课程类别 |
课程编号 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
开课学期 |
备注 |
公共 学位课 |
马克思主义与当代西方社会思潮 |
3 |
1 |
第一外国语 |
4 |
1 |
基础理论 学位课 |
中外艺术史及理论 |
3 |
1 |
艺术文献研究 艺术史与观念史 |
2 2 |
2 2 |
美术创作理论研究方向专业基础学位课 |
中外美术史 |
2 |
2 |
中外美术名作艺术风格和创作方法研究 |
3 |
3 |
美术创作理论与实践研究 |
3 |
3 |
中外美术历史及理论研究方向专业基础学位课 |
中国画论研究 |
2 |
2 |
西方画论研究 |
2 |
2 |
欧美艺术史学史 |
3 |
3 |
美术教育研究方向专业基础 学位课 |
中外美术史学史研究 |
3 |
2 |
中西美术交流史 |
2 |
2 |
选修课 |
近现代中国美术教育研究 |
2 |
2 |
中外美术教材研究 |
2 |
2 |
图像与历史 |
2 |
2 |
中国画论研究 |
2 |
3 |
欧美艺术史学史 |
2 |
3 |
中西美术交流史 |
2 |
3 |
学科 补修课 |
\ |
文献综述与开题报告 |
1 |
学术会议与会议论文 |
1 |
序号 |
著作或期刊的名称 |
作者或出版者 |
备注 |
1 |
《论语》 |
新编诸子集成本。 |
2 |
《庄子》 |
新编诸子集成本。 |
3 |
《论画》 |
顾恺之 |
见《历代名画记》。 |
4 |
《论书表》 |
虞龢 |
宋刊本《书苑菁华》本。 |
5 |
《孙过庭书谱笺证书谱》 |
孙过庭,朱建新笺证。上海古籍出版社,1982年。 |
6 |
《历代名画记》 |
张彦远,明嘉靖本,于安澜校本 |
《画史丛书》第一册。 |
7 |
《法书要录》 |
张彦远,明刻本,范祥雍点校本,人民美术出版社,1984年. |
8 |
《笔法记》 |
荆浩,明嘉靖本。 |
参考宗像青彦Kiyohiko Munakata译注本, Ching Hao’s Pi-fa-chi: a note on the art of brush. Ascona: Artibus Asiae Pub,1974. |
9 |
《图画见闻志》 |
郭若虚,四部丛刊本。 |
参考Alexander Coburn Soper译注本, Experiences in painting (T’u-hua chien-wen chih) An eleventh century history of Chinese painting: together with the Chinese text in facsimile. Washington: American Council of Learned Societies, 1951. |
10 |
《画继》 |
邓椿,中华再造善本。 |
11 |
《林泉高致》 |
郭熙,百川学海本。于安澜校本 |
《画论丛刊》 |
12 |
《东坡集》 |
苏轼,中华再造善本。 |
13 |
《画史》 |
米芾 |
14 |
15 |
《山水纯全集》 |
韩拙,函海本 |
参考Robert J. Maeda译注本, Two Sung texts on Chinese painting and the landscape styles of the 11th and 12th centuries. New York: Garland Pub., Inc., 1978. |
16 |
《宣和画谱》 |
台湾故宫博物院影印元大德刻本 |
17 |
《金石录》 |
赵明诚,中华书局1983年版 |
18 |
《图绘宝鉴》 |
夏文彦 |
参考近藤秀实,何庆先编著,《图绘宝鉴校勘与研究》,江苏古籍出版社,1997年。 |
19 |
《园冶注释》 |
计成著,陈植注释,中国建筑工业出版社,1988年。 |
20 |
《格古要论》 |
曹昭,明刻本。 |
参考大维德Sir Percival David译注本, Chinese connoisseurship: the Ko ku yao lun, the essential criteria of antiquities. London: Faber and Faber, 1971. |
21 |
《画禅室随笔》 |
董其昌 |
22 |
《珊瑚网》 |
汪砢玉,丛书集成续编本。 |
23 |
《苦瓜和尚画语录》 |
石涛,知不足斋丛书本。 |
24 |
《江村销夏录》, |
高士奇著,邵彦校点,辽宁教育出版社,2000年。 |
25 |
《墨缘汇观》 |
安岐,郑炳纯校点,岭南美术出版社,1994年。 |
26 |
《书林藻鉴·书林记事》 |
马宗霍,文物出版社,1984年。 |
27 |
《画史丛书》 |
于安澜编,上海人民美术出版社,1963年。 |
28 |
《画品丛书》 |
于安澜编,上海:上海人民美术出版社,1982年。 |
29 |
《画论丛刊》 |
于安澜编,人民美术出版社,1989年。 |
30 |
《四库全书总目》 |
中华书局,1965年影印本。 |
31 |
《四部总录艺术编》 |
丁福保,周云青,商务印书馆,1957年。 |
32 |
《遐庵谈艺录》 |
叶恭绰,1960年自印本。 |
33 |
Chinese pictorial art as viewed by the connoisseur. |
Gulik, Robert Hans van, Roma: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1958. |
34 |
Chinese Painting. |
Cahill, James, Geneva : A. Skira; Cleveland : World Publishing Co., 1960. |
中译本:《中国绘画史》,李渝译,台北:雄狮图书公司,1985年。 |
35 |
The compelling image: nature and style in seventeenth-century Chinese painting. |
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982. |
中译本:《气势撼人:十七世纪中国绘画中的自然与风格》,台北:石头出版公司,1994年。 |
36 |
Hills beyond a river: Chinese painting of the Yuan Dynasty, 1279-1368. |
[美]高居翰A history of later Chinese painting, 1279-1644. New York: Weatherhill, 1976-1982. 3 v. |
中译本:《隔江山色: 元代绘画: 一二七九~一三六八》(台北:石头出版公司,1994)。 |
37 |
Parting at the shore: Chinese painting of the early and middle Ming dynasty, 1368-1580. |
[美]高居翰 |
中译本:《江岸送别: 明代初期与中期绘画(一三六八~一五八○)》(台北:石头出版公司,1997)。 |
38 |
The distant mountains: Chinese painting of the late Ming Dynasty, 1570-1644. |
[美]高居翰 |
中译本:《山外山:晚明绘画(一五七○~六四四)》(台北:石头出版公司,1997)。 |
39 |
.Images of the mind: selections from the Edward L. Elliott family and John B. Elliott collections of Chinese calligraphy and painting at the Art Museum, Princeton University. |
Fong, Wen C. ... [et al.],Princeton, N.J.: Art Museum, Princeton University, 1984. |
中译本:《心印》,李维琨译。上海:上海书画出版社,1993年。 |
40 |
Ten thousand things: module and mass production in Chinese art. |
Ledderose,Lothar, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000. |
中译本:《万物》。北京:三联书店,2005年。 |
41 |
《语石》 |
叶昌炽,清宣统元年刻本。 |
42 |
《中国书法理论史》 |
中田勇次郎,卢永璘译,天津古籍出版社,1987年。 |
43 |
《中国画学全史》 |
郑昶,中华书局,1929年。 |
44 |
The Chinese literati on painting: Su Shih (1037-1101) to Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636). |
Bush, Susan. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. |
45 |
‘Chinesische Malkunsttheorie in der T’ang- Sungzeit.’ Ostasiatische Zeitschrift n.f., 10:6 (1934): 157-75, 236-51; 11 (1935): 28-57. |
Teng, Ku滕固, |
中译本:《唐宋画论考》,张映雪译,待刊。 |
46 |
Theories of the arts in China. Princeton, |
Bush, Susan ; Christian Murck, eds. N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1983. |
47 |
《中国版刻图录》 |
北京图书馆编,北京:文物出版社,1961年2版(增订本)。 |
48 |
《海外中国画研究文选:1950-1987》 |
洪再辛选编,上海:上海人民美术出版社, 1992年。 |
49 |
《骨董琐记全编》 |
邓之诚,北京:三联书店,1955年。 |
50 |
《春游琐谈》 |
张伯驹编著,郑州:中州古籍出版社,1984年。 |
51 |
《启功丛稿》 |
启功,中华书局,1999-2004年。 |
52 |
《童书业绘画史论集》 |
童书业,中华书局,2008年。 |
53 |
54 |
Abbot Suger on the Abbey Church of St.-Denis and its Art Treasures, |
Abbot Suger, edited by Erwin Panofsky, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1946
55 |
The Craftsman’s Handbook: The Italian ‘Il libro dell’arte’ |
Cennino di Andrea Cennini, trans. Daniel V.Thompson, Jr., New York: Dover Publications, 1960 |
56 |
The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci |
Leonardo da Vinci, compiled and edited by J.P.Richter, 2 vols, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977 |
57 |
Cellini |
John Pope-Hennessy, London, 1985 |
58 |
Discourses on Art, Robert W.Wark ed. |
Joshua Reynolds, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1975
59 |
Journals of Eugene Delacroix |
Eugene Delacroix,trans. Lucy Norton, London, 1952
60 |
Lives of Painters, Sculptors, and Architects |
Giorgio Vasari,2 vols, trans. Gaston du.C.DeVere, New York and Toronto: Alfred A.Knopf, 1996 |
61 |
The History of the Art of Antiquity |
Johann Joachim Winckelmann, trans. Henry Lodge, Boston: Little Brown and Co., J.Monroe and Co., J.R.Osgood and Co., 1856-72 |
62 |
Meaning in the Visual Arts: Papers in and on Art History. |
Erwin Panofsky, Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1955
63 |
Piero della Francesca |
Roberto Longhi, trans. Leonard Penlock, London and New York, 1930 |
64 |
Cezanne: A Study of His Development |
Roger Fry,London: Noonday, 1927 |
65 |
Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style |
Wilhelm Worringer, trans. Michael Bullock, New York: International Universities Press, 1953 |
66 |
Principles of Art History: The Problem of the Development of Style in Later Art |
Heinrich Wolfflin, trans. M.D.Hottinger, New York: Dover, 1932
67 |
Problems of Style: Foundations for a History of Ornament, |
Alois Riegl, trans. Evelyn Kain, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992
68 |
The Stones of Venice, |
John Ruskin, New York and London, 1851-53 |
69 |
The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Things |
George Kubler,New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962 |
70 |
Anthropology Today |
Meyer Schapiro, “Style”, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1953 |
71 |
Sinopie e affreschi |
Ugo Procacci, Milan, 1961 |
72 |
Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting |
Richard Offner, New York, 1931 |
73 |
The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks |
Gisela M.A.Richter, new rev. ed., New Haven, 1950
74 |
The Life of Forms in Art |
Henri Focillon, trans. Charles Beecher Hogan and George Kubler, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1942 |
75 |
Great Masters of Dutch and Flemish Painting |
Von Bode, rev. 2nd ed. trans. Margaret L.Clark, London, 1909 |
76 |
Classic Art: An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance |
Heinrich Wolfflin, trans. Peter and Linda Murray, New York: Phaidon, 1952 |
77 |
Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting |
Walter F.Friedlaender, New York, 1957 |
78 |
Palladio |
James S.Ackerman, Baltimore and Harmondsworth, Eng.,Penguin Book, 1966 |
79 |
tudies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance |
Erwin Panofsky, S. Harper, New York, 1962 |
80 |
Religious Art in France: The Thirteenth Century: A Study of Medieval iconography and Its Sources |
Emile Male, trans. Marthiel Mathews, ed. Harry Bober, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. |
81 |
Mediaeval Art |
Charles Rufus Morey, New York: Norton, 1942 |
82 |
Illustrations in Roll and Codex: A Study of the Origin and Method of Text Illustration |
Kurt Weitzmann, Princeton, 1947 |
83 |
Leonardo da Vinci: An Account of his Development as an Artist |
Kenneth Clark , Cambridge, 1939 |
84 |
Leonardo da Vinci: A Study in Psychosexuality |
Sigmund Freud,trans. A.A.Brill, New York: Vintage Book and Doubleday Anchor Book, 1916 |
85 |
Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation |
E.H.Gombrich,, New York: Bollingen, 1961 |
86 |
Rudiments of Connoisseurship |
Bernard Berenson, , New York: Schocken, 1962 |
87 |
The World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist: Projects and Patrons, Workshop and Art Market |
Martin Wackernagel,trans. Alison Luchs, Princeton University Press, 1981 |
88 |
Patrons and Painters: A Study in the Relations Between Italian Art and Society in the Age of the Baroque. |
Francis Haskell, rev. and enl. ed., Yale University Press, 1980 |
89 |
Academies of Art: Past and Present |
Nikolaus Pevsner,Cambridge and New York, 1940 |
90 |
Image of the People: Gustave Courbet and the 1848 Revolution |
Timothy J.Clark, London: Thames and Hudson, 1973 |
91 |
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy |
Jacob Burckhardt,London: G.Allen & Unwin, and New York: Macmillan, 1890 |
92 |
Waning of the Middle Ages: A Study of the Forms of Life, Thought and Art in France and the Netherlands in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries |
Johan Huizinga, rev. ed., London: Doubleday Anchor Book, 1980 |
93 |
Born under Saturn: The Character and Conduct of Artists |
Rudolf Wittkower and Margot Wittkower, , London: Norton, 1963 |
94 |
Legend, Myth and Magic in the Image of the Artist |
Otto Kurz and E.Kris,Yale University Press, 1981 |
95 |
The Rare Art Tradition: The History of Art Collecting and its Linked Phenomena |
Joseph Alsop, Princeton University Press, 1981 |
96 |
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy |
Michael Baxandall, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1972 |
97 |
Mnemosyne:The Parallel between Literature and the Visual Arts |
Mario Praz, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970 |
98 |
The Social History of Art |
Arnold Hauser, 4 vols, trans. Godman, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1951 |
99 |
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction |
Walter Benjamin,trans. Harry Zohn in Hannah Arendt ed., Illuminations, New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, 1968 |
100 |
The Truth in Painting |
Jacques Derrida,trans. Geoff Bennington and Ian McLeod, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987 |
101 |
Rediscoveries in Art: Some Aspects of Taste, Fashion, and collecting in England and France |
Francis Haskell, New York: Cornell University Press, 1979 |
102 |
A History of Engraving and Etching |
Arthur M.Hind, New York: Dover, 1963 |
103 |
A Documentary History of Art |
Elizabeth Gilmore Holt, 3 vols, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982 |
104 |
Cahill,James,Chinese Painting.Geneva:A.skira;Cleveland:World Publishing Co., 1960.中译本:《中国绘画史》 |
台北:雄狮图书公司 |
李渝译。1985年 |
105 |
A history of later chinese painting,1279-1644.New York:Weatherhill,1976-1982.3 v.Hills beyond a river:Chinese painting of the Yuan Dynasty,1279-1368.—Parting at the shore:Chinese painting of the early and middle Ming Dynasty,1368-1580.—The distant mountains:Chinese painting of the late Ming Dynasty,1570-1644.
中译本: 《隔江山色:元代绘画:一二七九~一三六八》(台北:石头出版公司,1994)。 《江岸送别:明代初期与中期绘画(一三六八~一五八〇)》(台北:石头出版公司,1997)。 《山外山:晚明绘画(一五七〇~一六四四)》(台北:石头出版公司,1997) |
106 |
Giorgio Vasari, Lives of Painters,Sculptors,and Architects, 2 vols,trans.Gaston du.C.De Vere,New York and Toronto:Alfred A.Knopf,1996 |
107 |
Erwin Panofsky, Meaning in the Visual Arts:Papers in and on Art History.Garden City,New York:Doubleday,1955 |
108 |
Kenneth Clark, Leonardo da Vinci:An Account of his Development as an Artiost,Cambridge,1939 |
109 |
E.H.Gombrich, Art and Illusion:A study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation,New York:Bollingen,1961 |
110 |
Francis Haskell, Rediscovers in Art: Some Aspects of Taste, Fashion, and collecting in England and France,New York: Cornell University Press,1979 |
111 |
《美术史与观念史》 |
南京师范大学出版社 |
112 |
《新美术》 |
中国美术学院《新美术》编辑部 |
113 |
《中国艺术精神》 |
徐复观,广西师范大学出版社 |
2007年1月 |