

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20

2018年3月--, 教授(博导),南京工业大学土木工程学院
2015年起,讲师(终身职位), 悉尼科技大学土木与环境工程学院
2013年1月-2015年11月,研究员, 悉尼科技大学土木与环境工程学院
2002年9月-2004年6月, 硕士,南京理工大学,专业:机械工程
[1] Li Y and Li J, “Smart cement-based concrete material via magnetorheological approach”, FEIT Blue Sky Grant, UTS, $4,500, Jul 2017-Dec 2017.
[2] Li J and Li Y, “Build-in Resillience with Smart Semi-passive Structural Members for Civil Engineering and Rail Applications”, FEIT Blue Sky Grant, UTS, $20,000, Oct 2015-Feb 2016.
[3] Li Y, ‘Modelling and Fuzzy Semi‐Active Control of Seismically‐Excited Building incorporated with Newly Developed Adaptive MRE Base Isolator’, FEIT Research Seed Funding Grants, July 2014-Dec 2014, $3,000.
[4] Li Y, ‘Development and Characterisation of A Novel Magnetorheological Elastomer Seismic Isolator for Intelligent Self-Adaptive Base Isolation System’, UTS Early Career Researcher Grants, Jan 2010-Dec 2011, $ 24,966.
[5] Li Y, ‘Development of an Intelligent Civil Structure Utilising Smart Structural Members’, UTS Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Jan 2010-Dec 2012, Research funding of $ 440,000.
[6] Guo Y and Li Y ‘Properties and Characterisation of Magnetorheological Materials under rotational Magnetic Field Excitation’, Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP**), Jan 2010-Dec 2012, $130,000.
[7] Lin Z, Zhu J, Philips M, Cortie M, Li Y, Yang W, ‘Synthesis and Characterization of a New Type of Soft Magnetic Composite for High Frequency Electromagnetic Device’, UTS Challenge Grants Scheme 2010 Special Research Initiative ‘OWN THE FUTURE’, Jan 2010-Dec 2011, $34,400.
[1] Best Poster Award, 15th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, July 4 (Mon.) – July 8 (Fri.) 2016, Ramada Songdo Hotel, Incheon, Korea
[2] ‘Most cited articles published in 2013’: ‘Development and characterization of a magnetorheological elastomer based adaptive seismic isolator’, Smart Materials and Structures, by Li Y, Li J, Li W and Samali B, 2013, 22: 035005.
[3] ‘Most cited articles published in 2013’: ‘A highly adjustable magnetorheological elastomer base isolator for applications on real-time adaptive control’, Smart Materials and Structures, by Li Y, Li J, Tian T and Li W, 2013, 22: 095020.
[4] ‘Highlights of 2014’: ‘A state-of-the-art review on magnetorheological elastomer devices’, Smart Materials and Structures, by Li Y, Li J, Li W and Du H, 2014 23 123001
[5] Highly Commanded Award (Ranking No.3), Uniquest Trailblazer National Grand Final, ‘A Smart Seismic Base Isolator’, Brisbane, 4 September 2012
[6] UTS Winner (Staff Category), Uniquest Trailblazer Competition, ‘A Smart Seismic Base Isolator’, Sydney, 22 August 2012
[7] Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Technology Sydney, Jan 2010
[1] Yu Y., Li Y.*, Li J, Gu X. and Roye S., Nonlinear characterisation of the MRE isolator using binary-coded discrete CSO and ELM, International Journal of Stability and Dynamics, 2018, 8:184007 (SCI, IF: 1.028, Corresponding Author)
[2] Chen X., Li Y.*, Li J and Gu X., A novel dual-loop adaptive control for minimizing time response delay in real-time structural vibration control with magnetorheological (MR) devices, Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27(1): 015005 (SCI, IF: 2.909, Corresponding Author)
[3] Gu X., Yu Y., Li J and Li Y.*, Semi-active control of magnetorheological elastomer base isolation system utilising learning-based inverse model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 406, 346-362. (SCI, IF: 2.107, Corresponding Author)
[4] Li Y.* and Li J., On rate-dependent mechanical model for adaptive magnetorheological elastomer base isolator, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26(4): 045001 (SCI, IF: 2.909, Corresponding Author)
[5] Gu X., Li Y.* and Li J, Investigations on response time of magnetorheological elastomer isolator for real-time control implementation, Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(11): 11LT03 (SCI, IF: 2.909, Corresponding Author)
[6] Li Y.* and Li J., Finite element design and analysis of adaptive base isolator utilizing laminated multiple magnetorheological elastomer layers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2015, 26(14): 1861-1870 (SCI, IF: 2.255, Corresponding Author )
[7] Li Y.* and Li J., A highly-adjustable base isolator utilizing magnetorheological elastomer: experimental testing and modeling, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137(1): 011009 (SCI, IF: 1.692, invited paper, Corresponding Author).
[8] Li Y.*, Li J., Li W. and Du H., A state-of-the-art review on magnetorheological elastomer devices, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23(12): 123001 (Invited paper, Featured Article, Highlights of 2014, SCI, IF: 2.909, Corresponding Author)
[9] Li Y.*, Li J., Tian T. and Li W., A highly adjustable magnetorheological elastomer base isolator for applications on real-time adaptive control, Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, 22(9): 095020 (SCI, IF: 2.909, Most cited articles published in 2013, Corresponding author)
[10] Li Y.*, Li J., Li W. and Samali B., Development and characterization of a magnetorheological elastomer based adaptive seismic isolator, Smart Materials and Structures. 2013, 22(3): 035005 (SCI, IF: 2.909, Most cited articles published in 2013, Corresponding author)
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