


职 称:副教授,硕士生导师邮 箱:xiaai@njau.edu.cn
办公地址:理科楼 B218


2005.09 – 2010.05 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,昆虫学博士
1998.09 – 2001.07 西北农林科技大学,理学硕士
1994.09 – 1998.07 西北农林科技大学,农学学士

2011.01 – 今 南京农业大学植物保护学院,副教授
2010.03 – 2010.12 南京农业大学植物保护学院,讲师
2001.09 – 2010.03 中国矿业大学,讲师

1. 主持 贵阳腐霉 CRN 类效应子的杀蚊功能与作用机制研究 国家自然基金面

上项目 2018 年 1 月-2019 年 12 月
2. 主持 中华按蚊物理图谱的构建与进化分析国家自然基金青年项目 2014
年 1 月-2016 年 12 月


1. Shen D, Dong Y, Wei Y, … Xia A. Genome-wide and functional analyses of tyrosine
kinase-like family genes reveal potential roles in development and virulence in mosquito
pathogen Pythium guiyangense [J]. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2019.
2. Shen D, Tang Z, Wang C, … Xia A. Infection mechanisms and putative effector repertoire of the
mosquito pathogenic oomycete Pythium guiyangense uncovered by genomic analysis[J]. PLoS Genetics,
2019, 15(4).
3. Wang C, Shen D, Wang J, Chen Y, Dong Y, Tang Z, Xia A. An AGC kinase, PgAGC1
regulates virulence in the entomopathogenic oomycete Pythium guiyangense.
Fungal Biology. 2018. DOI:
4. Wei Y, Cheng B, Zhu G, Shen D, Liang J, Wang C, Wang J, Tang J,Cao J,
Sharakhov I and Xia A. Comparative physical genomemapping of malaria vectors Anopheles sinensis.
Malar J. 2017 16(1): 235.
5. Liang J, Cheng B, Zhu GD, Wei Y, Tang JX,Cao J, Ma YJ, Sharakhova MV, Xia A and SharakhovIV.
Structural divergence of chromosomes between malaria vectors Anopheles lesteri and
Anopheles sinensis. Parasit Vectors. 2016. 9:608: DOI 10.1186/s13071-016-1855-0. (The first
corresponding author)
6. Liang J, Sharakhova MV, Lan Q, Zhu H, Sharakhov IV and Xia A. A standard cytogenetic map for
Anopheles sinensis and chromosome arm homology between subgenera Anopheles and Cellia. Med Vet
Entomol. 2014. 28(Suppl.1):26-32.

7. Kamali M, Xia A, Tu Z, Sharakhov IV. A New Chromosomal Phylogeny Supports the
Repeated Origin of Vectorial Capacity in Malaria Mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae Complex.
PLoSPathog. 2012 Oct;8(10):e1002960
8. Sharakhova MV*, Xia A*, Leman SC, and Sharakhov IV. Arm-Specific Dynamics
of Chromosome Evolution in Malaria Mosquitoes. BMC Evol Biol. 2011 April 7 (Maria V.
Sharakhovaand Ai Xia contributed equally, SCI,impact
9. Diao Y, Qi Y, Ma Y, Xia A, Sharakhov I, et al. 2011 Next-Generation Sequencing Reveals Recent
Horizontal Transfer of a DNA Transposon between Divergent Mosquitoes. PLoS One Feb
10. Sharakhova MV*, Xia A*, Tu Z, Shouche YS, Unger MF, and Sharakhov IV. A Physical Map for an
Asian Malaria Mosquito, Anopheles stephensi. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2010 83(5):1023–1027(Maria V.
Sharakhovaand Ai Xia contributed

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