



2000.09 – 2001.06 XXXXX
职 称:教授,博士生导师
邮 箱:fajunchen@njau.edu.cn联系电话:13675173286
办公地址:理科楼 B232

1) 环境昆虫学和全球气候变化生物学
2) 植物-昆虫-共生菌互作关系研究
3) 昆虫迁飞生理学、迁飞动力学和地磁定向研究


2011.12 – 今:南京农业大学植物保护学院,教授,博导

2011.01-2012.01: 美国 Texas A&M University 的 AgriLife Research Center

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目——温度和 CO2 浓度升高下褐飞虱生理与行为响应及其调控机理研究(31871963; 2019.01~2022.12;70.80 万元;主持;在研)
2. 国家重点研发计划“化学肥料和农药减施增效综合技术研发”专项—— “活体生物农药增效及有害生物生态调控机制”之“多因子协同控害的区

2017YFD0200400; 2017~2020;72 万元;
3. 转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项重大项目——自然生态风险监测与控制技术:任务九“基于农田景观多样性布局的多种转基因作物自然生态风险综合防控技术”(2016ZX08012-005;
2016~2020;142.30 万元;子课题主持;在研)
4. 环境保护部“生物多样性保护“专项——“京津冀太行山优先区域太行山片区昆虫多样性调查与评估”(主持; 2019.07-2020.10; 58 万元;主持;在研)。
5. 环境保护部“生物多样性保护“专项——“北京延庆区昆虫多样性调查与评估示范”(主持; 2017.09-2018.12; 40 万元;主持;结题)。
1. Li LK, Wang MF, Pokharel SS, Li CX, Parajulee MN, Chen FJ, Fang WP. 2019. Effects of
elevated CO2 on foliar soluble constituents and functional

components of tea, and population dynamics of tea aphid, Toxoptera aurantii. Plant Physiology and
Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.10.023.
2. Liu YM, Dang ZH, Wang YH, Wan GJ, Parajulee MN, Chen FJ*. 2019. Interactive effects of
[CO2] and temperature on plant chemistry of transgenic Bt rice and population dynamics of
a non-target planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) under different levels of soil nitrogen.
Toxins, 11, 261.
3. Wang L. Pokharel SS, Chen FJ*. 2019. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter the food
utilization, growth, development and reproduction of armyworm, Mythimna separata fed on Bacillus
thuringiensis maize. Peer J, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7679.
4. Song YY, Liu RY, Wang MF, Liu MQ , Liu XH, Ge F, Chen FJ*. 2019. Transgenic Bt rice with
single Cry1Ab and fused Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac have specific effects on the abundance dynamics and
community diversity of soil mites. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,
5. Qian L, Liu XW, Huang ZJ, Zhang YF, Wang L, Gui FR*, Gao YL, Chen FJ*. 2019. Elevated CO2
enhances the host resistance against the Western flower thrips, Frankliniella
occidentalis, through increased callose deposition. Journal of Pest Science,
6. Li Z, Li LK, Liu B, Wang L, Parajulee MN, Chen FJ*. 2019. Effects of seed mixture sowing with
transgenic Bt rice and its parental line on the population dynamics of target stemborers and
leafrollers, and non-target planthoppers. Insect Science, 26: 777-794.
7. Qian L, He SQ, Liu XW, Huang ZJ, Chen FJ*, Gui FR*. 2018. Effect of elevated CO2 on the
interaction between invasive thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, and its host kidney bean,
Phaseolus vulgari. Pest Management Science, 74: 2773-2782.
8. Li Z, Wan GJ, Wang L, Zhang YF, Parajulee MN, Zhao ZH, Chen FJ*. 2018. Effects of
seed mixture sowing with resistant and susceptible rice on population dynamics of target
planthoppers and non-target stemborers and leaffolders. Pest Management Science, 74: 1664-1676.
9. Dai Y, Wang MF, Jiang SL, Zhang YF, Parajulee MN, Chen FJ*. 2018. Host- selection
behavior and physiological mechanisms of the cotton aphid, Aphis

gossypii, in response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Journal of Insect Physiology,
109: 149-156.
10. Jiang SL, Lu YQ, Dai Y, Qian L, Muhammad AB, Li T, Wan GJ, Parjulee MN, Chen FJ*. 2017.
Impacts of elevated CO2 on exogenous Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and transgene expression
in transgenic rice under different levels of nitrogen. Scientific Reports, 7: 14716

1. 中国昆虫学会农业昆虫专业委员会委员
2. 江苏省昆虫学会理事
3. 《应用昆虫学报》编委

1. 高校“青蓝工程”优秀中青年学术带头人(2014~2018)
2. 江苏省“133”重点人才工程二期人才培养人选(2010~)
3. 高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象(2010~2014)
4. 中国科学院“地奥”奖学金(2005.07)
5. 江苏省优秀硕士学位论文(2002.12)

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