

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

周慧泉 教授
南京师范大学新闻与传播学院教授,2003年毕业于浙江大学竺可桢学院,获工学学士、理学学士学位,2005年获美国波士顿大学神经生物学硕士学位,2007年获社会工作硕士学位和教育硕士学位,2011年毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚大学,获社会福利博士学位。International Society for Third Sector Research成员、Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action成员。曾获《青年探索》优秀论文奖、Emerging Scholars Award - the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)等奖项。担任江苏省十四五妇女儿童规划、南京师建邺区十四五儿童规划、国际公益研究院《NGO透明名宝典》专家组成员,香港扶康会、香港青少年服务处,新界马鞍山区青年外展队顾问。发表SSCI论文十余篇,出版专著(合著)6部。主要研究方向为新媒体、公益慈善、志愿者、实证本位社会服务、循证社会工作、研究方法等。
[1]Zhou, H.& Ye, S.(2019) Fundraising in the digital era: Legitimacy social network and political ties matter in China.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.doi: 10.1007/s11266-019-00112-9(SSCI, 1.098)
[2]Zhou, H., Dai, H. & Jung, N. (2019) Empowering migrant domestic helpers through financial education.International Journal of Social Welfare.29,129–141doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12385(SSCI, 0.795)
[3]Zhou, H.& Ye, S.(2018)Legitimacy, worthiness and social network: An empirical study ofthe key factors influencing crowdfunding outcomesfor nonprofit projects.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,30:849-864. doi: 10.1007/s11266-018-0004-0(SSCI, 1.098)
[4]Zhou, H.& Han, L. (2018)Striving to be pure: Constructing the idea of grassroots philanthropy in the Chinese cyberspace.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.30,709–723doi: 10.1007/s11266-018-9950-9(SSCI, 1.098)
[5]Zhou, H.& Pan, Q. (2017) Blogging with a mission, blogging within a system: Chinese GONGOs, CONGOs, Grassroots, and Student Organizations on Weibo.Sociological Research Online,22(3), 95-119.(SSCI, 0.519)
[6]Zhou, H., & Pan, Q. (2016). Information, community, and action on Sina-Weibo: How Chinese philanthropic NGOs use social media.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,27(5), 2433-2457.(SSCI, 1.098)
[7]Zhou, H.(2016). Mapping the level of development of grassroots NPOs in China.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,27(5), 2199-2228.(SSCI, 1.098)
[8]Zhou, H.(2015). Corporate philanthropy in contemporary China: A case of rural compulsory education promotion.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,26(4), 1143-1163.(SSCI, 1.098)
[9]Estes, R. J., &Zhou, H.(2015). A conceptual approach to the creation of public–private partnerships in social welfare.International Journal of Social Welfare,24(4), 348-363.(SSCI, 0.795)
[10]Zhou, H.(2014)香港高校学生在服务学习中的成长,青年探索, 185: 5-13(CSSCI, 0.418)
[11]Lee, S.,Zhou, H., & Kim, Y. (2014). Labor force participation among Asian immigrant women: Findings from the 2007 American Community Survey.International Journal of Social Welfare,23(3), 296-308.(SSCI, 0.795)
[12]Zhou, H.and Lee, S. (2013) Effects of U.S. citizenship on wages of Asian immigrant women.International Journal of Social Welfare,22(4): 420-430.(SSCI, 0.795)
[13]Evan-Chase, M., Kim, M, andZhou, H.(2013) Risk-taking and self-regulation: A systematic review of the analysis of delinquency outcomes in the juvenile justice intervention literature 1996-2009.Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(6): 608-628. (SSCI, 2.099)
[14]Evans-Chase, M. andZhou, H.(2012) A systematic review of the juvenile justice intervention literature: What it can (and cannot) tell us about what works with delinquent youth.Crime & Delinquency, 60(3):451-470.(SSCI, 1.861)
[15]Zhou, H.(2012)Promoting Compulsory Education in Rural China: What are the NPOs Doing?Frontiers of Education in China, 7(4): 576-607.(SNIP, 0.197)
[16]Zhou, H.and Shang, X. (2011)Short-term volunteer teachers in rural China: Challenges and needs,Frontiers of Education in China.Vol.6(4):571-601.(SNIP, 0.197)
[17]Alekseyenko, O.V., Waters, P.,Zhou, H., and Baum M.J. (2007) Bilateral damage to the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of male ferrets causes a female-typical preference for and a hypothalamic fos response to male body odors.Physiology&Behavior. Vol. 90(2-3):438-449.(SCI, 2.835)
[18]Cloe, A. L., Woodley, S. K., Waters, P.,Zhou, H., & Baum, M. J. (2004). Contribution of anal scent gland and urinary odorants to mate recognition in the ferret. Physiology & behavior, 82(5), 871-875.(SCI, 2.835)
[19]Chen, H., Ng, M., Es, M., Lee, J. W., Mak, W. W., Tong, Y., Wu, K., andZhou, H.(2018) Socio-spatial polarization and (re-)distribution of deprived groups - A case study of Hong Kong, Asia's world city in the 2000s.Urban Geography,39(7), 969-987..doi:10.1080/**.2017.**(SSCI,1.158)
[1]Delgado, M. andZhou, H.(2008)Youth-led health promotion in urban communities, New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
[2]Zhou, H., Qiu, T., & Wang, L. (2017). BSR in Transitioning China: Traditions, Actions, and Challenges. In S. Hasan (Ed.),Corporate Social Responsibility and the Three Sectors in Asia: How Conscious Engagement Can Benefit Civil Society(pp. 19-44). New York: Springer.
[3]Zhou, H.(2015)Global Sex Trafficking Overview: Facts, Myths, and Debates. InA.R. Ackerman& R. Furman (Eds)Sexual Crimes: Transnational Problems and Global Perspectives. NY:Columbia University Press, pp 81-98.
[4]Zhou, H.(2015)Towards a Comprehensive Response to Victims of Sex Trafficking.In B. Spooner (Ed.)Globalization: The crucial phase. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp 319-342.
Zhou, H.(2013) Promoting Rural Compulsory Education in China: GONGOs, CONGOs and Grassroots Organizations. In X. Li (Ed.)Education in China: Cultural Influences, Global Perspectives and Social Challenges, Nova SciencePublishers, pp 215-248.

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