

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

地址:南京市栖霞区文苑路1号南京师范大学 中国 **
手机:(+86)**; 电子邮箱: hejun8015@163.com
教育经历 2018.09-2019.08 美国科罗拉多大学斯普林分校社会学系访问****
2006.09-2009.06 北京体育大学教育学博士, 北京, 中国
2001.09-2004.06 北京体育大学教育学硕士, 北京,中国
1997.09-2001.06 北京体育大学运动训练学本科,北京,中国
研究领域 体育社会学;教练员群体;青少年体育;体操训练方法
所获荣誉 2018年获中国体育科学学会授予科学技术奖二等奖
工作经历 2014.12- 南京师范大学体育科学学院教师(副教授)
2010.01-2014.11 江苏省体育局竞技体育处主任科员(公务员)
2008.05-2008.08 2008年北京奥组委体育部体操和蹦床项目运动员服务主管
2004.08-2009.12 北京体育大学体操教研室教师(讲师)
发表论文 何俊,钟秉枢,郝晓岑,等. 我国体育发展短板研究的时空分布特点、热点及历史演化分析[J]. 首都体育学院学报,2018,30(3):219-225.
钟秉枢,何俊,郝晓岑,等.基于“补短板”视野下的新时代中国体育强国发展道路探索[J]. 首都体育学院学报,2018,30(1):4-9.
何俊. 东京奥运会体操项目赛制分析及应对方案[J]. 体育文化导刊,2018(2):68-72.
何俊.东京奥运周期中国女子体操发展路径探索[J].体育科学, 2017,(37)12:14-22.
刘彤,何俊,储志东.江苏业余体校发展现状与改革路径分析[J](通讯作者).体育与科学, 2017,38(5): 1-9+68.
何俊.里约奥运会中国体操队失利分析与备战东京奥运会对策研究[J].体育科学,2017, (37)4:87-97.
何俊,钟秉枢.拟制宗族与优势项目成绩获得:一个社会学的解释[J].体育与科学,2017, 38(2):54-60.
何俊,钟秉枢.“近亲繁殖”——一种拟制的宗族现象:我国优势项目教练员群体的社会学研究[J].体育与科学, 2015,36(4):57-65.
何俊,高立,李敬.新周期我国男子竞技体操对新规则适应情况的分析[J].北京体育大学学报, 2008,31(1):116-118.
何俊,竭晓安,黄现思.对第五届全国城市运动会体操运动员的调查与分析[J].北京体育大学学报,2005,28(5): 706-708.
参加学术活动 《论我国优势项目运动队拟制宗族的发展困境与转型方向》获2018年中国体育科学学会体育科学编辑部举办的“回顾与展望——新时代体育发展之路学术研讨会”专题报告论文;
主持课题 2016.01-2017.09 主持国家体育总局2016年度体育哲学社会科学青年研究项目“拟制宗族与运动队政治”(课题批准号:2380SS16117),已结项。
2016.01-2017.02 主持江苏省体育局重大课题“江苏省青少年体育人才培养体系研究”(项目编号:ST150104),资助金额30万元,已结项。
2010.01-2014.12 主持江苏省体育局局管课题“江苏省竞技体育综合性运动会信息情报收集与分析”(项目编号:TY10205),资助金额3万元,已结项。
2017.06-2017.12 参与国家体育总局决策咨询研究重大项目“加快补齐短板,开创体育发展的新局面研究”课题(课题基金号:2017-A-05),已结项。
学术兼职 中国体育科学学会体育社会科学分会会员(2018-);

HE Jun
PhD, Associate Professor
School of Sports Science and Physical Education
Nanjing Normal University
No.1 Wenyuan Road, Qixia District, Nanjing, China 210023
Cell: +86 **; E-mail: hejun8015@163.com
Academic Profile 2018-2019 Research Scholar in the Department of Sociology at University of Colorado Colorado Springs (2018-2019)
2006-2009 Ph.D. Sociology of Sport, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China
2001-2004 M.Ed. Physical Education &Training, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China
1997-2001 B.A. Physical Education &Training, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China
Research Interests Sport Sociology; Coach Group; Youth Sports; Training Methods of GA (Artistic Gymnastics)
Awards & Honors Second award of Science & Technology Awards, awarded by China Sport Science Society, 2018.
Third prize in the 14th Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province (Certificate No.140352), awarded by Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, 2016.
Recognition of contributions to the success of Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games, awarded by the NYOCOG (Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee).
Recognition of outstanding contributions to the success of Shenzhen 2011 Summer Universiade, awarded by Shenzhen Universiade Executive Committee.
Recognition of contributions to the successful competition organization of Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games, awarded by the BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games).
Second place in Men’s Team of 1996 National Youth Gymnastics Championships of China, awarded by General Administration of Sport of China.
Publications HE Jun, ZHONG Bingshu, HAO Xiaocen, et al (2018). The Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics, Hot Spots and Historical Evolution of the Short Board Research in China's Sports Development[J]. Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, (30)3: 226-231.
ZHONG Bingshu, HE Jun, HAO Xiaocen, et al (2018). Research on the Development Route of Sports Power in New Era China from the Perspective of “Improving Weak Links”[J]. Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, (30)1: 4-9.
HE Jun (2018). Analysis on Gymnastics Competition System in Tokyo Olympic Games and Its Countermeasures[J]. Sports Culture Guide, No.2: 68-72.
HE Jun (2018). Analysis of Competition Pattern of Men's Gymnastics at the Rio Olympic Games: And Discussion of the Development Direction of China's Men's Gymnastics in Tokyo Olympic Cycle[J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, (41)5:107-116.
HE Jun (2017). Exploration on Development Path of Chinese Women Gymnastics in the Tokyo Olympic Cycle[J]. China Sport Science, (37)12:14-22.
HE Jun (2017). Analysis on Failure of Chinese Gymnastics Team at the Rio Olympic Games and Countermeasures against Preparing for the Tokyo Olympic Games[J]. China Sport Science, (37)4:87-96.
LIU Tong, HE Jun, CHU Zhidong (2017). Current Situation and Reform Path of Amateur Sports Schools in Jiangsu Province[J]. Journal of Sports and Science, (38)5:1-9,68.
HE Jun, ZHONG Bingshu (2017). Fictitious Lineage and Advantage Event Achievements: A Sociological Explanation[J]. Journal of Sports and Science, (38)2:54-60.
HE Jun (2016). Fictitious Clan and Advantage Events Politics based on the Perspective of Sociology[J]. Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, (28)3:251-257.
HE Jun, ZHONG Bingshu (2015).”Inbreeding”: a Fictitious Clan Phenomenon the Sociological Study on Coach Group in Chinese advantage events[J]. Journal of Sports and Science, (36)4:57-65.
HE Jun (2013). Ferghana Horse: The Sociological Study of Inbreeding Phenomenon of Dominant Sport Team in China[M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press.
HE Jun, GAO Li, LI Jing (2008). The Analysis of Adaptation of New Rules in New Period Men’s Gymnastics in China[J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, (31)1:116-118.
WANG Hong-wei, CHEN Wei, HE Jun (2007). The Analysis on the Early Turning of the Saltos of Turning in Gymnastics[J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, (30)1:122-123.
CHEN Wei, HE Jun (2006). Research on the Function and Meaning of Body Rebound in Artistic Gymnastics[J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, (29)4:576-577.
HE Jun, JIE Xiao-an, Huang Xian-si (2005). Investigation and Analysis on Gymnastics Athletes in the 5th National City Games[J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, (28)5:706-708.
DONG Jinxia, HE Jun (2005). Modern Gymnastics Training Methods[M]. Beijing: Beijing Sport University Press.
Professional Activities Oral Presentation of “Exploration on Development Path of Chinese Women Gymnastics in the Tokyo Olympic Cycle” (No.111) and Poster Presentation of “How to Accelerate the Development of Amateur Sports Schools under the New Normal: Exploration of Transformation Development of Amateur Sports Schools in Jiangsu Province” (No.109) at 2017 National Convention on Competitive Sports Science of China, organized by China Sport Science Society, Tianjin, China (Oct 13-16, 2017).
Oral Presentations of “Fictitious Lineage and Advantage Event Achievements: A Sociological Explanation” (No.3728-16388-16388) and ”Study on Operation Mechanism of Excellent Teams’ Alliance Management by Province and City from the Perspective of Principal-Agent”(No.3746-16388-16388) at the 10th National Convention on Sports Science of China, organized by China Sport Science Society, Tianjin, China (Aug 7-9, 2015).
The 9th FISU Forum (Theme: University sport: roots, strengths and challenges), organized by the FISU (International University Sports Federation), Krakow, Poland (July 1-6, 2008).
Research Experiences “Youth Sports Talents Training System of Jiangsu Province” (No.ST150104), Major Program of Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, Jan 2016-Oct 2017.
“Fictitious Lineage and Sports Team Politics” (No. 2380SS16117), Youth Foundation of Sports Philosophy and Social Sciences of General Administration of Sport of China, Feb 2016-Sep 2017.
“The Way to Improve Weak Links of Sports Development of China” (No.2017-A-05), Major Consulting & Policy Decision Program of General Administration of Sport of China in 2017, headed by my Ph. D. supervisor, Prof. ZHONG Bingshu. What I am responsible for is the sub-project regarding how to improve the whole national system of competitive sports of China.
Institutional Service & Other Work Experiences Working as an associate professor of sport sociology & gymnastics teaching at Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China (Dec 2014-present).
Working as GA Assistant Competition Manager at Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games, Nanjing, China (Oct 2013- Sep 2014).
Working as a civil servant of Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, Nanjing, China (Jan,2010-Nov,2014).
Working as GA Training Site Supervisor at Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade, Shenzhen, China (July 1 to Aug 30, 2011).
Working as GA/GR/GT staff member at Singapore 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games, Singapore (Aug1-30, 2010).
Working as GA/GT Athlete Service Supervisor at Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games, Beijing, China (Sep 2007-Aug 2008).
Working as a lecturer of gymnastics teaching at Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China (Aug 2004-Dec 2009).
Working as a professional gymnast of Jiangsu Provincial Gymnastics Team, Nanjing, China (Aug 1986-Aug 1997).
Academic Title: Member of sports social sciences branch of China Sport Science Society (2018-).
Training Instructor of Coach Academy of General Administration of Sport of China (2018-2022)

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