本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14
国际统计学会(ISI) Elected member、国际数理统计学会会员(IMS)、中国现场统计协会资源与环境统计分会理事
2009.9—2014.6 上海财经大学统计与管理学院 统计学博士
2012.9—2014.5 耶鲁大学公共卫生学院 生物统计系研究生研究员
2005.9—2009.6 南京审计学院 数学与应用数学系学士
国家自然科学青年基金“高维单调转移模型的变量选择及其在违约风险评估中的应用” (编号:**),2016-2018年,项目负责人。
1.Shi, X.and Chai, X. and Yang, Y. and Cheng, Q. and Jiao, Y. and Chen, H. and Huang, J. and Yang, C. and Liu, J. (2020) A tissue-specific collaborative mixed model for jointly analyzing multiple tissues in transcriptome-wide association studies.Nucleic Acid Research[SCI, Impact Factor: 11.5]
2.Q. Cheng, Y. Yang,X. Shi, K. Yeung, C. Yang, H. Peng, J. Liu. MR-LDP: a two-sample Mendelian randomization for GWAS summary statistics accounting for linkage disequilibrium and horizontal pleiotropy.NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2020
3.Shi,X.and Ma, S. and Huang, Y. (2020). Promoting Sign Consistency in the Cox Proportional Hazards CureModel Selection.Statistical Methods in Medical Research,29(1):15-28.[SCI]
4.Y. Yang,X. Shi, Y. Jiao, J. Huang, M. Chen, X. Zhou, L Sun, X. Lin, C. Yang and J. Liu (2020) CoMM-S2: a collaborative mixed model using summary statistics in transcriptome-wide association studies.Bioinformatics, 36(7): 2009-16[SCI]
5.Liao X., Chai X.,Shi X., Chen L., Liu J.(2020) The statistical practice of the GTEx Project: from single to multiple tissues.Quantitative Biology[SCI]
6.史兴杰,王赛旎,李扬. (2020).高维数据的稳健二分类方法.统计研究
7.Shi, X.and Yang Y. and Jiao Y. and Cheng C. and Yang C. and Lin X. and Liu J. (2019). VIMCO: variational inference for multiple correlated outcomes in genome-wide association studies.Bioinformatics,35(19), 3693-3700.[SCI]
8.S. Wang,X. Shi, M. Wu, and S. Ma (2019) Horizontal and vertical integrative analysis methods for mental disorders omics data.Scientific Report, 9(1):13430 [SCI]
9.孙怡凡,吴梦云,史兴杰. (2019).高维大数据基因网络中的社区发现——以NC方法为例.统计研究,36(3), 124-128.
10.Shi, X., Huang, Y. and Huang, J and Ma, S. (2018). A forward and backward stagewise algorithm for nonconvex loss functions and adaptive lasso.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,124, 235-251.
11.Chai, H*. andShi, X.*and Zhang, Q and Zhao, Q and Huang, Y and Ma, S. (2017). Analysis of cancer gene expression data with an assisted robust marker identification approach.Genetic Epidemiology,41, 779– 789.[SCI]
12.Liu, J. and Yang, C. andShi, X.and Li, C. and Huang, J. and Zhao, H. and Ma, S. (2016). Analyzing Association Mapping in Pedigree‐Based GWAS Using a Penalized Multitrait Mixed Model.Genetic Epidemiology,40(5), 382-393.[SCI]
13.Jiang,Y. andShi,X. *andZhao,Q. andM. KrauthammerandBE RothbergandMa, S.(2016). Integrated analysis ofmultidimensional omics data on cutaneous melanoma prognosis.Genomics,107(6),223-30.
14.Shi, X. and Zhao, Q. and Huang, J. and Xie, Y. and Ma, S. (2015). Deciphering the association between gene expression and copy number alteration using a sparse double Laplacian shrinkage approach.Bioinformatics,31(24), 3977-3983.[SCI]
15.Shi, X.* and Yi, H*and Ma, S. (2015). Measures for the degree of overlap of gene signatures and applications to TCGA.Briefings in Bioinformatics,16(5), 735-744.[SCI]
16.Wu, C. andShi, X.and Cui, Y. and Ma, S. (2015). A penalized robust semiparametric approach for gene–environment interactions.Statistics in Medicine,34(30), 4016-30.[SCI]
17.Zhao, Q.*andShi, X.* and Xie, Y. and Huang, J. and Ben-Chang Shia and Ma, S. (2015). Combining Multidimensional Genomic Measurements for Predicting Cancer Prognosis: Observations from TCGA.Briefing in Bioinformatics,16(2), 291-303.[SCI]
18.Zhao, Q. andShi, X.and Huang, J. and Liu, J. and Li, Y. and Ma, S. (2015). Integrative analysis of "-omics" data using penalty functions.WIREs Computational Statistics,7(1), 99-108.
19.Shi, X.andLiu, J. and Huang, J. and Zhou, Y. and Ben-Chang Shia and Ma, S. (2014). Integrative Analysis of Cancer Prognosis Data with Contrasted Group Bridge Penalization.Genetic Epidemiology,38(2), 141-151. [SCI]
20.Shi,X.andLiu, J. and Huang, J. and Zhou, Y. and Xie, Y. and Ma, S. (2014). A Penalized Robust Method for Identifying Gene-Environment Interactions.Genetic Epidemiology,38(3), 220-230.[SCI]
21.Shi, X.andShen, S. and Liu, J. and Huang, J. and Zhou, Y. and Ma, S.(2014). Similarity of Markers Identified from Cancer Gene Expression Studies: Observations from GEO.Briefing in Bioinformatics,15(5), 671-684.[SCI]
22.史兴杰,周勇. (2014).房地产泡沫检验的Switching AR模型.系统工程理论与实践,34(3), 676-682 .
23.刘玉涛,史兴杰,周勇.(2013).左截断右删失数据下光滑分布函数估计效率.数学学报,56(5), 625-636.
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学习经历2013年12月毕业于东南大学经济管理学院,获管理学博士学位2009年12月毕业于东南大学数学系,获理学硕士学位2007年6月毕业于河南大学数学与信息科学学院,获理学学士学位研究方向技术经济学,产业组织理论科研成果在《JournalofEconomics》、《OperationsResear ...南京财经大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-14