本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27
已在the ISME Journal、Global Change and Biology、Earth-Science Reviews、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Journal ofGeophysical Research、Plant and Soil、European Journal of Soil Science、土壤学报、地球科学进展等学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文130篇,中文论文44篇。近期发表论文(第一/通讯)如下:
1) Liu, Siyi; Chi, Qiaodong; Cheng, Yi.;…Zhang JB*. 2019. Importance of matching soil N transformations, crop N form preference, and climate to enhance crop yield and reducing N loss. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 657, 1265-1273
2) Zhang, Yi; Liu, Siyi; Cheng, Yi.;…Zhang JB*. 2019. Composition of soil recalcitrant C regulates nitrification rates in acidic soils. GEODERMA, 337, 965-972
3) Cheng, Yi; Wang, Jing; Chang, Scott X.;…Zhang JB*. 2019. Nitrogen deposition affects both net and gross soil nitrogen transformations in forest ecosystems: A review. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 244, 608-616
4) Kou D, Peng YF, Wang GQ, Ding JZ, Chen YL, Yang GB, Fang K, Liu L, Zhang BB, Müller C,Zhang JB* and Yang YH*, 2018. Diverse responses of belowground internal nitrogen cycling to increasing aridity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,116, 189–192
5) Zhao W,Zhang JB*, Mueller C et al. 2018. Effects of pH and mineralisation on nitrification in a subtropical acid forest soil. SOIL RESEARCH, 56, 275-283
6) Zhang Y., Zhao W., Cai Z., Müller C.,Zhang JB*. 2018. Heterotrophic nitrification is responsible for large rates of N2O emission from subtropical acid forest soil in China. European Journal of Soil Science, 69, 646–654
7)Zhang JB, Cai Z, Mueller C. 2018. Terrestrial N cycling associated with climate and plant-specific N preferences: a review. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE, 69, 488-501
8) Yang, F.,Dai, S., Wang, J., Cheng, Y.,Zhang, JB.*,C. MüllerCai, Z. (2018):Nitrite transformations under acidic conditions in temperate and subtropical forest ecosystems. Geoderma, 317, 47–55
9) Dai S, Liu Q, Zhao J, ..Zhang JB,* et al. 2018. Ecological niche differentiation of ammonia-oxidising archaea and bacteria in acidic soils due to land use change. SOIL RESEARCH, 56, 71-79.
10) Zhang Y., Ding H….Zhang JB* et al. 2018. Soil N transformation mechanisms can effectively conserve N in soil under saturated conditions compared to unsaturated conditions in subtropical China. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 54, 495-507
11) Liu S, …Zhang JB.* et al. 2018. Ridge tillage is likely better than no tillage for 14-year field experiment in black soils: Insights from a15N tracing study. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH, 179, 38-46
12) Zhao Y,Zhang JB*, et al. 2018. Temporal variations of crop residue effects on soil N transformation depend on soil properties as well as residue qualities. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 54 , 659-669
13) Cheng Y,…Zhang JB* et al. 2018. Phosphorus addition enhances gross microbial N cycling in phosphorus-poor soils: a N-15 study from two long-term fertilization experiments. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 54, 783-789
14) Wang, J, Zhao, Y,Zhang, JB,*et al. 2017. Nitrification is the key process determining N use efficiency in paddy soils.JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE,180,648-658
15) Dai, S., Wang, J., Cheng, Y.,Zhang, JB*, Cai, Z. (2017).Effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates and their implications. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(12), 2863–2870
16) Wang, J,Cheng, Y, Jiang, YJ, Sun, B, Fan, JB,Zhang, JB*, Müller, C, Cai, ZC. (2017): Effects of 14 years of repeated pig manure applications on gross nitrogen transformations in an upland soil.Plant and Soil, 415, 161-173.
17) Wang, J.,Zhang, J.B.*, Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2017): Temperature sensitivity of gross N transformation rates in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 423–431
18) Zhang, Y., Zhao, W.,Zhang, J.B.*,Cai, Z. (2017): N2O production pathways relate to land use type in acidic soils in subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 306–314
19) Zhao, W.,Zhang, J.B.*, Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2017): Mechanisms behind the stimulation of nitrification by N input in subtropical acid forest soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments,17, 2338-2345
20) Liu S, Zhang X, Zhao J*,Zhang JB*, Müller, C., Cai ZC (2017). Effects of long-term no tillage treatment on gross soil N transformations in black soil in Northeast China. Geoderma, 301, 42–46
21) Song, L, Tian, P,Zhang, JB*, Jin, GZ. (2017). Effects of three years of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions in a Korean pine plantation of northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 609, 1303-1311
22) Wang, J,Zhang, JB*, Müller, C, Cai, ZC. 2017. Themechanisms ofhigh N2Oemissions fromgreenhousevegetablefieldsoils. Clean-Soil Air Water,45, **
23) Wang, J,Zhang, JB*, Muller, C, Cai, ZC. 2017. Evaluation of the mixing of sands into soils on nitrification potential from different land-use systems. European Journal of Soil Biology, 81, 25-30
24)Zhang, J.B.,Wang, J., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2016): Ecological and practical significances of crop species preferential N uptake matching with soil N dynamics. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 103, 63-70.
25) Wang, J, Wang,L, Feng,X, Hu,H, Cai, ZC,Müller,C,Zhang,JB*(2016):Soil Ntransformations and its controllingfactors in temperate grasslands inChina: A study from15N tracingexperiment to literature synthesis.Journal of Geophysical Research,121,2949-2959.
26) Wang, J., Cheng, Y.,Zhang, J.B.*, Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2016): Soil gross nitrogen transformations along a secondary succession transect in the north subtropical forest ecosystem of southwest China. Geoderma, 280, 88–95.
27)Zhang, J.B., Wang, L., Zhao, W., Hu, H., Feng, X., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2016): Soil gross nitrogen transformations along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) and their response to simulated rainfall events. Sci. Rep. 6, 22830; doi: 10.1038/srep22830
28)Zhang, J.B., Tian, P., Tang, J., Yuan, L., Ke, Y., Cai, Z., Zhu, B., Müller, C. (2016): The characteristics of soil N transformations regulate the composition of hydrologic N export from terrestrial ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 1409-1419
29) Wang,J., Zhu,B.,Zhang, J.B.*,Müller, C.,Cai, Z. (2015):Mechanisms of soil N dynamics following long-term application of organic fertilizers to subtropical rain-fed purple soil in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 91, 222-231.
30)Zhang, J.B., Wang, J., Zhong, W., Cai, Z. (2015): Organic nitrogen stimulates the heterotrophic nitrification rate in an acidic forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 80, 293-295.
31)Zhang, J.B., Lan, T., Müller C., Cai, Z. (2015): Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) plays an important role in soil nitrogen conservation in neutral and alkaline but not acidic rice soil.J Soils Sediments, 15, 523–531.
32)Zhang, J.B., Müller C., Cai, Z. (2015): Heterotrophic nitrification of organic N and its contribution to nitrous oxide emissions in soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 84, 199-209.
33) Wang, J., Liu, Q.,Zhang, J.B.*, Cai, Z. (2015): Conversion of forest to agricultural land affects the relative contribution of bacteria and fungi to nitrification in humid subtropical soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 65, 83–88
34)Zhang, J.B., Yu, Y., Zhu, T., Cai, Z. (2014): The mechanisms governing low denitrification capacity and high nitrogen oxide gas emissions in subtropical forest soils in China.Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 1670-1683.
35)Zhang, J.B.,Sun, W., Zhong, W., Cai Z. (2014): The substrate is an important factor in controlling the significance of heterotrophic nitrification in acidic forest soils.Soil Biology & Biochemistry,76, 143-148
36) Zhu, T.,Zhang, J.B.*,Meng, T., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2014): Tea plantation destroys soil retention of NO3-and increases N2O emissions in subtropical China.Soil Biology & Biochemistry,73, 106-114.
37)Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z., Zhu, T., Yang, W., Müller, C. (2013): Mechanisms for the retention of inorganic N in acidic forest soils of southern China.Scientific Reports, 3, 2342, DOI:10.1038/srep02342.
38)Zhang, J.B.,Zhu, T., Meng, T., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Yang, W.,Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2013): Agricultural land use affects nitrate production and conservation in humid subtropical soils in China.Soil Biology and Biochemistry,62, 107-114
39) Zhang, Y.,Zhang, J.B*.,Meng, T., Zhu, T., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2013): Heterotrophic nitrification is the predominant NO3-production pathway in acid coniferous forest soil in subtropical China.Biology and Fertility of Soils,49, 955-957.
40)Zhang, J.B.,Zhu, T., Cai, Z., Qin, S., Müller, C. (2012): Effects of long-term repeated mineral and organic fertilizer applications on soil nitrogen transformations.European Journal of Soil Science, 63, 75-85.
41)Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z., Yang, W., Zhu, T., Yu, Y., Yan, X., Jia, Z. (2012): Long-term field fertilization affects soil nitrogen transformations in a rice-wheat-rotation cropping system.Journal Plant Nutrition Soil Science, 175, 939–946
42) Cai, Z.,Zhang, J.B., Zhu, T., Cheng, Y. (2012): Stimulation of NO and N2O emissions from soils by SO2 deposition.Global Change Biology, 18, 2280-2291.
43) Sun, P., Zhuge, Y.*,Zhang, J.B*., Cai, Z. (2012): Soil pH was the main controlling factor of the denitrification rates and N2/N2O emission ratios in forest and grassland soils along the Northeast China Transect (NECT).Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 58, 517-525
44) Lu, L., Han, W.,Zhang, J.B., Wu, Y., Wang, B., Lin, X., Zhu, J., Cai, Z., Jia, Z*. (2012): Nitrification of archaeal ammonia oxidizers in acid soils is supported by hydrolysis of urea. The ISME Journal, 6(10), 1978-1984.
45)Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z., Zhu, T. (2011): N2O production pathways in the subtropical acid forest soils in China.Environmental Research, 111, 643-649
46)Zhang, J.B., Zhu, T., Cai, Z., Müller, C. (2011): Heterotrophic nitrification is the predominant NO3- production mechanism in coniferous but not broad-leaf acid forest soil in subtropical China.Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47, 533–542
47)Zhang, J.B., Zhu, T., Cai, Z., Müller, C. (2011): Nitrogen cycling in forest soils across climate gradients in Eastern China.Plant and Soil, 342, 419–432
48)Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z., Cheng, Y., Zhu, T. (2010): Immobilization of Nitrate in Anaerobic Forest Soils along a North South Transect in East China.Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74, 1193-1200.
49)Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z., Cheng, Y., Zhu, T. (2009): Denitrification and total nitrogen gas production from forest soils of Eastern China.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 2551-2557
1.戴沈艳;曹亚澄;杨帆;蔡祖聪;张金波;王风贺;一种基于元素分析仪—稳定同位素质谱仪联用装置测定N2或CO2气体的氮或碳同位素比值的方法, 2016-10-5,中国, CN6.1.
2.杨帆;曹亚澄;戴沈艳;蔡祖聪;张金波;王风贺;一种基于元素分析仪—稳定同位素质谱仪联用装置测定N2O或NO气体氮同位素比值的方法, 2016-10-12,中国, CN2.6.
3.杨帆;曹亚澄;戴沈艳;蔡祖聪;张金波;王风贺;一种元素分析仪-稳定同位素质谱仪联用装置及其气体同位素比值检测方法, 2016-10-12,中国, CN1.3.
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