



职 称:副教授,硕士生导师 邮 箱:aiping_song@njau.edu.cn办公地址:生科楼B5011

◆ 基于基因组的菊花及其近缘种属演化机制研究
◆ 基于转录组的菊花重要性状核心调控模块解析
◆ 菊花株型调控的分子机制
◆ 菊花逆境响应的分子机制

2009.09 – 2014.06 南京农业大学园艺学院 农学博士
2005.09 – 2009.06 吉林大学植物科学学院 农学学士

2017.12 – 至今 南京农业大学园艺学院 副教授
2014.06 – 2017.11 南京农业大学园艺学院 师资博士后

◆ 本科生《园艺作物生物信息学》、《园艺学通论》、《花卉园艺》、《园林植物栽培与养护》和《花卉育种学》
◆ 研究生《现代园艺科学前沿》、《观赏植物生理与分子生物学》和《园艺学进展》

◆ 江苏省自然科学基金(优秀青年基金项目),BK20190076,2019/7-
◆ 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31870694,2019/1-2022/12,在研,主持
◆ 国家重点研发计划(子课题),2018YFD1000403,2018/7-2022/12,在研,主持
◆ 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31501792,2016/1-2018/12,已结题,主持
◆ 博士后科学基金特别资助,2015T80564,2015/9-2017/11,已结题,主持
◆ 江苏省自然科学基金(青年基金),BK20150657, 2015/7-2018/6,已结题,主持
◆ 中央高校基本业务费,KYZ201832,2018/1-2018/12,已结题,主持
◆ 中央高校基本业务费,KJQN201658,2016/1-2018/12,已结题,主持
◆ 博士后科学基金面上资助,2014M561673,2014/7-2017/11,已结题,主持

已发表 SCI 论文 60 余篇,引用 1500 余次,H 指数 24。其中,以通讯或第一(含共一)作者在 Molecular Plant 等 SCI 期刊发表论文 14 篇;获得国家发明专利授权
10 项。
◆ Yu Q#, Hu Y#, Su J, Li P, Zhang L, Fu X, Chen F, Song A*. Evaluation of a yeast
two-hybrid library by high-throughput sequencing. Journal of Proteome Research. 2020,
19: 3567-3572. (# Co-first author, * Corresponding author,封面文章,影响因子:4.074 )
◆ Ding L#, Song A#, Zhang X, Li S, Su J, Xia W, Zhao K, Zhao W, Guan Y, Fang W, Chen S,
Jiang J, Chen F. The core regulatory networks and hub genes regulating flower development
in Chrysanthemum morifolium. Plant Molecular
Biology. 2020, 103: 669–688. (# Co-first author, 影响因子: 3.302)
◆ Song C#, Liu Y#, Song A#, Dong G#, Zhao H#, Sun W, Ramakrishnan S, Wang Y,

Wang S, Li T, Niu Y, Jiang J, Dong B, Xia Y, Chen S, Hu Z, Chen F, Chen S. The Chrysanthemum
nankingense genome provides insights into the evolution and diversification of
chrysanthemum flowers and medicinal traits. Molecular
Plant. 2018, 11:1482-1491. (# Co-first author, 影响因子:12.084)
◆ Song A#, Hu Y#, Ding L, Zhang X, Li P, Liu Y, Chen F. Comprehensive analysis
of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades in chrysanthemum. PeerJ. 2018, 6: e5037. (# Co-first
author, 影响因子:2.379)
◆ Song A, Gao T, Li P, Chen S, Guan Z, Wu D, Xin J, Fan Q, Zhao K, Chen F.
Transcriptome-wide identification and expression profiling of the DOF
transcription factor gene family in Chrysanthemum morifolium. Frontiers in Plant Science.
2016, 7: 199. (影响因子:4.402)
◆ Song A, Gao T, Wu D, Xin J, Chen S, Guan Z, Wang H, Jin L, Chen F.
Transcriptome-wide identification and expression analysis of chrysanthemum SBP-like
transcription factors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2016,
102:10-16. (影响因子:3.72)
◆ Song A, Li P, Xin J, Chen S, Zhao K, Wu D, Fan Q, Gao T, Chen F, Guan Z.
Transcriptome-wide survey and expression profile analysis of putative
chrysanthemum HD-Zip I and II genes. Genes. 2016, 7:19. (影响因子:3.759)
◆ Song A, Wu D, Fan Q, Tian C, Chen S, Guan Z, Xin J, Zhao K, Chen F.
Transcriptome-wide identification and expression profiling analysis of
chrysanthemum trihelix transcription factors. International Journal of
Molecular Sciences. 2016, 17: 198. (影响因子:4.556)
◆ Song A, Wang L, Chen S, Jiang J, Guan Z, Li P, Chen F. Identification of
nitrogen starvation-responsive microRNAs in Chrysanthemum nankingense.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2015, 91: 41-48. (影响因子:3.72)
◆ Song A#, Li P#, Jiang J, Chen S, Li H, Zeng J, Shao Y, Zhu L, Zhang Z, Chen F.
Phylogenetic and transcription analysis of chrysanthemum WRKY transcription factors. International
Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2014, 15:14442-14455. (#
Co-first author, 影响因子:4.556)
◆ Song A, Zhao S, Chen S, Jiang J, Chen S, Li H, Chen Y, Chen X, Fang W, Chen
F. The abundance and diversity of soil fungi in continuously monocropped

chrysanthemum. The Scientific World Journal. 2013, Article ID 632920, 8 pages. (影响因子:1.7)
◆ Song A#, An J#, Guan Z, Jiang J, Chen F, Lou W, Fang W, Liu Z, Chen S. The
constitutive expression of a two transgene construct enhances the abiotic stress
tolerance of chrysanthemum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2014, 80: 114-
120. (# Co-first author, 影响因子:3.72)
◆ Song A#, Zhu X#, Chen F, Gao H, Jiang J, Chen S. A chrysanthemum heat shock protein
confers tolerance to abiotic stress. International Journal of Molecular
Sciences. 2014; 15: 5063-5078. (# Co-first author, 影响因子:4.556)
◆ Song A#, Lou W#, Jiang J#, Chen S, Sun Z, Guan Z, Fang W, Teng N, Chen F. An isoform of
eukaryotic initiation factor 4E from Chrysanthemum morifolium interacts with Chrysanthemum
Virus B coat protein. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8: e57229.
(# Co-first author, 影响因子:2.74)
◆ Song A#, You Y#, Chen F, Li P, Jiang J, Chen S. A multiplex RT-PCR for rapid
and simultaneous detection of viruses and viroids in chrysanthemum. Letters in Applied
Microbiology. 2013, 56: 8-13. (# Co-first author, 影响因子:2.173)
◆ Song A#, Lu J#, Jiang J, Chen S, Guan Z, Fang W, Chen F. Isolation and
characterization of Chrysanthemum crassum SOS1, encoding a putative plasma membrane Na+/H+
antiporter. Plant Biology. 2012, 14: 706-713. (# Co-first author,影响因子:2.167)
Horticulture Research 等多个国内外学术刊物审稿人

◆ 江苏省优秀青年基金获得者
◆ 南京农业大学“钟山学术新秀”
◆ 2017 年度博士后科学基金获得者选介(百名)
◆ 农业农村部神农中华农业科技奖(优秀创新团队奖,2019,第 10 完成人)
◆ 中国园艺学会华耐园艺科技奖(2014,第 11 完成人)

◆ 2019 级
学硕:余琪 J Proteome Res (封面文章,影响因子:4.074),申请专利 2 项专硕:张璐瑶
◆ 2020 级学硕:孙道金专硕:张佳丽

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