

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14

美国国际商务学会(Academy of International Business)学术会员
新西兰当代中国研究中心(Business Chapter)专家
怀卡托大学Centre for Corporate & Executive Education MRP硕士生导师

(一)、国际英文学术期刊论文(Refereed Journal Articles)
Ding, Qiang and Akoorie, Michele (2016). Interfirm Alliance Interactions and knowledge Learning: A Conceptual Research Model. Management Studies and Economic Systems,Vol. 2, No. 4, Spring 2016.
Ding, Qiang (2013). Inter-Partner Interactions and Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms in the Chinese Automotive Industry: A Qualitative Research Based on Dual Managerial Perceptions. International Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol.3,No.2, pp.89-105.
Ding, Qiang and Akoorie, Michele (2013). The Characteristics and Historical Development Path of the Globalizing Chinese Automobile Industry. Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol.8,No.2, pp.83-104.
Akoorie, Michele; Ding, Qiang; Li, Yafei (2011), A Passion for Learning Chinese? Investigating a Community-based Chinese Cultural Education School in Hamilton, New Zealand, Chinese Management Studies, 5 (4) : 460-479.
Sinha, Paresha; Akoorie, Michele; Ding, Qiang; Wu, Qian (2011), What Motivates Manufacturing SMEs to Outsource Offshore to China? Comparing the Perspectives of SME Manufacturers and Their Suppliers, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 4(1): 67-88.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; Pavlovich, Kathryn (2009), A Critical Review of Three Theoretical Approaches on Knowledge Transfer in Cooperative Alliances, International Journal of Business and Management, 4(1): 47-56.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele (2009), Constructing Global Business Networks in China, Journal of East-West Business, 15(3&4): 295-315.
Akoorie, Michele; Ding, Qiang (2009), Global Competitiveness in the Datang Hosiery Cluster, Zhejiang, Chinese Management Studies, 3(2): 102-116.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; Pavlovich, Kathryn (2009), Going International: The Experiences of Chinese Companies, International Business Research, 2(2): 148-152.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; Pavlovich, Kathryn (2009), Understanding the Specificity and Complexity of Inter-firm Knowledge Flows in Alliance Networks, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 1(7): 8-33.

(二)、入选国际英文学术会议论文集(Refereed Conference Proceedings)
Ding, Q., Xuan,Ye, Xu, Yuan, and Sinha, P. (2018), “Legitimacy、Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Performance: A Research Framework of Japanese MNEs Operating in China”, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN) Conference on “Ethics and Sustainability in the Age of Disruption, hosted by Massey University (Albany), 9-11 December, 2018 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Ding, Q. (2016), “Interfirm Business Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer in Northeast Asia”, Proceedings of the “One Belt One Road NorthEast Asia Economic Forum”, hosted by韩中社会科学学会 (KCSSS), 韩国东北亚经济学会(NAEAK), Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, 5 July, 2016 in Nanjing, China.
Ding, Q., and Sinha, P. (2015), “Reducing the animosity of local Chinese people towards Japanese MNEs in China”, the Proceedings of 13th Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference (AMEJC 2015), hosted by National Economics and Management Association of Korea (NEMAK); China University Commercial Education Association (CUCEA), Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, 4 December, 2015 in Nanjing, China.
Ding, Q., Akoorie, M. (2015), “Interfirm Alliance Interactions and Knowledge Learning: A Conceptual Research Model”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, hosted by the Melbourne Business School (MBS), the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne, 11 - 13 February, 2015 in Melbourne, Australia.
Ding, Q., Akoorie, M. (2014), “Proposing a Research Model of Interfirm Knowledge Transfer and Alliance Learning Interactions: A Holistic Perspective”, Proceedings of the 12th Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference, hosted by China University Commercial Education Association (CUCEA), National Economics & Management Association of Korea (NEMAK), and Nanjing Audit University, October 23-26, 2014 in Nanjing, P. R. China.
Ding, Q., Akoorie, M., Li, Li. and Zhang, Wei-Fu. (2014), “Developing a Nationwide Customer Loyalty Program in China”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference on “Institutions, Organisations and Markets: New International Business Research”, hosted by the Department of Management and International Business, The University of Auckland Business School, 13 - 15 April, 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Ding, Q., Akoorie, M., Pavlovich, K. and Liang, X. (2013), “Launching Western Style Coffee Shops in China: The Case of Zhengzhou”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference on “New Insights into Operating across Borders: From Traditional to Emerging Markets”, hosted by the Department of Marketing and Management, Macquarie University with support from the University of Sydney, 18 - 20 April, 2013 in Sydney, Australia.
Ding, Q., Sinha, P. and Akoorie, M. (2013), “Managing Offshore Outsourcing to China: A Qualitative Research on Manufacturing SMEs”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference on “New Insights into Operating across Borders: From Traditional to Emerging Markets”, hosted by the Department of Marketing and Management, Macquarie University with support from the University of Sydney, 18 - 20 April, 2013 in Sydney, Australia.
Ding, Q., Akoorie, M. and Pavlovich, K. (2012), “Barriers and Paths to Inter-Partner Cooperative Interactions and Knowledge Transfer Practices: Managerial Perceptions in an International Joint Venture in the Chinese Automotive Industry”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference on “Fusion or Fracturing? Implications for International Business.”, Adelaide,University of South Australia, Thursday 12 – Saturday 14 April 2012.
Ding, Q., Akoorie, M. and Pavlovich, K. (2010), “Why a Sino-New Zealand Joint Venture Failed: An Exploratory Case Analysis”, Academy of International Business – Southeast Asia Chapter Annual Conference (AIBSEAR HCMC), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2 - 4 December, 2010. Organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies (HKIBS), Lingnan University.
Sinha, P., Ding, Q., Akoorie, M. and Zhao, G. H., (2010), “Assessing the Software Industry in India and China: A Comparative Analysis”, Academy of International Business – Southeast Asia Chapter Annual Conference (AIBSEAR HCMC), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2 - 4 December, 2010. Organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies (HKIBS), Lingnan University.
Wu, Q., Sinha, P., Ding, Q. and Akoorie, M. (2010), “SMEs and Offshore Outsourcing to China: Insights based on Multiple Case Analysis”, Australian and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference on “Global Business and Sustainable Development”, Sydney, University of Sydney, Australia, 15-17 April, 2010.
Ding, Q. (1998). “The Nationalization of the Coal Industry in UK after World War Two”, Paper Published by the Proceedings of the Journal of Postgraduate Studies (in Chinese), Nanjing University, June, 1998.

(三)、全文经审查并入选之国际学术会议论文(Refereed Conference Full Papers)
Ding, Qiang;Zhang, Wei-Fu;and Xuan, Ye (2017), Research on the Development Trend of Technology Transfer from Multinational Corporations to China, ANZIBA Conference 2017 on “Internationalisation, International Entrepreneurship and the Emerging Markets”, Adelaide,University of South Australia; 15 –17 February, 22pgs.
Xuan, Ye; Zhang, Wei-Fu;and Ding, Qiang (2017), Research on the MNCs’ R&D Centers in China and Chinese Enterprise Technological Innovation, ANZIBA Conference 2017 on “Internationalisation, International Entrepreneurship and the Emerging Markets”, Adelaide,University of South Australia; 15 –17 February, 19pgs.
Zhang, Wei-Fu;Xuan, Ye; and Ding, Qiang (2017), Paths and Measures of Globalization of the Automobile Industry in China, ANZIBA Conference 2017 on “Internationalisation, International Entrepreneurship and the Emerging Markets”, Adelaide,University of South Australia; 15 –17 February, 18pgs.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; and Li, Yafei (2011). Passion for Learning Chinese? Investigating a Community-based Chinese Cultural Education School in Hamilton, New Zealand. 1st Global Chinese Management Studies Conference – Managing in the New Decade. Sun Tzu Art of War Institute, Concorde Hotel, Singapore; 10-11 August, 2011.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; Sinha, Paresha; Zhao, Guanghua (2011), Industrial Changes for Global Competitiveness: Examining the Development Path of the Chinese Software Industry, 2011 MAG Scholar Conference, Wellington, NZ; 29 May - 1 June, 23pgs.
Jones, Glyndwr; Gu, Junyi; Ding, Qiang; and Akoorie, Michele (2011), An Investigation of Employee Turnover and Reward Practices in a Small-medium Chinese Enterprise, ANZIBA Annual Conference, Hosted by the University of Melbourne, Australia; 28-30 April, 27pgs.
Sinha, Paresha; Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; and Zhao, Guanghua (2010), Assessing the Software Industry in India and China: A Comparative Analysis, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Hosted by City University of Hong Kong; 2-4 December, 18pgs.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; and Pavlovich, Kathryn (2010), Why a Sino-New Zealand Joint Venture Failed: An Exploratory Case Analysis, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Hosted by City University of Hong Kong; 2-4 December, 17pgs.
Ding, Qiang; Akoorie, Michele; and Pavlovich, Kathryn (2009), Understanding the Specificity and Complexity of Inter-firm Knowledge Flows in Alliance Networks, ANZIBA Conference 2009, Hosted by the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 16-18 April, 25pgs.
Ding, Qiang; Sinha, Paresha; Akoorie, Michele; Pavlovich, Kathryn; and Hou, Rong (2008), Constructing Global Networks in China, Academy of International Business, North-East USA Chapter 2008 Annual Conference, Atlantic City, USA; 2-4 October, 21pgs.
Ding, Qiang (2007), Knowledge Transfer and Managerial Learning in International Joint Ventures in China, ANZIBA Research Students' Colloquium, Hosted by the University of Newcastle, Australia; 8th November, 12pgs.
Akoorie, Michele; Ding, Qiang (2007), The Internationalization Process of Chinese Firms: Key Strategic Considerations, Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hosted by China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, China; 29-30 May, 8pgs.
Ding, Qiang (2006), Inter-organizational Learning, Knowledge Transfer and Trust in Strategic Alliances: Issues, Implications and Significance, 10th Annual Waikato Management School Student Research Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand; 20th October, 33pgs.

Ding, Qiang (2016), Interfirm Alliance Linkages and Knowledge Transfer:An Exploratory Analysis of Mutual Cooperative Learning in the Chinese Automotive Industry, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany (ISBN: 978-3-659-87209-9).

1997 - 1998年,南京大学研究生光华奖学金

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