


王金华,男,1963 年 3 月生,江苏如东人,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。2004
主持三项国家自然科学基金面上项目和一项南通市科技项目,在国际国内重要学术期刊上发表学术论文 70 余篇,其中 30 余篇被 SCI 收录。曾在台湾新竹交通大学、日本筑波大学访问研究。2013
年作为主要参与人获南通市高等教育教学成果一等奖、2010 年获南通市优秀科技工作者称号、2015 年获南通市优秀教育工作者称号。

1. 广义柯克曼方和 t-设计的构造及其应用研究(11371207),国家自然科学基金, 2014.01-2017.12,56 万, 主持
2. 组合编码密码中的若干理论问题研究(61272424),国家自然科学基金
2013.01-2013.12,20 万,主持
3. 编码密码学中若干组合对象研究(10971252), 国家自然科学基金,
2010.01-2012.12,23 万, 主持
4. Bent 函数及其在通信密码上应用研究(2014_BK), 南通市科技局,
2009.07-2011.06,2 万,主持
5. 生物信息科学中的组合构形及其相关问题的研究(07KJD110090),省教育厅自然科学基金,2007.8-2009.12,1.5 万主持

1.Jinhua Wang and Lei Xie, Doubly Resolvable 4-Cycle Systems of 2Kv,Graphs and Combinatorics (2018)
2.Lingye Wang, R. Julian R. Abel, Dameng Deng, Jinhua Wang,Existence of
incomplete canonical Kirkman packing designs,Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 536–554
3.Xinlin Miao, Bilian Zang and Jinhua Wang*, A NOTE ON α-LABELINGS OF 2k-SUN
GRAPHS,Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, 19, , 2018, 299-307
4.Aijun Yu; Lingye Wang; Su Wang; *Jinhua Wang,A note on the existence of a cylic
or 1-rotaional kite systems, Ars Combinatoria, 126, pp 407-414, 2016/4/1.

5.Huangsheng Yu; *Dianhua Wu; Jinhua Wang,New optimal (v, {3, 5}, 1, Q) optical orthogonal codes,
Advances in Mathematics of Communications,10(4), pp 811-823, 2016/11/1.
6.Zhanjun Wang; *Haiying Ma; JinhuaWang , Attribute-based online/offline
encryptionwith outsourcing decryption , Journal of Information Science and Engineering,
32(6), pp 1595-1611, 2016/11/1.
7.Su Wang; Lingye Wang; *Jinhua Wang,A new class of optimal optical orthogonal codes with weight
six,The Seventh Workshop Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA'15),
2015/9/13-2015/9/18, pp 66-69, Bangalore, 2015/10/1 8.Juan Du,R.J.R. Abel and Jinhua Wang*, Some
new resolvable GDDs with k=4 and doubly resolvable GDDs with k=3,Discrete Math,338:2105-2118,2015.
9.Xiaohui Liu, Jinhua Wang* and Dianhua Wu, Two new classes of binary sequence pairs with
three-level cross-correlation, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 9:
117 – 128,2015.
10.Zhihua Yu, Jinhua Wang, Strongly Conflict-Avoiding Codes with Weight Three, Wireless
Pers Commun (2015) 84:153-165
11.Zhang, Qingliang; Wang, Jinhua; *Liu, Weijun, A Characterization of by the set of orders of
maximal Abelian subgroups, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 175(2), pp 307-311, 2014/10. ;
12.Zhang, Q. L.; Wang, J. H.; *Liu, W. J.,A Characterization of the symmetric group of prime
degree, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 40(2), pp 473-480, 2014/4.
13..J.R. Abel, N. Chan, C.J. Colbourn, E.R. Lamken, C. Wang and Jinhua Wang*, Doubly
resolvable nearly Kirkman triple systems, J. Combin. Des. 21: 342–358, 2013.
14.Su Wang and Jinhua Wang*, Two classes of cyclic frames from finite geometries, Ars Comb, 110 :
15.Tang, Jianxiong; *Liu, Weijun; Wang, Jinhua, Groups PSL(n, q) and 3-(v, k, 1)
designs, Ars Combinatoria, 110, pp 217-226, 2013/7.
16.Xu Yujuan; *Wang Jinhua, The Spectrum of Petersen Designs, Jounral of Natural Science Nanjing
Normal University, 13(1), pp 14-25, 2012/6/20.
16.Hua Gao and Jinhua Wang*. Doyen-Wilson theorem for perfect hexagon triple systems.
Discrete Math., 311:1006-1014 , 2011.
17.Xin Wang and Jinhua Wang*. A note on cyclic almost difference families. Discrete
Math., 311:628-633, 2011.
18.Xin Wang and Jinhua Wang*. Optimal difference systems of sets and difference sets.
Aequat. Math., 82: 155–164 , 2011.
19.Xin Wang and Jinhua Wang*. Partitioned difference families and almost
difference sets. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 141:1899-1909 , 2011.
20.Jinhua Wang*. Cube factorization of complete multiparite graphs. Ars Combin., 99: 243-256, 2011.
21.Jinhua Wang* and Dengju Ma. Petersen graph decompositions of complete multipartite
graphs. Graph and Combin., 26:737–744, 2010.
22.Jinhua Wang* and Renwang Su. Further results on the existence of splitting

BIBDs and application to authentication codes. Acta Appl Math., 109: 791–803 , 2010.
23.Jinhua Wang. Perfect dexagon triple systems with given subsystems. Discrete Math., 309:
2930-2933 , 2009.
24.Su, Renwang; Wang, Jinhua, On Kirkman Packing Designs K P D({3,4*,5*}, nu)s, Ars Combinatoria,
91, pp 219-230, 2009/4.
25.Jinhua Wang* and Hao Shen. Existence of (v, K1(3)∪{w*})-PBDs and its
applications. Des Codes Cryptogr., 46:1–16, 2008.
26.R.J.R. Abel, E.R. Lamken and Jinhua Wang*. A few more Kirkman squares and doubly
near resolvable BIBDs with block size 3. Discrete Math., 308: 1102
– 1123, 2008
27.Jinhua Wang*. A new class of optimal 3-splitting authentication codes. Des Codes
Cryptogr., 38(3): 373-381,2006.
28.Jinhua Wang and Hao Shen,Embeddings of simple two-fold balanced incomplete
block designs with block size four, Chin. Ann. Math. 26B:4(2005),643-650.

2010 年获南通市优秀科技工作者称号
2015 年获南通市优秀教育工作者称号
2015-南通大学 2014-2015 优秀教育管理工作者
2013 年 3 月,南通市高等教育成果一等奖(排名第五)
2013 年 4 月,南通大学教育成果一等奖(排名第五)

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