报告题目: Do silver nanoparticles represent a threat to soil ecosystem health?
报告人: Dr. Peng Wang
单位:School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia
报告摘要:The use of silver nanoparticles in consumer products has increased dramatically in recent years due to their strong antimicrobial properties. Although their release into natural and managed ecosystems is inevitable, their fate and behaviour are poorly understood. In the presentation, Dr Wang will introduce some progresses in this field with focus on environmentally relevant exposure pathways, transformation, and availability through soil-plant continuum associated with the use and disposal of silver nanoparticles.
报告人简介:Dr Peng Wang, research fellow and an ARC DECRA recipient, currently works at The University of Queensland (UQ). Since the start of his career, he has been interested in soil-plant interactions, with a special focus on metal bioavailability, toxicology/nutrition of trace elements and metal-based nanomaterials, and behaviour and fate of contaminants. He has substantial experience in the use of synchrotron-based techniques and soil chemistry, and has published 47 SCI articles with a currently total citation of 727 (Google Scholar).
报告题目: Colloids and poorly crystalline nanoparticles formed in acid mine drainage in a limestone environment
报告人: 邓友军 副教授
单位:Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University
报告人简介: Youjun Deng,Associate Professor of Soil Clay Mineralogy,Department of Soil and Crop Sciences,Texas AgriLife,Texas A&M University,College Station
Specialty:Soil/Clay Mineralogy
Research: The research focus of soil/clay mineralogy group is to reveal molecular mechanisms of
soil/clay mineral transformation under various natural and anthropogenic conditions, e.g., agriculture, forest, desert, wetland, polar region, and Mars soils; at nuclear waste storage sites and repositories, mine tailing and dump sites.
reactions of soil/clay minerals with natural and synthetic organic, inorganic, and biological compounds with environmental and industrial importance, e.g., mycotoxins, emerging organic contaminants, organoclays, modification of clay minerals.
Teaching: Soil/Clay Mineralogy. Crystallography, physical and chemical properties of important minerals in soils and sediments especially clay minerals and oxides. Agricultural, environmental, industrial, engineering, geological, and oceanographic importance of the minerals. Hands-on experience with mineral identification and quantification involving theory and practice with X-ray and electron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, vibration spectroscopies (infrared and Raman), computer modeling, and chemical methods.
南京土壤研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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