
【校庆115周年活动预告】DNA damage recognition, signaling and repair_南京师范大学

南京师范大学 免费考研网/2018-05-12

【校庆115周年活动预告】DNA damage recognition, signaling and repair 报告人:Grigory Dianov教授,英国牛津大学肿瘤系




Grigory Dianov教授简介


1. 2007/09-up to now, Oncology department, Oxford Univerity, UK, Professor

2. 2000/09-2007/09, MRC Radiation & Genome Stability Unit, Oxon, UK, MRC Senior Group Leader

3.1995/09-2000/09, National Institute on Aging, NIH, Baltimore, USA, Senior Staff Fellow

4.1993/09-1995/09, University of Texas, Dallas, USA, Visiting Associate Professor

5.1990/09-1993/09, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Clare Hall Laboratories, UK, Senior Research Fellow

6.1987/09-1990/09, Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Group Head; Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia, Professor

7.1974/09-1987/09, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, Junior Scientist, Senior Scientist and Principal Scientist


(1) SophiaX. Pfister, Enni Markkanen, Yanyan Jiang, Sovan Sarkar, Mick Woodcock, Giulia Orlando, Ioanna Mavrommati, Chen-Chun Pai, Lykourgos-Panagiotis Zalmas, Neele Drobnitzky, GrigoryL. Dianov, Clare Verrill, Valentine M. Macaulay, Songmin Ying, Nicholas B. La Thangue, Vincenzo D’Angiolella, Anderson J. Ryan, Timothy C. Humphrey*, Inhibiting WEE1 selectively kills histone H3K36me3-deficient cancers by dNTP starvation, Cancer Cell, 2015, 28: 557-568

(2) Svetlana V. Khoronenkova and Grigory L. Dianov *, ATM prevents DSB formation by coordinating SSB repair and cell cycle progression, Proceedings of National academy of Sciences USA, 2015, 112(13):3997-4002

(3) Svetlana V. Khoronenkova, Irina I. Dianova, Nicola Ternette, Benedikt M. Kessler, Jason L. Parsons, Grigory L. Dianov*, ATM-Dependent Downregulation of USP7/HAUSP byPPM1G Activates p53 Response to DNA Damage, Mol Cell. 2012, 45:801-813

(4) Jason L. Parsons, Irina I. Dianova, SvetlanaV. Khoronenkova,Mariola J. Edelmann, Benedikt M. Kessler, Grigory L. Dianov*, USP47 is a deubiquitylating enzyme that regulates base excision repair by controlling steady-state levels of DNA polymerase β, Mol Cell, 2011, 41:609-615
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