报告题目:Ultrafast and sensitive analysis of nanoparticles by single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.
报告人: Prof. Shi HL
报告内容:The development of analytical methods for characterization and quantification of nanoparticles (NPs) is one of the most urgent priorities for the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Advances in understanding the environmental behavior of NPs can only be made when analytical methods are developed. Metallic-element based NPs are continuously synthesized and used increasingly in many different fields. Characterization and quantification methods currently available are not specific or sensitive enough to detect NPs in real environmental and biological samples (low NP concentration and complex matrix). Development of high-throughput sensitive methods for NP characterization and quantification for evaluating the fate, transportation, aggregation, and transformation of the NPs in environment, specifically during drinking water treatment process and food crop production, are critically important.
Single particle-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) is a cutting edge technology for characterization and quantification of NPs. The objectives of this study are to develop high-throughput sensitive methods for NPs characterization and quantification, and to apply the developed methodologies to evaluatr the fate, transportation, aggregation, and transformation of NPs in real environmental samples. A series of SP-ICP-MS methods for NPs analysis have been developed by our research team using a NexION 300/350D ICP-MS system with Syngistix? Nano Application software from PerkinElmer, Inc. The developed SP-ICP-MS methods can rapidly and simultaneously detect particle concentration, NP size, size distribution, and dissolved metal element concentration. Two major applications of the SP-ICP-MS will be presented in this conference. 1) Rapid tracking of NPs (Au, Ag, TiO2, CeO2, ZnO) through drinking water treatment by SP-ICP-MS. The presence of both dissolved metal elements and particulate in different types of source waters and drinking water systems were evaluated, and the fates of NPs were studied through simulated drinking water treatment processes using six-gang stirrer jar tests. The results indicated that the most of the tested NPs were removed during lime softening process of the water treatment. 2) Characterization of Au NPs uptake by tomato plants using enzymatic extraction followed by SP-ICP-MS analysis. Interactions between NPs and food plants constitute a significant part of the risk assessment of NPs in the environment. We have developed a novel enzymatic digestion method, followed by SP-ICP-MS for simultaneous determination of Au NP size, size distribution, particle concentration, and dissolved Au concentration in tomato plant tissues. The experimental results showed that Macerozyme R-10 enzyme was capable of extracting Au NPs from tomato plants without causing dissolution or aggregation of Au NPs. The developed SP-ICP-MS method was able to accurately measure Au NP size, size distribution, and particle concentration in plant matrix. The dosing study indicated that tomato can uptake Au NPs as intact particles without alternating the Au NPs properties.
报告人简介:Dr. Shi is an associate professor in Department of Chemistry, a Sr. investigator of Environmental Research Center, and the Lab Director of Center for Single Nanoparticle, Single Cell, and Single Molecule Monitoring (CS3M) at Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA. Her research mainly focuses on development of advanced analytical techniques for bioanalytical and environmental applications. Dr. Shi has developed a number of analysis methodologies such as ultra-fast liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UFLC-MS/MS), liquid chromatography (LC)-ICP-MS for emerging water pollutants, SP-ICP-MS method for rapid characterization and quantification of nanoparticles, and has published the methods in peer reviewed journals.
南京土壤研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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