

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06


--> 职称:副教授



周振和(1970.02 - ),医学博士,主任医师,博士研究生导师。无锡精神卫生中心副院长,江苏省临床重点专科学科带头人。农工民主党党员。江苏省首批“拔尖人才”,江苏省“三三三重点人才”培养对象。2006年5月至2007年6月,日本鸟取大学医学院访问学者, 2012年2月至2013年3月,美国西北大学费因伯格医学院访问学者。中国医师协会精神科医师分会委员,中国中西医结合学会精神病专业委员会常委,江苏省医学会精神卫生专业委员会常委,江苏省中西医结合学会精神卫生专业委员会常委,无锡市医学会精神卫生专业委员会主委,无锡市心理学会、中西医结合学会常务理事。无锡市第十五届、第十六届人大代表,无锡市崇安区第七届政协委员。从事精神病与精神卫生专业临床、科研及教学工作近30年。国家自然基金项目评审专家。主持国家自然基金面上项目课题一项,主持省级重大课题5项,参与省市以及国家级重大科研课题6项。以第一作者及通讯作者发表核心以及统计源期刊论文60篇,其中21篇被SCI收录。参编著作3部,获江苏省新技术引进奖5项,无锡市科技进步奖3项。主持建立电生理实验室,将电生理技术应用于临床与科研工作。  
主要论著 (#通讯作者)
1. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al. Risperidone improves interpersonal perception and executive function in patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 2017, 13:101-107.
2. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al. An Error-Related Negativity Potential Investigation of Response Monitoring Function in Individuals with Internet Addiction Disorder. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2013, 7(10):196-203.
3. Zhou Zhenhe# et al. Effect of Aripiprazole on Mismatch Negativity (MMN) in Schizophrenia. Plos One, 2013, 8(1):e52186
4. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al. IAD individuals share impulsivity and executive dysfunction with alcohol-dependent patients. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2014, 8:288-301.
5. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al. Working memory, executive function and impulsivity in Internet-addictive disorders: a comparison with pathological gambling[J]. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 2016:1-9.
6. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al. Treatment with escitalopram improves the attentional bias toward negative facial expressions in patients with major depressive disorders[J]. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2015, 22(10):1609-1613.
7. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al. Impairment of Working Memory, Decision-making, and Executive Function in the First-Degree Relatives of People with Panic Disorder: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2017, 8:219-239.
8. Zhou Zhenhe#, et al.Cognitive biases toward Internet game -related pictures and executive deficits in individuals with Internet game addiction. Plosone, 2012,12:235-242.
9.Jiang Chenguang,Li Cui,Zhou Hongmie,Zhou Zhenhe#. Individuals with internet gaming disorder have similar neurocognitive impairments andsocial cognitivedysfunctions as methamphetamine-dependentpatients. Adicciones.2020 Feb 6; 0(0):1342.
10. Chen Limin, Hongliang Zhou,Shuai Wang, Jun Wang, Hongmei Zhu, Zhou Zhenhe#. The Neural Correlates of Implicit Cognitive Bias toward Internet-Related Cues in Internet Addiction: An ERP Study.Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2018,9:1-10.
11. Shuai Wang, Jing Liu, Lin Tian, Limin Chen, Jun Wang,Zhenhe Zhou#. Increased Insular Cortical Thickness Associated with Symptom Severity in Male Youths with Internet Gaming Disorder: A Surface-Based Morphometric Study.Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2018, 9:1-7.
12. Jun Wang, Fuquan Zhang,Zhenhe Zhou#. Olanzapine-induced weight gain plays a key role in the potential cardiovascular risk: evidence from HRV analysis.Scientific Reports, 2014, 4:73-94.

Internet addictive individuals share impulsivity and executive dysfunction with alcohol-dependent patients.
Effect of Aripiprazole on Mismatch Negativity Potential (MMN) in Schizophrenia.
An error-related negativity potential investigation of response monitoring function in individuals with Internet addiction disorder.
Cognitive biases toward Internet game -related pictures and executive deficits in individuals with Internet game addiction.
Treatment with escitalopram improves the attentional bias toward negative facial expressions in patients with major depressive disorders
Impairment of Working Memory, Decision-making, and Executive Function in the First-Degree Relatives of People with Panic Disorder: A Pilot Study
Working memory, executive function and impulsivity in Internet-addictive disorders: a comparison with pathological gambling
The Neural Correlates of Implicit Cognitive Bias toward Internet-Related Cues in Internet Addiction: An ERP Study
Increased Insular Cortical Thickness Associated with Symptom Severity in Male Youths with Internet Gaming Disorder: A Surface-Based Morphometric Study
Risperidone improves interpersonal perception and executive function in patients with schizophrenia
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