betulaefolia is involved in drought tolerance
and AsA accumulation. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(9):1770-1787.(IF5-yr=6.657)(通讯作者)
【4】A novel MYB Transcription Factor regulates AsA synthesis and affects cold tolerance.
Plant Cell and Environment, 2019, 42(3):832-845.(IF5-yr=6.555)
【5】ViewBS: a powerful toolkit for visualization of high-throughput bisulfite sequencing
data, 2017, Bioinformatics, 34(4):708-709. (IF5-yr=8.044)(第一作者)
【6】ICE1 of Poncirus trifoliata functions in cold tolerance by modulating polyamine levels through
interacting with arginne decaeboxylas, Journal of Experimental

Botany,2015, 66 (11):3259-3274. (IF5-yr=6.538) (第一作者)
【7】Cloning and molecular characterization of a mitogen-activated protein kinase gene
from Poncirus trifoliata whose ectopic expression confers
dehydration/drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco,Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011,
62(14):5191-5206. (IF5-yr=6.538) (第一作者)
【8】Genome-wide analysis of WRKY transcription factors in white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri)
reveals evolution and patterns under drought stress. BMC Genomics,2015, 16(1):1104.
(IF5-yr=4.284) (第一作者)
【9】Genome-wide analyses and expression patterns under abiotic stress of NAC transcription
factors in white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri). BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19(1):161. (IF5-yr=4.541)
【10】Overexpression of PtrABF gene, a bZIP transcription factor isolated from Poncirus
trifoliata, enhances dehydration and drought tolerance in tobacco via scavenging ROS and modulating
expression of stress-responsive genes. BMC Plant Biology, 2010, 10:230. (IF5-yr=4.541)(第一作者)
【11】Overexpression of a bHLH1 transcription factor of Pyrus ussuriensis confers enhanced cold
tolerance and increases expression of stress-responsive genes. Frontiers in Plant Science,
2016, 7:441. (IF5-yr=4.677)(第一作者)
【12】A novel NAC transcription factor, PbeNAC1, of Pyrus betulifolia confers cold and drought
tolerance via interacting with PbeDREBs and activating the expression of stress-responsive
genes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:1049.
【13】The beta-amylase PbrBAM3 from pear (Pyrus betulaefolia) regulates soluble sugar accumulation
and ROS homeostasis in response to cold stress. Plant Science, 2019, 287:110184.
【14】Overexpression of PbrNHX2 gene, a Na+/H+ antiporter gene isolated from Pyrus
betulaefolia, confers enhanced tolerance to salt stress via modulating ROS levels. Plant
Science, 2019, 285:14-25. (IF5-yr=4.148)(通讯作者)
【15】ICE1 of Pyrus ussuriensis functionsin cold tolerance by enhancing PuDREBa transcriptional
levels through interacting with PuHHP1,Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:17620. (IF5-yr=4. 847)
【16】A MADS-box transcription factor of ‘Kuerlexiangli’(Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu) PsJOINTLESS gene
functions in floral organ abscission. Gene, 2018, 642:163-171. (IF5-yr=2. 984)(通讯作者)
【17】Transcriptomic and evolutionary analyses of white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) β-amylase genes
reveals their importance for cold and drought stress responses. Gene, 2019, 689:102-113.
(IF5-yr=2. 984)(通讯作者)

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