

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20

张红生,教授,博士生导师。现任农学院种业科学系主任、南京农业大学国际交流与合作处处长、国际教育学院院长。1978-1982 年南京农学院农学系农学专业本科毕业,获农学学士学位;1982-1988年南京农业大学植保系植物病理系研究生毕业,1985年和1988年分别获农学硕士和博士学位;1991-1992年荷兰Wageningen农业大学植物育种系博士后;1998-2000年美国Cornell大学访问****。主要从事(1)水稻种质资源收集、鉴定、评价和利用;(2)水稻重要农艺性状的遗传机制与基因的分子定位;(3)水稻抗病虫和抗逆境基因的克隆与功能分析。先后承担国家863、国家自然科学基金、转基因重大专项和高校博士点基金等课题30多项。授予发明专利16项。在PNAS, Plant Cell, Rice, J Exp Bot, Plant Mol Biol, TAG, PLOS One, FEBS Letters等国内外期刊发表研究论文100多篇;获教育部科技进步一等奖一次,中国农科院科技进步二等奖一次。
Genome-wide association analysis of panicle exsertion and uppermost internode in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice, 2019
Physiological characteristics of cold stratification on seed dormancy release in rice. Plant Growth Regulation, 2019
Fine mapping of a panicle blast resistance gene Pb-bd1 in Japonica landrace Bodao and its application in rice breeding. Rice, 2019
Rice qGL3/OsPPKL1 Functions with the GSK3/SHAGGY-Like Kinase OsGSK3 to Modulate Brassinosteroid Signaling. Plant Cell, 2019
Influence of isopropylmalate synthase OsIPMS1 on seed vigour associated with amino acid and energy metabolism in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019
A microRNA biogenesis-like pathway for producing phased small interfering RNA from a long non-coding RNA in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019
Construction and analysis of degradome-dependent microRNA regulatory networks in soybean. BMC Genomics, 2019
Comparative analysis of microRNAs and their targets in the roots of two cultivars with contrasting salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Growth Regul, 2019
OsSYP121 accumulates at fungi penetration sites and mediates host resistance to rice blast. Plant Physiology, 2019
A quantitative trait locus, qSE3, promotes seed germination and seedling establishment under salinity stress in rice. Plant J, 2018
A zinc finger transcriptional repressor confers pleiotropic effects on rice growth and drought tolerance by down-regulating stress-responsive genes. Plant Cell Physiol, 2018
Influence of isopropylmalate synthase OsIPMS1 on seed vigour associated with amino acid and energy metabolism in rice. Plant Biotechnol J, 2018
Natural variation reveals that OsSAP16 controls low-temperature germination in rice. J Exp Bot, 2018
DPMIND:degradome-based plant miRNA-target interaction and network database. Bioinformatics, 2018
OsNHX2, an Na+/H+ antiporter gene, can enhance salt tolerance in rice plants through more effective accumulation of toxic Na+ in leaf mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. Acta Physiol Plant, 2017
A Novel RNA-Binding Protein Involves ABA Signaling by Post-transcriptionally Repressing ABI2. Front Plant Sci, 2017
Arabidopsis RabF1 (ARA6) Is Involved in Salt Stress and Dark-Induced Senescence (DIS). Int J Mol Sci, 2017
QTL Identification and Fine Mapping for Seed Storability in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica, 2017
Characterization and fine mapping of a blast resistant gene Pi-jnw1 from the japonica rice landrace Jiangnanwan. PLOs one, 2016
Knock-down of a RING finger gene confers cold tolerance. Bioengineered, 2016
Identification and Characterization of Quantitative Trait Loci for Shattering in Rice Landrace Jiucaiqing from Taihu Lake Valley, China.The Plant Genome, 2016
QTL mapping of panicle blast resistance in Japonica landrace Heikezijing and its application in rice breeding. Mol Breeding, 2016
Identification of genes involved in rice seed priming in the early imbibition stage. Plant Biology, 2016
Population structure analysis and association mapping of bacterial blight resistance inindica rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions. Plant Growth Regul, 2016
OsSNAP32, a SNAP25-type SNARE protein-encoding gene from rice, enhanced resistance to blast fungus. Plant Growth Regulation, 2016
Population structure analysis and association mapping of blast resistance in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) landrace. Genet Mol Res, 2016
Fine mapping of a new race-specific blast resistance gene Pi-hk2 in Japonica Heikezijing from Taihu region of China. Phytopathology, 2016
A Novel Little Membrane Protein Confers Salt Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2016
Identification of QTLs with Additive, Epistatic, and QTL × Seed Maturity Interaction Effects for Seed Vigor in Rice. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2016
Knock-down of stress inducible OsSRFP1 encoding an E3 ubiquitin ligase with transcriptional activation activity confers abiotic stress tolerance through enhancing antioxidant protection in rice. Plant Mol Biol, 2015
Phosphatidylcholine is transferred from chemically-defined liposomes to chloroplasts through proteins of the chloroplast outer envelope membrane. Febs Lett, 2015
Quantitative proteomic analysis of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) salt response. PloS one, 2015
The additive effects of GS3 and qGL3 on rice grain length regulation revealed by genetic and transcriptome comparisons. BMC Plant Biol, 2015
OsJAMyb, a R2R3-type MYB transcription factor, enhanced blast resistance in transgenic rice. Physiol Mol Plant P, 2015
OsMYB511 encodes a MYB domain transcription activator early regulated by abiotic stress in rice. Genet Mol Res. 2015
A Novel Little Membrane Protein Confers Salt Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Mol Biol Rep. 2015
An A20/AN1-type zinc finger protein modulates gibberellins and abscisic acid contents and increases sensitivity to abiotic stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.). J Exp Bot, 2015
A Novel RNA-Binding Protein Involves ABA Signaling by Post-transcriptionally Repressing ABI2. Front Plant Sci, 2015
Physiological characteristics of seed reserve utilization during the early seedling growth in rice. Braz. J. Bot, 2015
Physiological characteristics and related gene expression of after-ripening on seed dormancy release in rice. Plant Bio, 2015
Association mapping of seed germination and seedling growth at three conditions in indica rice (Oryzasativa L.). Euphytica, 2015
Acquisition of desiccation tolerance during seed development is associated with oxidative processes in rice. Botany, 2015

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