

南京地理与湖泊研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-14

在Science发表的一项新的研究提出,在将局部水资源管理策略所致的蒸散和径流纳入考虑之后,人类可能正在消耗比过去认为的要更多的淡水,并会更大程度地改变水循环。如果这是正确的话,该结果将人类总体全球淡水生态足迹提高了18%。过去,许多研究所关注的是水资源管理会如何影响诸如河流片段化和转向等因素,但只是到了最近,更不显眼因素(如蒸散作用)的重要性才变得明显。Fernando Jaramillo和Georgia Destouni希望能确定水资源管理策略(如堤坝和灌溉)是否会影响蒸散作用和雨量比。他们对两段时期(1901-1954年和1955-2008年)间100个流域的实体变化进行了分析。他们模型所得到的结果揭示,在后一时期内,蒸散作用明显增加,而水的径流率也有所降低。与其它被测试的变量(诸如流域的地理位置或大气的气候变化)相比,这一蒸散作用的变化更有可能受到人类局部水资源管理的影响。这些人类诱发的局部蒸散改变被发现具有全球层面的显著影响,它令每年平均人耗淡水增加了3563km3,或比最近对人类目前全球淡水生态足迹的估计高出了18%。作者们提出,这一新的估计达到了更大的不可持续性水平。

  Flow regulation and irrigation alter local freshwater conditions, but their global effects are highly uncertain. We investigated these global effects from 1901 to 2008, using hydroclimatic observations in 100 large hydrological basins. Globally, we find consistent and dominant effects of increasing relative evapotranspiration from both activities, and decreasing temporal runoff variability from flow regulation. The evapotranspiration effect increases the long-term average human consumption of fresh water by 3563 ± 979 km3/year from 1901–1954 to 1955–2008. This increase raises a recent estimate of the current global water footprint of humanity by around 18%, to 10,688 ± 979 km3/year. The results highlight the global impact of local water-use activities and call for their relevant account in Earth system modeling.

  (来源:Science, 2015, 350(6265): 1248-1251)
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