职称: 教授 博士生导师部门: 土木与交通学院
学科: 无,土木工程
电话: **
邮件: cxdong1985@163.com
办公地址: 河海大学土木与交通学院科学馆625
通讯地址: 江苏省南京市西康路1号河海大学土木与交通学院
邮编: 210098
1985年12月生,江苏如东人,青年教授,博士生导师。2007年河海大学土木工程本科毕业,2014年河海大学结构工程专业博士毕业。研究方向为混凝土动态损伤机理和动力特性。以第一或通讯作者在ACI Materials Journal, Materials and Structures, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,Construction and Building Materials,Magazine of Concrete Research,Applied Clay Science, Nuclear Engineering and Design等国际期刊上发表论文70余篇,其中美国混凝土学会(ACI),美国土木工程师学会(ASCE),英国土木工程师学会(ICE)期刊文章20余篇。SCI他引625次,单篇SCI严格他引最高180次。作为第一作者的论文入选ESI高引论文一篇,入选热点英国土木工程学会ICE中国学者近期热点论文一篇。申请发明专利20余项,目前已授权3项。出版专著“复杂工况下混凝土轴拉力学特性及损伤机理”1部。
2015年荣获江苏省优秀博士论文、2017年入选中国科协第三届“青年人才托举工程”。兼职(1)美国混凝土学会ACI会员;(2)美国土木工程师学会ASCE会员;(3)中国地震学会基础设施防减灾青年委员;(4)担任ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering、ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities、Construction and Building Materials、International Journal of Fatigue、Magazine of Concrete Research、KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering等多个国际期刊审稿人;(5)担任振动与冲击、水利水电技术等多个国内知名期刊审稿人。
姓名: 陈徐东
性别: 男
--> --> 出生年月: 1985-12-12 00:00:00.0
毕业院校: 河海大学
1、Closure to "Effect of Testing Method and Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behavior of Concrete" by Xudong Chen, Shengxing Wu, Jikai Zhou, Yuzhi Chen, and Aiping Qin,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-14
2、Hydration of ultrafine and ordinary Portland cement at early ages,KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-14
3、Variability of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cores,JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES,01-JAN-14
4、Compressive Strength of Concrete Cores with Different Lengths,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-14
5、Experimental Study on Dynamic Tensile Strength of Cement Mortar Using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Technique,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-14
6、Dynamic elastic modulus of cement paste at early age based on nondestructive test and multiscale prediction model,JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION,01-JAN-14
7、Strength Values of Cementitious Materials in Bending and Tension Test Methods,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-MAR-14
8、Quantification of dynamic tensile behavior of cement-based materials,CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,31-JAN-14
9、Stress-Strain Behavior of Cementitious Materials with Different Sizes,SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL,01-JAN-14
10、Closure to "a new suction method for the measurement of pore size distribution of filter layer in permeable formwork" by Zhenghong Tian, Xiaodong Wang and Xudong Chen,Construction and Building Materials,30-DEC-14
11、Experimental study and analytical model for pore structure of hydrated cement paste,Applied Clay Science,13-AUG-13
12、Large-Beam Tests on Mechanical Behavior of Dam Concrete under Dynamic Loading,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-15
13、A note on the flexural behavior of concrete under different loading rates,KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-15
14、Fractal characterization of pore system evolution in cementitious materials,KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-15
15、Compressive Strength of Concrete Cores under High Strain Rates,JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES,01-JAN-15
16、Pore size distribution of cement mortar prepared with crushed limestone sand,KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,01-JAN-15
17、Influence of pore structure on mechanical behavior of concrete under high strain rates,ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,01-FEB-16
18、Experimental study on tensile behavior of cement paste, mortar and concrete under high strain rates,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-materials Science Edition,01-DEC-15
19、Influence of specimen size on compression behavior of cement paste and mortar under high strain rates,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-materials Science Edition,01-APR-16
20、Experimental Study on Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Pulse-Shaping Techniques for Concrete,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-MAY-16
21、Experimental study on direct tensile behavior of concrete under various loading regimes,ACI Materials Journal,13-JUL-16
22、Effect of strain rate on post-peak cyclic behavior of concrete in direct tension,Construction and Building Materials,15-OCT-16
23、Statistical analysis of dynamic splitting tensile strength of concrete using different types of jaws,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,01-NOV-16
24、Influence of initial static splitting tensile loading on dynamic compressive strength of concrete cores under high strain rates,ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,01-DEC-16
25、Effect of pre-static loading on dynamic tensile strength of concrete under high strain rates,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,01-DEC-16
26、Experimental study and analytical modeling on hysteresis behavior of plain concrete in uniaxial cyclic tension,International Journal of Fatigue,01-MAR-17
27、Effect of loading frequency and stress level on low cycle fatigue behavior of plain concrete in direct tension,Construction and Building Materials,15-FEB-17
28、Dynamic flexural strength of concrete under high strain rates,Magazine of Concrete Research,01-FEB-17
29、Dynamic Brazilian test of concrete using split Hopkinson pressure bar,Materials and Structures,01-FEB-17
30、Mechanical properties of concrete to cyclic uniaxial tensile loading using variable waveforms,Sadhana- Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences,01-JAN-17
31、Influence of high temperature on post-peak cyclic response of fly ash concrete under direct tension,CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,01-JAN-17
32、Experimental study and constitutive model on complete stress-strain relations of plain concrete in uniaxial cyclic tension,KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-17
33、Experimental Study on Direct Tensile Behavior of Concrete under Various Loading Regimes,ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL,01-JAN-16
34、Dynamic Brazilian test of concrete using split Hopkinson pressure bar,MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,01-JAN-17
35、Effect of loading frequency and stress level on low cycle fatigue behavior of plain concrete in direct tension,Construction and Building Materials,01-JAN-17
36、Experimental study on cyclic tensile behavior of concrete under high stress level,ACI Materials Journal,01-JAN-17
37、Dynamic flexural strength of concrete under high strain rates,Magazine of Concrete Research,01-JAN-17
38、Dynamic Brazilian test of concrete using split Hopkinson pressure bar,Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions,01-JAN-17
39、Experimental study and analytical modeling on hysteresis behavior of plain concrete in uniaxial cyclic tension,International Journal of Fatigue,01-JAN-17
40、Dynamic tensile test of fly ash concrete under alternating tensile-compressive loading,MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,01-JAN-18
41、Flexural Tensile Fracture Behavior of Pervious Concrete under Static Preloading,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-18
42、Effect of Water Head, Gradation of Clogging Agent, and Horizontal Flow Velocity on the Clogging Characteristics of Pervious Concrete,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-18
43、Mechanical properties of pervious concrete with recycled aggregate,COMPUTERS AND CONCRETE,01-JAN-18
44、Compressive behavior of concrete under high strain rates after freeze-thaw cycles,COMPUTERS AND CONCRETE,01-JAN-18
45、Experimental study on cyclic tensile behaviour of concrete under various strain rates,MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH,01-JAN-18
46、Impact, flexural and tensile inertial Effects of concrete based on SHPB technique,Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock,01-JAN-18
47、Experimental study on acoustic emission characteristic of fatigue crack growth of self-compacting concrete,Structure Control and Health Monitoring,SCI,2019-01-10,Chen Chen,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Shengshan Guo ,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
48、Experimental and numerical simulation study on fracture properties of self-compacting rubberized concrete slabs,Computers and Concrete,SCI,2019-08-06,Jiajia Wang,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Jingwu Bu,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,24/4
49、Development of Cemented Paste Backfill based on the addition of three mineral additions using the mixture design modeling approach,Construction and Building Materials,SCI,2019-10-7,Changling Chen ,Hohai University,Xiaojing Li,Xudong Chen,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
50、Experimental study on fracture behavior of three-graded concrete under cyclic loading after initial static loading,Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,SCI,2019-06-12,Yuzhu Guo,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Xiaojing Li,Xiaojing Li,Shandong Jianzhu University
51、Experimental study on direct tension behavior of concrete through combined digital image correlation and acoustic emission techniques,Structural Concrete,SCI,2019-06-12,Yuzhu Guo,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Hanqing Yang,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,1-14
52、Experimental study on the pH for activating ground granulated blast-furnace slag activity at different temperatures,Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences,SCI,2019-09-06,Ping Li,Hohai University,Jianhui Tang,Yin Bai,Jianhui Tang,Hohai University,44/213
53、Experimental Study on Concrete Fracture Process Zone Using Digital Image Correlation Technique,Journal of Testing and Evaluation ,SCI,2019-09,Shengtao Li,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Lu Feng,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
54、Dynamic Mechanical Performance of Self-compacting Concrete Containing Crumb Rubber under High Strain Rates,KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING,SCI,2019-06-02,Guo Yang,Southeast University,Xudong Chen,Shengshan Guo,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,23/8/3669-3681
55、 Experimental study on cyclic tensile behaviour of air-entrained concrete after frost damage,SADHANA-ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES,,SCI,2019-06-07,Jiayi Yuan,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Shengshan Guo,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,44/189
56、xperimental study on the pore structure variation of self-compacting rubberised concrete under fatigue load,ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN,SCI,2019-06-21,Jiayi Yuan,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Nan Shen,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
57、Influence of freeze-thaw cycles on apparent dynamic tensile strength, apparent dynamic fracture toughness and microstructure of concrete under impact loading,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING,SCI,2019-04-16,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,Dandan Shi,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
58、Experimental study on fatigue properties of normal and rubberized self-compacting concrete under bending,CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,SCI,2019-02-27,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,Zhiheng Liu,Shengshan Guo,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,205/2019/10-20
59、Size Effect of the Post-Peak Cyclic Behavior of Plain Concrete in Uniaxial Tension with Acoustic Emission Technique,JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION,SCI,2019-2-31,Lingyu Xu,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,47/2
60、Effect of pre-cyclic damage and high temperature on residual tensile behavior of concrete,Fire Safety Journal,SCI,2019-06-20,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,Jingwu Bu,Wei Zhou,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,108/2019
61、Experimental study and analytical modeling on fatigue properties of pervious concrete made with natural and recycled aggregates.,International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials,SCI,2019-01-01,Xudong Chen ,Hohai University,Dandan Shi,Nan Shen,Xudong Chen ,Hohai University,13/10
62、Experimental study on flexural fatigue performance of rubberised concrete for pavement,International Journal of Pavement Engineering,SCI,2018-09-14,Xiangyi Zhu,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Saisai Liu,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
63、Experimental and analytical study on fatigue crack propagation of pervious concrete,Journal of Testing and Evaluation,SCI,2018-10-20,Dandan Shi,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Nan Shen,Xudong Chen,Hohai University
64、Nonlinear damage accumulation of concrete subjected to variable amplitude fatigue loading,Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences,SCI,2018-04,Yuzhi Chen,Jinling Institute of Technology,Xudong Chen,Jingwu Bu,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,66/2
65、Dynamic compressive and splitting tensile properties of concrete containing recycled tyre rubber under high strain rates,Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences,SCI,2018-05-02,Guo Yang,Hohai University,Xudong Chen,Weihong Xuan,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,43/178
66、Experimental study on the dynamic behavior of pervious concrete for permeable pavement,Computers and Concrete,SCI,2018-09-11,Jingwu Bu,Yangzhou University,Xudong Chen,Saisai Liu,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,22/3
67、 Impact behavior and microstructure of cement mortar incorporating waste carpet fibers after exposure to high temperatures.,Journal of Cleaner Production ,SCI,2018-03-20,Weihong Xuan,Architectural Engineering Institute,Xudong Chen,Guo Yang,Xudong Chen,Hohai University,187/2018/222-236
16、 一种用于大坝沥青井的防水改性沥青及其制备方法,2016-02-16,土木与交通学院,发明专利,3
18、 一种沥青井中沥青的加热装置及加热方法,2016-03-02,土木与交通学院,发明专利,3
1) 2016年第八届全国土木工程专业本科生优秀创新实践成果特等奖指导教师
2) 2015年河海大学毕业设计优秀指导教师
3) 2016年河海大学校优秀班导师第三届、第四届土木与交通学院“我最喜爱的班导师”
2019年 中国水力发电工程学会抗震防灾专业委员会,委员;
1、土木与交通学院,2015-12-01 00:00:00
2、力学与材料学院,2018-12-01 00:00:00