



2000.09 – 2001.06 XXXXX

职 称:教授,硕士生导师邮 箱:zhangcl@njau.edu.cn联系电话:025-84395240
办公地址:理科楼 B310

2004.09 – 2009.06 南京农业大学植物保护学院,农学博士
1985.09 – 1988.06 南京农业大学植物保护学院,农学硕士
1981.09 – 1985.06 南京农业大学植物保护学院,农学学士

2014.12 – 今 南京农业大学植物保护学院,教授,硕导
2000.07 –2014.11 南京农业大学植物保护学院,副教授
1998.04 –2000.06, Environmental Associates LTD, research scientist, Ithaca, USA
1988-1998.03: 山东农业大学植物保护学院,讲师


1. Zhai Y, Li P, Mei Y, Chen MY, Chen XC, Xu H, Zhou X, Dong HS, Zhang CL*, and Jiang WH*. 2017.
Three MYB genes coregulate the phloem-based defence against English grain aphid in wheat. Journal
of Experimental Botany 68, doi: 10.1093/jxb/erx204
2. Dong YL, Li P, Zhang CL*. 2016. Harpin Hpa1 promotes flower development in Impatiens and
Parochetus plants. Botanical Studies 57(22): doi 10.1186/s40529- 016-0132-z
3. Fu MQ, Xu MY, Zhou T, Wang DF, Tian S, Han LP, Dong HS, Zhang CL*. 2014.
Transgenic expression of a functional fragment of harpin protein Hpa1 in wheat
induces the phloem-based defense to English grain aphid. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(6):
4. Wang DF, Wang YJ, Fu MQ, Mu SY, Han B, Ji HT, Cai HS, Dong HS, Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic
expression of the functional fragment Hpa110-42 of the harpin protein Hpa1 imparts enhanced
resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. Plant Disease 98(4): 448-455
5. Zhao YY, Wang DF, Wu TQ, Guo A, Dong HS, Zhang CL*.2014. Transgenic expression of rice
riboflavin synthase gene in tobacco enhances the plant growth and resistance to tobacco mosaic
virus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 36(1): 100-109
6. Li, XJ; Han, LP; Zhao, YY; You, ZZ; Dong, HS; Zhang, CL*. 2014. Hpa1 harpin needs nitroxyl
terminus to promote vegetative growth and leaf photosynthesis in ArabidopsisJournal of Biosciences
39(1): 127-137
7. Li XJ, Han B, Xu MY, Han LP, Zhao YY, Liu ZL, Dong HS*, Zhang CL*. 2014. Plant growth
enhancement and associated physiological responses are coregulated by ethylene and gibberellin
following treatment with harpin protein Hpa1. Planta 239(4): 831-846
8. Xu MY, Zhou T, Zhao YY, Li JB, Xu H, Dong HS, Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic expression of a
functional fragment of harpin protein Hpa1 in wheat represses

English grain aphid infestation. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 13(12): 2565- 2576
9. Lü BB, Li XJ, Su WW, Li L, Gao R, Zhu Q, Tian SM, Fu MQ, Yu HL, Tang XM, Zhang CL*,Dong HS.
2013. AtMYB44 regulates resistance to the green peach aphid and diamondback moth by activating
EIN2-affected defenses in Arabidopsis. Plant Biology 15(5): 841-850

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2. 微课《稻田飞虱的识别》,全国植物生产类实验微课比赛,一等奖,2016.11
3. 微课《何为昆虫》,全国微课(程)优质资源展示中荣获江苏省特等奖,
2015.08, 全国一等奖,2015.07
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