

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

白世彪,男, 1974年1月出生,湖南省安乡县人,现为海洋科学与工程学院副院长,教授,博士生导师。现为湖北省李四光研究会常务理事,中国地理学会会员,国际数学地质协会、中国地理学会、中国第四纪研究会、中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会会员。当前为《兰州大学学报》、《中南大学学报》、《Geomorphology》、《Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences》、《Natural Hazards》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Computers & Geosciences》、《Advances in Space Research》、《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》、《Physics and Chemistry of the Earth》和《Remote Sensing》等期刊审稿人。
Email:Shibiaobai@njnu.edu.cn; shibiaobai21@163.com
2015江苏省重点研发计划(社会发展)“城市地质与洪涝灾害监测预警关键技术研究” 2015.7-2018.6.主持人
中国科学院山地灾害与地表过程重点实验开放基金,“大型古滑坡年代确定方法”.(KLMHESP-17-07) 2017-2019. ,主持人
中国科技部与欧洲空间局对地观测领域重大国际科技合作项目“龙计划”四期项目“Spatio-temporal landslide identification and activity assessment for hazard and risk investigations in Longnan region, Northwest China”(ID: 32365_3),中方主持人,2016-202
2012.1-2012.12中法合作项目égide Project Funding “Estimation of global change impacts on landslide hazards in a dynamic mountain environment”. 中方主持人
2010-2011瑞士联邦政府中瑞科技合作基金“Intelligent analysis of environmental data and landslides risk mapping triggered by Wenchuan earthquake”,中方主持人
2006-2010 国家近海海洋资源调查908专项“江苏省海域使用对毗邻海域使用相互影响调查”,主持人
2010-2011 国家近海海洋资源调查908专项“江苏省近海海洋综合调查与评价图集”,主持人
国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目“参加2012年度国际理论物理中心相关学术活动-Conference and Advanced School on Quantification of Seismic Hazards in the Indo/Asian Collision Zone”(2012.11 15 -11.21)
2012-2016中国科技部与欧洲空间局对地观测领域重大国际科技合作项目“龙计划”三期项目“landslide identification, movement monitoring and risk assessment over rugged mountain area using advanced earth observation techniques”,中方主持人
国家自然科学国际(地区)合作与交流项目“参加2013年度国际理论物理中心相关学术活动- Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Global Solution for Monitoring Geological Disasters”(2013.9 2 -9.6)
Thiebes B, Bai SB*, XI YN, GLADE T., BELL R.,(2017) Combining landslide susceptibility maps and rainfall thresholds using a matrix approach,REVISTA DE GEOMORFOLOGIE 19: 58 –74
Liu G, Guo HD, Perski Z, Fan J.H., Bai SB, Yan SY, Song R, (2016) Monitoring the slope movement of the Shuping landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir of China, using X-band time series SAR interferometry, Advances in Space Research 57:2487–2495
Lu P. Bai SB*, Casagli N.(2015) Spatial relationships between landslide occurrences and land cover across the Arno river basin (Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences,5(20):1-17.
Bai SB, Lu P*, Wang J .(2015) Landslide susceptibility assessment of the Youfang catchment using logistic regression. Journal of Moutnain Science, 16(6).
Bai SB, Lu P*, Wang J .(2015) Recent channel changes of the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze river: an investigation from multi-temporal digital elevation models. J Coast Conserv. 10(9):1-7.
Lu P. Bai SB*, Casagli N. (2014) Investigating Spatial Patterns of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Point Targets and Landslide Occurrences in the Arno River Basin. Remote Sens. 6, 6817-6843
Bai SB, Wang J, Thiebes B, Cheng C, Yang YP. (2014). Analysis of the relationship of landslide occurrence with rainfall: a case study of Wudu County, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 7:1277–1285.
Bai SB, Wang J, Thiebes B, Cheng C, Chang ZY. (2014). Susceptibility assessments of the Wenchuan earthquake-triggered landslides in Longnan using logistic regression. Environmental Earth Sciences. 71:731–743
Bai S.B., Wang J., Zhou P. G. (2013). Pre-conditioning factors and susceptibility assessments of Wencuan earthquake landslide at the Zhouqu segment of Bailongjiang Basin, China. Journal of the Geological Society of India. 11(82):1-8.
Bai S.B., Cheng C.,Wang J, Thiebes B., Z.G. Zhang. (2013). Regional scale rainfall- and earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility assessment in Wudu County, China. Journal of Mountain Science. 10(5):743–753.
Bai S. B., Wang J., Zhang Z,G., Chen C., (2012). Combined landslide susceptibility mapping after WenChuan Earthquake at the Zhouqu segment in the Bailongjiang Basin, China, Catena, 99:18-25.
Bai S. B., Lu G.N., Wang J., L. Ding, Zhou, P. G. (2011). GIS-based rare events logistic regression for landslide susceptibility mapping of Lianyungang, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 62:139-149.
Bai S. B., Wang J., Lu G.N., Zhou, P. G.., Hou, S. S., Xu S.N. (2010). GIS-based and logistic regression for landslide susceptibility mapping of Zhongxian segment in the Three Gorge area, China. Geomorphology. 115: 23-31.
Bai S. B., Wang J., Lu G.N., Zhou, P. G., Hou, S. S., Xu S.N. (2009). GIS-based and data-driven bivariate landslide susceptibility mapping in the Three Gorges area, China. Pedosphere. 2009, 19(1): 14-20.
Thiebes B., Wang J., Bai S. B., Li J.B. (2013). Terrestrial laserscanning of tidal flats—a case study in Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Coastal Conservation. (2013) 17:813–823
Zhang F. Y., Liu G., Chen W. W, Han W. F., Bai S. B. (2010). Engineering geology and stability of the Jishixia landslide, Yellow River, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 69(1):99-103.
Wang J., Bai C.G., Xu Y. H., Bai S. B. (2010). Tidal Couplet Formation and Preservation, and Criteria for Discriminating Storm-Surge Sedimentation on the Tidal Flats of Central Jiangsu Province, China, Journal of Coastal Research. 26(5): 976-981.
王建,白世彪,陈晔,Surfer 8地理信息制图,中国地图出版社,32万字,2004。
白世彪,王建,常直杨,Surfer 10地学计算机制图,科学出版社,59万字,2012。
王建主编,副主编(白世彪、陈霞),江苏沿海地区地理综合实习指导纲要,科学出版社,2012 18万字,2012。

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