Normalized area-stage and volume-stage relationships for the Lake-floodplain system for Scenarios S1 to S4. Graphs (a) to (d) depict area-stage relationships for Kangshan, Duchang, Xingzi and Hukou stations, respectively. Graphs (e) to (h) show volume-stage relationships for Kangshan, Duchang, Xingzi and Hukou stations, respectively. The red and blue dots represent the rising and falling limbs, respectively. The horizontal axis is normalized water level elevation (e), and the vertical axis is normalized water area (w1) or storage (w2).

Simulated water level changes for S1. (a) and (b) are for water level elevations at rising (2 April, 12 m water level elevation at Xingzi station) and falling (16 November, 12 m water level elevation at Xingzi station) periods. (c) and (d) are for water level change rates at the same times. (e) and (f) are the water depths at the same times. The white area in (e) and (f) within the floodplain denotes water depths less than 0.2 m.