



2000.09 – 2001.06 XXXXX
姓 名:高聪芬
职 称:教授,博士生导师
邮 箱:gaocongfen@njau.edu.cn
办公地址:理科楼 B824


1998.9 – 2004.10 南京农业大学植物保护学院,农学博士
1993.9 – 1996.7 西北农业大学植物保护系,理学硕士
1989.9-1993.7 西北农业大学植物保护系,植物保护学士

2015.1 – 今 南京农业大学植物保护学院 教授,博导
2008.1 – 2014.12 南京农业大学植物保护学院 副教授,硕导
1999.7-2007.12 南京农业大学植物保护学院 讲师
1996.7-1999.6 南京农业大学植物保护系 助教


1. 国家自然科学基金“几丁质合酶基因突变介导褐飞虱对噻嗪酮靶标抗性的分子机制(31972298)”(2020-2023)主持
2. 横向项目“二化螟对双酰胺类杀虫剂抗性研究”(2019-2022) 主持
3. 国家自然科学基金“Nanchung 基因 R504Q 突变参与褐飞虱对吡蚜酮的抗性
(31471804)”(2017-2020) 主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金“吡蚜酮对褐飞虱机械感受器的影响及其分子机制研究
(31672068)”(2015-2018) 主持;
5. 农业部项目“二化螟对双酰胺类杀虫剂抗性研究”(2010-2018) 主持;
6. 国家自然科学基金“IGluCls 在灰飞虱对苯基吡唑类杀虫剂中的作用
(31171884)”(2012-2015) 主持;
7. 国家行业专项“生物源农药创制与技术集成及产业化开发”(2009-2013) 子课题主持;
8. 农业部“农药安全性监测与评价”(2010-2014) 主持;
9. 农业部“水稻病虫害抗药性监测与治理”(2010-2020) 主持;
10. 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目“食用农产品深加工与风险评估”(2015- 2018) 子课题主持;
11. 贵州省重大科研专项“贵州省主要茶区茶树假眼小绿叶蝉抗药性研究”
(2013-2016) 参加;
12. 农业部行业专项“创制农药在农产品中的残留及环境行为”(2012-2015) 参加;

13. 农业部“二化螟对双酰胺类杀虫剂敏感性测定”(2010-2012) 主持;
14. 国家科技支撑计划“高效减量多靶标化学防治新技术-4” (2006-2010) 子课题主持;
15. 农业部项目“高毒农药替代示范项目”(2005-2009) 子课题主持;
16. 国家行业科技专项项目“外来入侵害虫西花蓟马防控技术”(2008- 2010)主要参加者;
17. 国家行业科技专项项目“稻纵卷叶螟和白背飞虱测报和防控技术研究”
(2009-2013) 参加。

1. Li-Xiang Wang, Chun-Dong Niu, Yan Zhang, Ya-Long Jia, Yi-Jie Zhang, Yue Zhang,Yu-Qing Zhang,
Cong-Fen Gao, Shun-Fan Wu. The NompC channel regulates Nilaparvata lugens proprio-ception and
gentle touch Response. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2019, 106: 55–63
2.Li-Xiang Wang, Chun-Dong Niu,Vincent L. Salgadob, Katherine Lelitob, Lynn
Stamb, Ya-Long Jia, Yan Zhang, Cong-Fen Gao,Shun-Fan Wu. Pymetrozine activates TRPV channels of
brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2019, 153:77–86
3. Shun-Fan Wu, Bin Zeng, Chen Zheng, Xi-Chao Mu, Yong Zhang, Jun Hu, Shuai Zhang,Cong-Fen Gao &
Jin-Liang Shen. The evolution of insecticide resistance in the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata
lugens Stal) of China in the period 2012–2016.
Scientific Reports. 2018, 8:4586.
4 .Shun-Fan Wu, Dan-Dan Zhao, Jing-Mei Huang, Si-Qi Zhao, Li-Qi Zhou,Cong-Fen Gao. Molecular
characterization and expression profiling of ryanodine receptor gene in the pink stem borer,
Sesamia inferens (Walker). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018,146: 1–6.
5. Q. Wei, X.-C. Mu, S.-F. Wu, L.-X. Wang, C.-F. Gao, Cross-resistance to three

phenylpyrazole insecticides and A2′N mutation detection of GABA receptor subunit in
fipronil-resistant Laodelphax striatellus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), Pest management science, 2017,
6. Q. Wei, X.-C. Mu, H.-Y. Yu, C.-D. Niu, L.-X. Wang, C. Zheng, Z. Chen, C.-F. Gao, Susceptibility
of Empoasca vitis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) populations from the main tea-growing regions of China
to thirteen insecticides, Crop Protection, 2017,96:204- 210.
7. S.-F. Wu, X.-M. Jv, J. Li, G.-J. Xu, X.-Y. Cai, C.-F. Gao, Pharmacological
characterisation and functional roles for egg-laying of a β-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor in
the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
2017,87: 55-64.
8. Rong.Yao, Dan-Dan Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Li-Qi Zhou, Xin Wang, Congfen-Gao, Shun-fan Wu. Monitoring
and mechanisms of insecticide resistance in Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), with
special reference to diamides. Pest
management science, 2017,73:1169-1178
9. Shunfan Wu, Xichao Mu, Yaoxue Dong, Lixiang Wang, Qi Wei, Congfen Gao. Expression pattern and
pharmacological characterisation of two novel alternative splice variants of the glutamate-gated
chloride channel in the small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus. Pest management science,
2017,73 :590-597

10. Xi-Chao Mu, Wei Zhang, Li-Xiang Wang, Shuai Zhang, Kai Zhang, Cong-Fen Gao*, Shun-Fan
Wu. Resistance monitoring and cross-resistance patterns of three rice planthoppers, Nilaparvata
lugens, Sogatella furcifera and Laodelphax striatellus to dinotefuran in China. Pesticide
Biochemistry and Physiology. 2016, 134:8-13

11. Cong-Fen Gao*, Shao-Zhi Ma, Cai-Hui Shan and Shun-Fan Wu*. Thiamethoxam resistance selected in
the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae): Cross-resistance
patterns, possible biochemical
mechanisms and fitness costs analysis. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 114: 90-96, 2014.

连续 20 多年进行水稻害虫对常用杀虫剂剂的抗性监测,监测结果为我国水稻害虫化学防治的药剂选择提供指导。



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