


南京市卫岗 1 号南京农业大学园艺学院 邮编:210095;电话(Tel):025-84395267;
1995.4~1998.3 日本国三重大学攻读博士学位,1998.8~2000.7 南京农业大学博士后研究。工作经历:
1982.1~1998.7 山西农业大学助教、副教授、教授,1993.2~1994.3 日本国名古屋大学客座教授,
1994.4~1995.3 日本国三重大学外国人研究者,2000.7~至今 南京农业大学教授。学术任职与服务/社会服务:
中国国家委员会主任委员会成员等。《园艺学报》、《南京农业大学学报》等学术期刊编委,《Journal of plant research》、《Plant Growth
三新工程”、“国家精准扶贫”等活动。为了加快苏北地区农业结构调整,助推当地产业升级,2010 年,在灌云县成立了“南京农业大学灌云(设施园艺)专家工作站”,担任专家工作站首任站长;2011
2009 年,温室关键设备及有机基质的开发应用,国家科学技术进步二等奖,排名:第 3;
2015 年,蔬菜设施构型优化与高效栽培技术集成推广,江苏省农业技术推广奖一等奖,排名:第 1;
2003 年,纸厂废渣—苇末资源再生及利用技术的研究与推广,江苏省科学技术进步二等奖,排名:第 1;
2005 年,智能化温室及有机基质高效栽培技术,教育部提名国家科学技术奖科技进步一等奖,排名:第
2007 年,可控环境无公害蔬菜全季节优质高效生产技术研究,中华农业科技奖二等奖,排名:第 2,
2014 年,设施园艺有机基质栽培的高校精准管控技术,教育部高等学校科学研究科技进步奖二等奖,排名:第 2;
2008 年,设施瓜类蔬菜优质高效生产技术集成和示范,江苏省科学技术进步三等奖,排名:第 1。主要主持科研项目:
(1)黄瓜耐根际低氧逆境生理机制的研究(国家自然基金, 30170645);

(2)钙诱导黄瓜植株低氧耐性的生理和分子生物学机制研究(国家自然基金, 30571263);
(3)油菜素内酯增强黄瓜植株低氧耐性的根系呼吸代谢机理和蛋白质表达基础(国家自然基金, 30871736);
(4)外源腐胺调控盐胁迫下黄瓜叶片类囊体膜结构与性能的作用机理研究(国家自然基金, 31071831);
(5)外源腐胺调控盐胁迫下黄瓜类囊体膜蛋白适应性变化的作用机制(国家自然基金, 31272209);
(6)盐胁迫下黄瓜 SAMs 蛋白的表达定位与功能分析(国家自然基金, 31471869);
(10)设施作物的环境适应机制与产品安全调控的基础研究(973 项目,2009CB119000,子课题);
、SXGC[2014]256、SXGC[2015]321、 SXGC[2016]177);
(1)无土栽培学(第二版)(主编),普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材、全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材,中国农业出版社,2011 年 06 月
(2)设施作物栽培学(主编),全国高等学校“十一五”农林规划教材,高等教育出版社,2012 年 04月
(3)设施园艺学(第二版)(主编),普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材、全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材、2011 年普通高等教育精品教材,中国农业出版社,中国农业出版社,2011 年 03 月
(4)现代设施园艺与蔬菜科学研究(主编),学术专著,科学出版社,2015 年 03 月
(5)园艺设施建造技术、设施育苗技术、设施蔬菜生产技术、设施果树生产技术,设施园艺实用技术丛书(主编),化学工业出版社,2013 年 03 月
近五年(2010~2014)发表的主要SCI 论文:
1、Jin Sun,Yongxia Jia,Shirong Guo*(通讯作者,下同),Juan Li,Sheng Shu. Resistance of spinach plants to
seawater stress is correlated with higher activity of xanthophyll cycle and better maintenance of
chlorophyll metabolism. Photosynthetica,2010,48(4):567~579
2、Changxia Du,Huaifu Fan,Shirong Guo*,Takafumi Tezuka,Juan Li. Proteomic analysis of cucumber
seedling roots subjected to salt stress. Phytochemistry,2010,(71):1450~1459
3、Yongxia Jia,Jin Sun,Shirong Guo*,Juan Li,Xiaohui Hu,Suping Wang. Effect of Root_Applied
Spermidine on Growth and Respiratory Metabolism in Roots of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Seedlings
under Hypoxia. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology,2010,57(5):648~655
4、Jin Sun,Yongxia Jia,Shirong Guo*,et al.. Study on the Movement of Ionic Selectivity,Compatiable
Solutes,and Intacellular ions Caused in the Leaves of Spinach(Spinacia oleracea L.)Plants Cultured
in a Nutrient solution with Seawater. Water Environment Research,2010,9(82):848~858
5、Xiaoying Liu,Shirong Guo*,Zhigang Xu,et al.. Regulation of Chloroplast Ultrastructure,
Anatomy of Leaves, and Morphology of Stomata of Cherry Tomato by Different Light Irradiations of
Light-emitting Diodes. HORTSCIENCE,2011,46 (2):217~221
6、Hongbo Gao,Yongxia Jia,Shirong Guo*,Guiyun Lv,Tian Wang,Juan Li. Exogenous calcium affects
nitrogen metabolism in root-zone hypoxia-stressed muskmelon roots and enhances short-term hypoxia
tolerance. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2011,168(11),1217~1225

7、Yuan Lingyun; Yuan Yinghui; Du Jing; Sun Jin; Guo Shirong*. Effects of 24-epibrassinolide on
nitrogen metabolism in cucumber seedlings under Ca(NO3)2 stress. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND
8、Yang Yanjuan; Wang Liping; Tian Jing ; Li Jing ; Sun Jin; He Lizhong; Guo Shirong*; Tezuka,
Proteomic study participating the enhancement of growth and salt tolerance of bottle gourd
rootstock-grafted watermelon seedlings. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2012,(58):54-65
9、Yuan Lingyun; Shu Sheng; Sun Jin; Guo Shirong*.Tezuka Takafumi. Effects of 24-epibrassinolide on
photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidant system, and chloroplast ultrastructure in Cucumis
sativus L. under Ca(NO3)2 stress. PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH,2012,112(3):205-214
10、Yu Li; Yan Jun ; Guo Shirong*.Zhu Weimin. Aluminum-induced secretion of organic acid by cowpea
(Vigna unguiculata L.) roots. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, 2012, 135:52-58
11、Li Jing; Sun Jin; Yang Yanjuan ; Guo Shirong*.Glick, Bernard R. Identification of
hypoxic-responsive proteins in cucumber roots using a proteomic approach. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND
BIOCHEMISTRY, 2012, 51:74-80
12、Lizhong He; Xiaomin Lu; Jing Tian; Yanjuan Yang; Bin Li; Jing Li; Shirong Guo*.Proteomic
analysis of the effects of exogenous calcium on hypoxic-responsive proteins in cucumber roots.
Proteome Science, 2012
13、Liu Xiaoying,Guo Shirong*,Chang Taotao,Xu Zhigang. Takafumi Tezuka. Regulation of the growth and
photosynthesis of cherry tomato seedlings by different light irradiations of light emitting diodes
(LED). African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012,11(22):6169-6177
14、Sheng Shu; Ling-Yun Yuan; Shi-Rong Guo*; Jin Sun ; Chao-Jie Liu. Effects of exogenous spermidine
on photosynthesis, xanthophyll cycle and endogenous polyamines in cucumber seedlings exposed to
salinity. African Journal of Biotechnology,2012, 11(22):6064-6074
15、Sheng Shu, Shi-Rong Guo*, Jin Sun, Ling-Yun Yuan. Effects of salt stress on the structure and
function of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cucumis sativus and its protection by exogenous
putrescine. Physiologia Plantarum, 2012,146(3):285-296
16、Jing Tian,Li-Ping Wang,Yan-Juan Yang,Jin Sun,Shi-Rong Guo*. Exogenous Spermidine Alleviates the
Oxidative Damage in Cucumber Seedlings Subjected to High Temperatures. Journal of the American
Society for Horticultural Science, 2012,137(1):11-19
17、Huai-Fu Fan,Chang-Xia Du,Shi-Rong Guo*. Nitric oxide enhances salt tolerance in cucumber
seedlings by regulating free polyamine content. Environmental and Experimental Botany,
18、Ling-Yun Yuan,Jing Du,Ying-Hui Yuan,Sheng Shu,Jing Sun,Shi-Rong Guo*. Effects of
24-epibrassinolide on ascorbate–glutathione cycle and polyamine levels in cucumber roots under Ca
(NO3) 2 stress.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, 35(1):253-262
19、Sheng Shu,Ling-Yun Yuan,Shi-Rong Guo*,Jin Sun,Ying-Hui Yuan. Effects of exogenous spermine on
chlorophyll fluorescence, antioxidant system and ultrastructure of chloroplasts in Cucumis sativus
L. under salt stress.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013,63:209-216
20、Yang YJ, Lu XM, Yan B, Li B, Sun J, Guo SR*, Tezuka T. Bottle gourd rootstock-grafting affects
nitrogen metabolism in NaCl-stressed watermelon leaves and enhances short-term salt tolerance.
Journal of Plant Physiology, 170: 653– 661, 2013
21、Li B, He LZ, Guo SR*, Li J, Yang YJ, Yan B, Sun J, Li J. Proteomics reveal cucumber
under normal condition and salt stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 67: 7–14,2013
22、Li J, McConkey BJ, Cheng ZY, Guo SR*, Glick B R. Identification of plant growth-promoting
bacteria-responsive proteins in cucumber roots under hypoxic stress using a proteomic approach.
Journal of Proteomics, 84: 119–131,2013

23、Li B, Sang T, He LZ, Sun J, Li J, Guo SR*. Exogenous Spermidine Inhibits Ethylene Production in
Leaves of Cucumber Seedlings under NaCl Stress. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural
Science, 138(2): 1– 6,2013
24、Fan XX, Zang J, Xu ZG, Guo SR*, Jiao XL, Liu XY, Gao Y. Effects of different light quality on
growth, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll biosynthesis precursors of non-heading Chinese
cabbage (Brassica campestris L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantrum, 35: 2721–2726,2013
25、Yuan Lingyun, Zhu Shidong, Li Shuhai, Shu Sheng, Sun Jin, Guo Shirong *. 24-Epibrassinolide
regulates carbohydrate metabolism and increases polyamine content in cucumber exposed to Ca(NO3)2
stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014, 36(11): 2845~2852
26、Shu Sheng, Chen Lifang, Lu Wei, Sun Jin, Guo Shirong *, Yuan Yinhui, Li Jun. Effects of
exogenous spermidine on photosynthetic capacity and expression of Calvin cycle genes in
salt-stressed cucumber seedlings. Journal of plant research, 2014, 127(6): 763~773
27、Wang Junwei, Li Shuhai, Guo Shirong *, Ma Chengwei, Wang Jian, Jin Sun. Simulation and
optimization of solar greenhouses in Northern Jiangsu Province of China. Energy and Buildings,
2014, 78: 143~152

(数据截止 2014.12)

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