






◆ 系统发育基因组学
◆ 基因组结构变异与机制
◆ 植物类群分化及其分子基础
◆ 植物-病原互作及协同进化

2007.9-2010.6 南京大学生命科学院 博士 (生物学)
2007.9-2009.9 美国密歇根大学生态与进化生物学系 联合培养博士
2005.9-2007.8 南京大学生命科学院 硕士 (植物学)

2001.9-2005.6 南京大学生命科学院 生物学 学士 (生物学)

2020.9-至今 南京农业大学园艺学院 副教授
2018.8-2019.7 比利时根特大学 访问学者
2015.12-2020.9 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 副研究员
2014.7-2015.11 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 助理研究员
2012.8-2014.6 南京大学生命科学院 助理研究员
2010.7-2012.7 南京大学生命科学院 博士后


主持科研项目 5 项:
◆ 江苏省植物资源研究与利用重点实验室项目,KSPKLB201835,结合系统性误差分析的主要被子植物线粒体系统发育基因组学研究,2018.9-2020.9,10万元,在研,主持
◆ 深圳市南亚热带植物多样性重点实验室开放基金项目,植物抗病“助手”型 NBS-LRR 基因的分子演化与遗传变异研究,2018.7-2020.7,5 万元,在研,主持
◆ 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31300190,被子植物 NBS-LRR 基因型抗病基
因的演化研究,2014.1-2016.12,23 万元,已结题,主持
◆ 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20130565,CC-NBS-LRR 型抗病基因在被子植物中的多样性扩张与功能演化研究,2013.7-2016.6,20 万元,已结题,主持
◆ 中国博士后科学基金面上项目第 49 批,20110491392,陆地植物 NBS-LRR型基因的起源与早期演化的分子机制,2011.4-2012.6,3 万元,已结题,主持


发表研究论文 30 余篇,以第一完成人获授权发明专利 2 件。
1. Xue JY, Wang Y, Chen M, Dong S, Shao ZQ and Liu Y. (2020) Maternal Inheritance
of U’s Triangle and Evolutionary Process of Brassica Mitochondrial Genomes. Frontiers in Plant
Science. 11:805. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00805
2. Xue JY, Zhao T, Liu Y, Zhang YX, Zhang GQ, Chen HF, Zhou GC*, Zhang SZ*, Shao ZQ*. 2019.
Genome-Wide Analysis of NBS-LRR Genes of Four Orchids Revealed Extremely Low Numbers of
Disease Resistance Genes. Frontiers in Genetics. 10:1286 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01286
3. Shao ZQ#, Xue JY#, Wang Q, Wang B, Chen JQ*. 2019. Revisiting the Origin of
Plant NBS-LRR Genes. Trends in Plant Science. 24(1):9-12.
4. Dong S, Xue JY, Zhang S, Zhang L, Wu H, Chen Z, Goffinet B, Liu Y*. 2018. Complete
mitochondrial genome sequence of Anthoceros angustus: conservative evolution of the mitogenomes
in hornworts. The Bryologist. 121(1):014–022.
5. Qian LH#, Zhou GC#, Sun XQ, Lei Z, Zhang YM, Xue JY*, Hang YY*. 2017.
Distinct Patterns of Gene Gain and Loss: Diverse Evolutionary Modes of NBS-Encoding
Genes in Three Solanaceae Crop Species.
G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 7(5):1577-1585.
6. Zhang YM, Xue JY, Liu LW, Sun X, Zhou GC, Chen M, Shao ZQ*, Hang YY*. 2017. Divergence and
Conservative Evolution of XTNX Genes in Land Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1844.
7. Shao ZQ#, Xue JY#, Wu P, Zhang YM, Wu Y, Hang YY, Wang B*, Chen JQ*. 2016. Large-Scale
Analyses of Angiosperm Nucleotide-Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeat Genes
Reveal Three Anciently Diverged Classes with Distinct Evolutionary Patterns. Plant Physiology.
170(4): 2095-2109.
8. Guo HS#, Zhang YM#, Sun XQ, Li MM, Hang YY*, Xue JY*. 2016. Evolution of the KCS gene
family in plants: the history of gene duplication sub/neofunctionalization
and redundancy. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 291(2):739-52.
9. Sun XQ, Li DH, Xue JY, Yang SH, Zhang YM, Li MM, Hang YY*. 2016.
Insertion DNA Accelerates Meiotic Interchromosomal Recombination in
Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33(8):2044-53.
10. Zhang YM#, Shao ZQ#, Wang Q, Hang YY, Xue JY, Wang B*, Chen JQ*. 2016. Uncovering the dynamic
evolution of nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) genes in Brassicaceae.
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 58(2):165-77. 2016.
11. Wu P, Shao ZQ, Wu XZ, Wang Q, Wang B, Chen JQ, Hang YY, Xue JY*. 2014. Loss/retention and
evolution of NBS-encoding genes upon whole genome triplication of Brassica rapa. Gene.
540: 5461.

12. Amborella Genome Project. 2013. The Amborella Genome and the Evolution of Flowering Plants.
Science 342 (6165): p. 1241089
13. Cheng K#, Xue JY#, Zhu HL*. 2013. Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity
studies of thiazole derivatives as potent ecKAS III inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal
Chemistry Letters 23(14):4235-4238.
14. Huang XF#, Xue JY#, Jiang AQ, Zhu HL*. 2013. Capsaicin and its analogues:
structure-activity relationship study. Current Medicinal Chemistry
15. Xue JY, Wang Y, Wu P, Wang Q, Yang LT, Pan XH, Wang B*, Chen JQ*. 2012. A
primary survey on bryophyte species reveals two novel classes of
nucleotide-binding site (NBS) genes. PLoS One 7(5): e36700.
16. Liu Y, Xue JY, Wang B, Li L, Qiu YL*. 2011. The Mitochondrial Genomes of the Early Land
Plants Treubia lacunose and Anomodon rugelii: Dynamic and Conservative Evolution.
PLoS One 610:e25836.
17. Xue JY#, Liu Y#, Li L, Wang B, Qiu YL*. 2010. The complete mitochondrial genome
sequence of the hornwort Phaeoceros laevis: Retention of many pseudogenes and
conservative evolution of mitochondrial genomes in hornworts. Current Genetics 56:53-61.
18. Wang B, Li HY, Xue JY, Liu Y, Ané JM, Qiu YL*. 2010. Presence of three
mycorrhizal genes in the common ancestor of land plants suggests a key role of mycorrhizas in the
colonization of land by plants. New phytologist 186:514-525.
19. Qiu YL, Li L, Wang B, Xue JY, Hendry TA, Li RQ, Brown JW, Liu Y, Hudson GT, Chen ZD. 2010.
Angiosperm phylogeny inferred from sequences of four mitochondrial genes. Journal of
Systematics and Evolution 48 (6): 391-425.
20. Wang B#, Xue JY#, Li L, Liu Y, Qiu YL*. 2009. The complete mitochondrial genome
sequence of the liverwort Pleurozia purpurea reveals extremely conservative
mitochondrial genome evolution in liverworts. Current Genetics 55:601-609.
21. Xue JY, Xiao ZP, Shi L, Li HQ, Zhu HL*. 2007. Synthesis and structure-activity
relationship analysis of enamines as potential antibacterial agents. Australian Journal of
Chemistry 60: 957-962.
1. Liu Y, Wang B, Li L, Qiu YL, Xue JY. Conservative and dynamic evolution of mitochondrial
genomes in early land plants. In: Bock R, Knoop V, eds. Genomics of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria.
Netherlands: Springer. p. 159-174. 2012.

◆ 薛佳宇、张艳梅、周广灿、雷照、石磊、吴婷婷、王智。6,7-二甲氧基-喹唑啉-4-胺衍生物、其制备方法及医药用途。2017-09-15。中国。ZL201510116327.x
◆ 薛佳宇、周广灿、王元涛、张艳梅。抗癌、抗炎多肽 Lunasin 在哺乳动物细

胞 CHO-S 中的表达、纯化方法。2020-3-31。中国。ZL201710417823.8

◆ 2014.7-至今江苏省植物学会青年工作委员会 秘书
◆ 2019.6-至今Frontiers in Genetics Guest Associate Editor
◆ 2019.6-至今Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution Guest Associate Editor


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