



2000.09 – 2001.06 XXXXX
职 称:副教授,硕士生导师邮 箱:haoxu@njau.edu.cn
办公地址:南京农业大学理科楼 B312

1. 2012.11-2017.09:瑞士纳沙泰尔大学;化学生态学;博士研究生;导师, Ted Turlings 教授。
2. 2009.09-2012.07:西北农林科技大学;农业昆虫与害虫防治;农学硕士;导师,花保祯教授。
3. 2005.09-2009.07:西北农林科技大学;葡萄与葡萄酒工程;工学学士。
2018.09 — 今 南京农业大学植物保护学院 副教授
1. 南京农业大学高层次人才引进启动基金
(* corresponding author)


1. Xu, H.; Zhao, J.; Li, F.; Yan, Q.; Meng, L. & Li, B. * (2020). Chemical polymorphism regulates
the attractiveness to nymphs in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris. Journal of Pest Science, online.
DOI: 10.1007/s10340-020-01268-w (IF=4.7)
2. Xu, H.*; Zhou, G.; D"otterl, S.; Sch"affler, I.; Degen, T.; Chen L.; Turlings, T.C.J.* (2020).
The distinct role of common cuticular aldehydes as pheromonal cues in two Cotesia parasitoids.
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46: 128–137. (IF=2.4)


3. Xu, H.; Wang, X.; Chi, G; Tan, B. & Wang, J. * (2019). Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis
genetic engineering on induced volatile organic compounds emission in maize and the attractiveness
to a parasitic wasp. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7. (IF=5.1)
4. Xu, H.; Zhou, G.; D"otterl, S.; Sch"affler, I.; von Arx, M.; R"oder, G.; Degen, T.; Chen, L. &
Turlings, T.C.J. * (2019). The combined use of an attractive and a repellent sex pheromonal
component by a gregarious parasitoid (封面文章). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45: 559–569. (IF=2.4)


5. Ye, M., Veyrat, N., Xu, H., Hu, L., Turlings, T.C.J. * & Erb, M. * (2018). An
herbivore-induced plant volatile reduces parasitoid attraction by changing the smell of
caterpillars. Science Advances, 4, eaar4767 (IF=11.51)
6. Xu H.* & Turlings, T.C.J.* (2018). Plant Volatiles as Mate Finding Cues for
Insects (封面文章), Trends in Plant Science, 23(2): 100~111。(IF=14.1)


7. Desurmont, G.A.; K"ohler, A.; Maag, D.; Laplanche, D.; Xu, H.; Baumann, J.; Demairé, C.;
Devenoges, D.; Glavan, M.; Mann, L. & Turlings, T. (2017). The spitting image of plant defenses:
effects of plant secondary chemistry on the efficacy of caterpillar regurgitant as an anti-predator
defense. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 6304-6313. (IF=2.44)
8. Xu, H.; Desurmont, G.; Degen, T.; Zhou, G.; Laplanche, D.; Henryk, L. &
Turlings, T.C.J.*, (2017). Combined use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles and

sex pheromones for mate location in braconid parasitoids (封面文章), Plant,
Cell & Environment, 40(3): 330~339.(IF=6.17)
美国普渡大学 Ian Kaplan 教授评论了该文章:“A cry for help or sexual perfumes? An alternative hypothesis for wasp
attraction to the scent of caterpillar-wounded plants”。


9. Desurmont, G.A.*; Xu, H. & Turlings, T.C., (2016). Powdery mildew suppresses herbivore-induced
plant volatiles and interferes with parasitoid attraction in Brassica rapa. Plant, Cell &
Environment, 39, 1920-1927. (IF=6.17)


10. Erb, M.*; Veyrat, N.; Robert, C. A.; Xu, H.; Frey, M.; Ton, J.; & Turlings, T.C.*, (2015).
Indole is an essential herbivore-induced volatile priming signal in maize. Nature Communications,
6, 6273. (IF=11.33)
11. Hu, G.L.; Yan, G.; Xu, H. & Hua, B.Z.* (2015). Molecular phylogeny of
Panorpidae (Insecta: Mecoptera) based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 85, 22-31. (IF=3.79)


12. Xu, H.; Veyrat, N.; Degen, T. & Turlings, T.C.J.* (2014). Exceptional use of sex pheromones by
parasitoids of the genus Cotesia: males are strongly attracted to virgin females, but are no longer
attracted to or even repelled by mated females. Insects, 5, 499-512. (IF=1.85)

Trends in
tant Scie
Volume 23 Number 2
February 2018
ISSN 1360-1385

Plant Volatiles s Mate

Volume 4s Number 7
July 2019

Society of
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