南通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-瞿 波
瞿波,女,1962 年 11 月生,江苏通州人,哲学博士,教授。硕士生导师。研究方向:环境模型。
1979.09-1983.06 华东师范大学 基础数学 学士
1984.09-1986.06 华东师范大学 微分几何 硕士研究生
1993.07-1995.07 英国 Napier 大学计算机系 信息系统 研究生证书
1995.09-1999.07 英国 Napier 大学土木工程系 流体力学 博士研究生
2000.03-2002.12 香港大学土木工程系 博士后研究员(用 Delft3D 水利模型研究香港 1998 年的赤潮)
1986.09-1992.06 华东师范大学出版社 数学和计算机编辑
1999.08-2000.02 英国贝尔法斯特女王大学 研究助理(研究爱尔兰海)
2003.01-2005.09 澳大利亚 Griffith 大学研究员 (研究北极生态环境和全球气候的关系)
2008.06-至今 南通大学理学院,教师主讲课程:高等数学
1.2013.01-2016.12 主持国家自然科学面上项目:北极的生态系统和二甲基硫对当地气候的影响(项目号:41276097)
(1)Bo Qu , Fractal Geometry and Fluids, 2014, ISBN:978-7-5520-0474-8. (370,000 字).
(2)Bo Qu,The Impact of Melting Ice on the Ecosystems in Greenland Sea. Correlations on Ice Cover,
Phytoplankton Biomass, AOD and PAR. Series: SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science, Springer,
2014, ebook. http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783642544972.
(1)Qu B.,Gabric, A.J., Zhao, Li, Sun, Wenjing, Li, Hehe, Gu, Peijuan, Zeng, Meifang (2018). The
relationships among aerosol optical depth, ice, phytoplankton anddimethylsulfide
and the implication for future climate in the Greenland Sea (SCI), Acta Oceanologica Sinica,
37(5):13-21. (2)Qu B.,Gabric, A.J., Zeng, M., Jiang, Li., Zhao, Li (2017). Dimethylsulfide model
calibration and parametric sensitivity analysis for the Greenland Sea (SCI), Polar Science, 13:
13-22. (3)Qu B.,Gabric, A.J., Lu, Z., Hehe, L., & Li, Z (2016). Unusual phytoplankton bloom
in the northern Greenland Sea during 2010 (SCI). Journal of Marine Systems, 2164, 144-150. (4)Qu
B.,Albert J. Gabric, Meifang Zeng, and Zhifeng Lu (2016). Dimethylsulfide model
calibration in the Barents Sea using a genetic algorithm and neural network (SCI). Environmental
Chemistry, 13,413–424. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/EN14264
(5)Qu B.,Gabric, Albert J.; Lu, Hailang; Lin, Daorong (2014). Spike in phytoplankton biomass in
Greenland Sea during 2009 and the correlations among chlorophyll-a, aerosol optical depth and ice
cover. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (SCI). 2014, 32(2):241 – 254.
(6)Qu B.,Albert Gabric (2010): Using genetic algorithms to calibrate a dimethylsulfide production
model in the Arctic Ocean. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (SCI). Vol. 28 No. 3, P.
(7)Qu B.,and Paul S ADDISION (2009)Development of FBMINC model for particle diffusion in fluids
(SCI). International Journal of Sediment Research , 24(4):439-454.
(8)Qu B.,Albert Gabric and Patricia A. Matrai (2006): The Satellite-Derived Distribution
of Chlorophyll-a and its Relation to Ice Cover, Radiation and Sea Surface Temperature in the
Barents Sea (SCI). Polar Biology, 29:196-210.
(9)Qu B.,Paul S. ADDISION and Christopher T. MEAD (2003). Coastal Dispersion Modelling Using
an Accelerated fBm Particle Tracking Method (SCI) Coastal Engineering Journal, 45(
团队优秀论文指导奖:2010 年和 2013 年。
个人优秀论文指导奖:2009 年,2011 年,2012 年,2014 年硕士论文优秀论文指导奖: 2016 年。
2016 年获学校巾帼奖。