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主要侧重于钢铁材料合金成分设计、力学性能优化、微观组织解析等材料特性分析及设计,对金属材料的氢致开裂腐蚀、硫化应力腐蚀、 氢脆腐蚀、高温高压CO2腐蚀等材料腐蚀机理研究。
2007年9月-2011年7月,华北理工大学 冶金与能源学院 材料成型及控制工程专业
2011年9月-2013年7月,东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室 材料加工工程专业
2013年9月-2017年1月,东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室 材料加工工程专业
2017年2月-今, 江苏科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 讲师
科研项目 1. 耐高压力高浓度酸腐蚀钢腐蚀机理与性能研究,企业合作项目;
2. 耐高压力高浓度酸环境金属材料的研发,企业合作项目。
3. 高强度耐腐蚀石油天然气集输和输送用管线钢生产技术,国家科技支撑计划项目。
专利成果 一种深海用海洋软管铠装层用钢及其制备方法,授权号:CN
论文著作 (1)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Ping Li, Chi Yu, R.D.K. Misra, Yuxin Wang. Comparison of corrosion behaviour of low-alloy pipeline steel exposed to H2S/CO2-saturated brine and vapour-saturated H2S/CO2environments. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 232:528-541.
(2)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Jianping Li, Linxiu Du, Chi Yu, Ping Li, Xiaolei Bai. Corrosion behaviour of low-alloy martensite steel exposed to vapour-saturated CO2and CO2-saturated brine conditions. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 213: 842-855.
(3)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Ye Kuang, Bo Wu. Corrosion behavior of low-alloy steel with martensite/ferrite microstructure at vapor-saturated CO2and CO2-saturated brine conditions. Applied Surface Science,2015, 351: 610-623.
(4)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Ping Li. Corrosion behavior of low-alloy steel used for pipeline at vapor-saturated CO2and CO2-saturated brine conditions. Materials and Corrosion, 2016, 67: 817-830
(5)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Ping Li, R.D.K. Misra. Comparison of corrosion behaviors of low-alloy steel exposed to vapor-saturated H2S/CO2and H2S/CO2-saturated brine environments. Materials and Corrosion, 2017, doi:10.1002/maco..
(6)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Chi Yu, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Pingju Hao. Corrosion behavior of low-alloy pipeline steel with 1% Cr under CO2condition. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letter), 2015, 28:739-747.
(7)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Ping Li. Corrosion behaviour of low-alloy steel with titanium addition exposed to seawater environment. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016, 11: 6540-6551.
(8) Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li, Ping Li, Xiaolei Bai, R.D.K. Misra. Corrosion behaviour of low-alloy pipeline steel exposed to H2S/CO2-saturated saline solution. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017,26,1010-1017.
(9)Liu Zhenguang, Gao Xiuhua, Li Jianping, Bai Xiaolei. Corrosion behavior of low alloy pipeline steel in saline solution saturated with supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of
(10) 刘珍光,高秀华,杜林秀,李建平. 海洋软管铠装层用管线钢在超临界CO2环境下腐蚀行为研究. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2016,40(4):127-132.
(11)Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Jianping Li. Early corrosion behavior of pipeline steel containing 1% Cr in sea water environment. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1120-1121: 773-778.
(12) 刘珍光,李建平,高秀华. 异步热轧对压力容器钢组织及力学性能的影响. 热加工工艺, 2014,43(13):59-61.
(13) Li Jianping, Liu Zhenguang*, Li Jing. Influence of asymmetric hot rolling on microstructure and mechanical property of Ti-6Al-4V alloy sheet. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45:1168-1174.
(14) Li Jianping, Liu Zhenguang*, Bai Xiaolei, Effect of asymmetric monotonic hot rolling on microstructures and mechanical properties with V-microalloyed steel. Journal of
(1) Guanqiao Su, Xiuhua Gao, Linxiu Du, Dazheng Zhang, Jun Hu, Zhenguang Liu. Influence of Mn on the corrosion behavior of medium manganese steels in a simulated seawater environment. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016, 11: 9447-9461.
(2) Xiaolei Bai, Zhenguang Liu, Xiuhua Gao, Yong Lu, Jianping Li. Influence of asymmetric hot rolling on microstructures of vessel steel. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 1049-1050: 35-38.
版权所有 ? 江苏科技大学