张彬 教授 博士生导师
邮箱: bzhang@njtech.edu.cn
网站: https://china-psc.com/
大连理工大学学士,浙江大学硕士,美国Texas A&M University化学工程博士,并获得Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center的安全工程认证,随后继续在Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center担任博士后研究员和实验室主任,并被聘为化工系讲师,讲授化工过程安全核心课程。期间访问Texas A&M University 卡塔尔校区,作为兼职研究员开展科研工作,并支持卡塔尔校区安全学科的建立与发展。
长期从事化工过程安全科研,技术服务和教学方面的工作。开展的项目获得了美国国家科学基金、卡塔尔国家科研基金、英国石油公司、英国国家电力供应公司、中国石化等单位的支持。学术成果受到了广泛的认可,近5年内发表在Journal of Hazardous Materials等高水平SCI期刊的论文17篇,国际会议论文14篇。其中关于高倍消防泡沫对液化天然气减灾应用的会议论文获得了美国化工春季年会的最佳论文奖。同时参与编辑出版过程安全领域的书籍三部:Lees’ Loss Prevention in the Process Industries- 4th Edition,Lees’ Process Safety Essentials,Multiscale Modeling for Process Safety Applications。受邀担任Journal of Hazardous Materials,Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,Process Safety and Environmental Protection,Reviews in Chemical Engineering,Safety Science,Combustion and Flame,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping等期刊的审稿人。
国际合作广泛。已经和Texas A&M University,Oklahoma State University,TU Delft,University of Bologna,von Karman Institute,CCPS,IChemE等机构的专家和****开展了合作与交流。作为主要成员与英国化学工程师学会安全中心(IChemE Safety Center)合作过程安全发展的指导性报告“Process Safety in the 21st Century and Beyond”,并在2017年第10次世界化学工程大会上首次公开展示。自2011年起连续7年参与举办过程安全领域重要国际会议 - Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium。
1. 2019年度江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目,用于液化天然气危害防护的高倍泡沫制备和表征装备研发与应用,项目编号19KJA460007,2019.09-2022.08,主持
1. 客座编辑:Safety Science 和Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
2. 第三届城市与工业安全国际会议,组织委员会副主席和学术委员会成员
1. Best Paper Award for the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division, 2014 AIChE spring meeting
2. 1st Place Award for Outstanding Course Project and Presentation Sponsored by BP in Process Safety Engineering Class
1. Safety Engineering Certificate – Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center
2. Process Safety Management – Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center
3. Management of Change – Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center
4. FLACS – GexCon
5. Gas Explosion Hazards on Offshore Facilities – GexCon
6. Hazard Analysis for LNG facilities: Onshore/Offshore – GexCon
7. Phast – DNV·GL
8. Fluidyn-PANACHE – Fluidyn
9. Canary – Quest Consultants Inc.
10. Pressure Relief System Design Best Practice – Siemens Energy, Inc
11. Layer of Protection Analysis – SIS-TECH
12. Alarm Management – SIS-TECH
13. Safety Integrity Level Verification – SIS-TECH
1. P. Lakhe, D. Kulhanek, W. Sun, B. Zhang, M. J. Green, M.S. Mannan, Calorimetry of Explosive Thermal Decomposition of Graphite Oxide, J. Hazard. Mater. 366 (2019) 275-281.
2. P. Krishnan, A. Al-Rabbat, B. Zhang, D. Huang, L. Zhang, M. Zeng, M.S. Mannan, Z. Cheng, Improving the stability of high expansion foam used for LNG vapor risk mitigation using exfoliated zirconium phosphate nanoplates, Process Saf. Environ. Prot. 123 (2019) 48-58.
3. B. Zhang, D. Laboureur, Y. Liu, N. Gopalaswami, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study of LNG Pool Fire on Land in the Field, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 57 (2018) 14297-14306.
4. L. Ahmed, B. Zhang, R. Shen, R.J. Agnewc, H. Parkc, Z. Cheng, M.S. Mannan, Q. Wang, Fire reaction properties of polystyrene-based nanocomposites using nanosilica and nanoclay as additives in cone calorimeter test, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim (2018) 1-13.
5. P. Krishnan, B. Zhang, A. Al-Rabbat, Z. Cheng, M.S. Mannan, Effects of forced convection and thermal radiation on high expansion foam used for LNG vapor risk mitigation, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 55 (2018) 423-436.
6. L. Ahmed, B. Zhang, L.C. Hatanaka, M.S. Mannan, Application of polymer nanocomposites in the flame retardancy study, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 55 (2018) 381-391.
7. N. Gopalaswami, K. E. Kakosimos, B. Zhang, Y. Liu, R. Mentzer, M.S. Mannan, Experimental and Numerical Study of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Pool Spreading and Vaporization on Water, J. Hazard. Mater. 334 (2017) 244-255.
8. L. Ahmed, B. Zhang, S. Hawkins, M.S. Mannan, Z. Cheng, Study of Thermal and Mechanical Behaviors of Flame Retardant Polystyrene-based Nanocomposites Prepared via in-situ Polymerization Method, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 49 (2017) 228-239.
9. B. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Zhu, N. Gopalaswami, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study of Bund Overtopping Caused by a Catastrophic Failure of Tanks, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 56 (2017) 12227-12235.
10. B. Harding1, B. Zhang1, Y. Liu, H. Chen, M.S. Mannan, Improved Research-Scale Foam Generator Design and Performance Characterization, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 39 (2016) 173–180. 1 These authors contributed equally to this paper
11. N. Gopalaswami, Y. Liu, D.M. Laboureur, B. Zhang, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fire Hazards: Comparison of Main Geometrical Features with Empirical Models, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 41 (2016) 365-375.
12. D.M. Laboureur, N. Gopalaswami, B. Zhang, Y. Liu, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fire Hazards: Assessment of The Main Geometrical Features of Horizontal Jet Flames, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 41 (2016) 355-364.
13. B. Zhang, B. Harding, Y. Liu, M.S. Mannan, Liquefied Natural Gas Vapor Hazard Mitigation with Expansion Foam Using a Research-Scale Foam Generator, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 55 (2016) 6018–6024.
14. B.Z. Harding, B. Zhang, H. Chen, M.S. Mannan, Efficacy of Decontamination Foam on a Non-polar Hazardous Chemical Surrogate, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 43 (2016) 457–463.
15. N. Roy, F. Eljack, A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez, B. Zhang, P. Thiruvenkataswamy, M. El-Halwagi, M.S. Mannan, A Review of Safety Indices for Process Design, Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 14 (2016) 42–48.
16. B. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Laboureur, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fire Hazards: Thermal Radiation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 54 (2015) 9251–9256.
17. B. Zhang, Y. Liu, T. Olewski, L. Vechot, M.S. Mannan, Blanketing Effect of Expansion Foam on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spillage Pool, J. Hazard. Mater. 280 (2014) 380–388.
1. B. Zhang, N. Ade, G.Y. Liu, G.L. Liu, M.S. Mannan, Numerical Study of Bund Overtopping after Catastrophic Tank Failures, 2018 AIChE Spring Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA
2. B. Zhang, W. Xu, Y. Sun, H. Escobar, P. Jain, W. Zhu, N. Gopalaswami, N. Roy, S.J. Mu, M.S. Mannan, Development of a Risk Based Inherent Safety Index Using an Integrated Approach, 2018 AIChE Spring Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA
3. D. Su-Feher, N. Ade, Y. Koirala, B. Zhang, M.S. Mannan, Optimization of Blowout Preventer Design for Optimal Cost and Reliability, HAZARD 28 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland
4. J. Zhu, A. Hernandez, A. Taneja, B. Zhang, M.S. Mannan, Reliability Analysis of Subsea Separation and Boosting System Using Dynamic Bayesian Network, Offshore Technology Conference 2017, Houston, TX, USA
5. N. Roy, B. Zhang, F. Eljack, M. El-Halwagi, M.S. Mannan, Incorporating Process Safety Risk in Design and Optimization of Hazardous Chemicals Supply Chain, 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, TX, USA
6. B. Zhang, B. Harding, Y. Liu, M.S. Mannan, Mitigation Effect of High Expansion Foam on LNG Vapor Hazard, 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting, Austin, TX, USA
7. B. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Laboureur, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fire Hazards: Thermal Radiation, 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting, Austin, TX, USA
8. Y. Liu, N. Gopalaswami, W. Zhu, B. Zhang, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study and CFD Simulation on Bund Overtopping in Case of a Catastrophic Failure of Tanks Containing Water/Liquid Nitrogen/LNG, 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting, Austin, TX, USA
9. D. Laboureur, B. Zhang, Y. Liu, N. Gopalaswami, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fire Hazards: 1. Assessment of the Main Geometrical Features of Horizontal Jet Flames, 2014 Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium, College Station, TX, USA
10. Y. Liu, N. Gopalaswami, D. Laboureur, B. Zhang, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fire Hazards: 2. Comparison on Geometrical Features between Experiments and Empirical Models, 2014 Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium, College Station, TX, USA
11. N. Gopalaswami, Y. Liu, D. Laboureur, B. Zhang, M.S. Mannan, Experimental Study on Propane Jet Fires, 2nd International Conference on Safety 2014, Ahmedabad, India
12. B. Zhang, Y. Liu, T. Olewski, L. Vechot, M.S. Mannan, Effects of Expansion Foam on Controlling LNG Vaporization Rate, 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
13. B. Zhang, X. Li, M.S. Mannan, Theoretical Study of Expansion Foam Application on LNG Pool Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012 AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, TX, USA
14. B. Kim, R. Ruiz, B. Zhang, S. Nayak, R. Mentzer, M.S. Mannan, Recent Progress in LNG Safety and Spill Emergency Response Research, HAZARD XXIII 2012, North West, UK
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20
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