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傅卓佳1985年生,河海大学力学与材料学院教授,博导。现任中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会计算力学软件专业组委员、无网格与粒子类方法专业组委员、国际华人计算力学协会理事、江苏省力学学会信息化工作委员会秘书长。出版中英文专著各1部,发表学术论文70余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者31篇,JCR一区38篇,10篇论文入选为ESI 高被引论文(前1%),2篇论文入选过ESI热点论文(前1‰),1篇论文入选2020EABE期刊高被引用论文(since 2017);受理发明专利2项,获得软件著作权9件。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金等各类科研基金项目10项,主编《计算力学快讯》电子文摘,一个国际SCI期刊编委,两个国际英文期刊编委,曾获江苏省优秀博士学位论文、德国洪堡研究****奖学金、德国DAAD研究****奖学金、国际华人计算力学协会青年****奖(ICACM Young Investigator Award)、杜庆华工程计算方法优秀青年****奖、International Computational Method Young Investigator Award2019)、江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师和江苏省第十六批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目等奖励,曾先后赴澳大利亚、德国、美国等地的科研院校进行学术访问交流,与美国、德国、澳大利亚、英国、香港、台湾等国家与地区的研究****建立了紧密的合作关系。

1. 计算固体力学及工程仿真软件
2. 结构声振耦合分析
3. 计算材料结构一体化设计
2007.9-2013.4 河海大学,工程力学系,工学博士(硕博连读)
2004.9-2007.7河海大学, 数学与应用数学系,理学学士
2016.7- 河海大学,力学与材料学院,教授
2018.12- 汉诺威大学,连续介质力学研究所,研究****
2016.9-2016.9 黑山大学,土木工程系,研究****
2015.5-2015.6 德国锡根大学,土木工程系,研究****
l 中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会计算力学软件专业组委员、无网格与粒子类方法专业组委员
l 国际华人计算力学协会理事
l 全国工程计算方法联络委员会委员
l 江苏省力学学会信息化工作委员会秘书长
l “计算机辅助工程”杂志特邀编辑(2010-2013)
l “计算力学快讯”电子文摘共同编辑(http://em.hhu.edu.cn/compmech/)
l 国际英文期刊Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements的编委(SCI, IF:2.138)
l 国际英文期刊Mathematical and Computational Applications, SCIREA Journal of Mechanics的编委
l 国际英文期刊Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements杂志“Mesh Reduction Methods for Wave Propagation and Scattering Analysis”特刊
l 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、江西省科技专家库专家、香港城市大学博士论文评审专家、香港开放大学基金评审专家、教育部学位中心-学位论文通讯评审专家、Elsevier书籍出版评审专家
l 美国机械工程学会会员(ASME)
l 美国土木工程学会会员(ASCE)
l 国际计算力学学会会员(WCCM)
l 中国力学学会会员
l 江苏省力学学会会员
l 国内外期刊评审:Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Computers and Structures; Applied Mathematics Letters; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Composites Part B; Applied Mathematics and Computation; International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer; Applied Mathematical Modelling; TheoreticalandAppliedFractureMechanics; InternationalJournalofMechanicsand Materials in Design; Advances in Engineering Software; Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences; InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences; European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; NumericalMethodsforPartialDifferentialEquations; Steel and Composite Structures; Acta Mechanica Sinica; Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering; Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements; Ships and Offshore Structures; Defence Technology; Engineering Geology; Applied Numerical Mathematics; International Journal of Computer Mathematics; International Journal of Computational Methods; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik; Advances in Mechanical Engineering; Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering; Optical and Quantum Electronics; CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences; CMC: Computers, Materials, & Continua; Engineering Computations; Engineering with Computers; International Journal of Applied Mechanics; International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields; International Journal of Modern Physics C; Journal of King Saud University–Science; AJME: Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics; Fractional Differential Calculus;Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering; International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics; Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics; Archives of Oil and Gas Research; 力学学报; 固体力学学报; 声学学报;科学通报;计算物理; 中国海洋工程; 上海交通大学学报(英文版);华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)
l 2019Elsevier中国高被引****名单(通用工程)
l 2019年杜庆华工程计算方法优秀青年****奖
l 2019年International Young Computational Award (ICCM2019)
l 2019年江苏省研究生教育改革成果奖二等奖;教科结合、产教融合、内外配合、力学研究生创新能力培养模式的改革与实践. (排名第3/11)
l 2018年度国际华人计算力学协会青年****奖(ICACM Young Investigator Award)
l 2017年获德国洪堡研究****奖学金
l 2016年度“江苏省科学技术奖”三等奖;现代工程材料多尺度力学理论方法及高性能仿真技术.(排名第3/7:苟晓凡,许文祥,傅卓佳,薛峰,姜全国, 孙甲鹏,殷德顺)
l 2016年度“江苏省教育科学研究成果奖(自然科学奖)”三等奖;微结构信息驱动下现代工程材料力学行为的跨尺度研究.(排名第3/5:苟晓凡,许文祥,傅卓佳,薛峰,姜全国)
l 2016年度“江苏力学科学技术奖”一等奖;现代工程材料多尺度力学的高性能仿真技术.(排名第3/7:苟晓凡,许文祥,傅卓佳,薛峰,姜全国,殷德顺,孙甲鹏)
l 2016年河海大学教学成果特等奖;虚实结合,科教互动,建设基础与专业并重的国家级实验教学示范中心(排名第3/7:殷德顺、雷冬、傅卓佳、胡明、陈达、沈金荣、朱飞鹏)
l 2016年度江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象
l 2015年中国博士后科学基金特别资助
l 2015年江苏省力学学会先进个人
l 2014年河海大学教学成果二等奖;面向留学生和研究生的计算力学全英文课程教学模式的建立与实践(排名第2/5:***,傅卓佳,黄丹,佘锦炎,陈清祥)
l 2014年获德国DAAD访问****奖学金
l 2014年江苏省优秀博士学位论文
l 2013年教育部首批来华留学英语授课品牌课程“高等计算力学”,主讲教师
l 2012年度国家奖学金
l 2012年FDA12会议Best Oral Presentation奖
l 2011年河海大学首届“金水”科技新星
l 2010年宝钢优秀学生特等奖
l 2009年严恺奖学金一等奖
l 2009年徐芝纶力学专业奖学金一等奖
l 2008年第四届苏港力学及其应用论坛优秀论文奖



Computational design of seismic metamaterial using a coupled DEM-SBM approach(**)



Singular boundary method for elastic wave propagation simulation in multilayered media containing multiple defects(91558)

Advanced analytical and numerical methods for analysis of functionally graded micro/nano-structures

Semi-analytical meshless technique for modeling of separation in ferrofluids and for magnetic materials design(CU02-18)




















Implementation of fast meshless simulations methods on solids mechanics and heat transfer problems in large scale structures(2-1)


A) 学术专著
[1] ***,Fu Z J, Chen C S.Recent Advances in Radial Basis Function Collocation Methods, SpringerVerlag, 2013 (ISSN: 978-3-642-39571-0)
[2] ***,傅卓佳,魏星. 科学与工程计算中的径向基函数方法, 科学出版社, 2014 (ISBN:978-7-03-037849-1)
B) 英文期刊论文
1. Fu Z, Zhang J, Li P W, et al. A semi-Lagrangian meshless framework for numerical solutions of two-dimensional sloshing phenomenon[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 112: 58-67.
2. Fu Z, Xie Z Y, Ji S Y, et al. Meshless generalized finite difference method for water wave interactions with multiple-bottom-seated-cylinder-array structures[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 195: 106736.
3. Xi Q, Fu Z, Alves C, et al. A semi-analytical boundary collocation solver for the inverse Cauchy problems in heat conduction under 3D FGMs with heat source[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2019, 76(5): 311-327.
4. Fu Z, Shi J, ***, et al. Three-dimensional transient heat conduction analysis by boundary knot method[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2019, 165: 306-317.
5. Fu Z J, Tang Z C, Zhao H T, et al. Numerical solutions of the coupled unsteady nonlinear convection-diffusion equations based on generalized finite difference method[J]. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2019, 134(6): 272.
6. Xi Q, Fu Z J, Rabczuk T. An efficient boundary collocation scheme for transient thermal analysis in large-size-ratio functionally graded materials under heat source load[J]. Computational Mechanics, 2019: 1-15.
7. Li P W, Fu Z J, Gu Y, et al. The generalized finite difference method for the inverse Cauchy problem in two-dimensional isotropic linear elasticity[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019.
8. Li J, Fu Z J, ***, et al. A regularized approach evaluating origin intensity factor of singular boundary method for Helmholtz equation with high wavenumbers[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 101: 165-172.
9. Li J, ***, Fu Z J, et al. A regularized approach evaluating the near-boundary and boundary solutions for three-dimensional Helmholtz equation with wideband wavenumbers[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 91: 55-60. (JCRQ1)
10. Fu Z J, Reutskiy S, Sun H G, et al. A robust kernel-based solver for variable-order time fractional PDEs under 2D/3D irregular domains[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aml.2019.02.025(JCRQ1)
11. Li J P, Fu Z J, ***, et al. A dual-level method of fundamental solutions in conjunction with kernel-independent fast multipole method for large-scale isotropic heat conduction problems[J]. Adv Appl Math Mech, 2019, 11: 1-17.
12. Fu Z J, Yang L W, Zhu H Q, et al. A semi-analytical collocation Trefftz scheme for solving multi-term time fractional diffusion-wave equations[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 98: 137-146.
13. Reutskiy S, Fu Z J. A semi-analytic method for fractional-order ordinary differential equations: Testing results[J]. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2018, 21(6): 1598-1618. (JCRQ1)
14. Li J, ***, Qin Q H, Fu Z J. A modified multilevel algorithm for large-scale scientific and engineering computing[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2018.12.012 (JCRQ1)
15. Oh J, Zhu H, Fu Z J. An adaptive method of fundamental solutions for solving the Laplace equation[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2018.11.021(JCRQ1)
16. Fu Z J, Xi Q, ***, Cheng AHD. A boundary-type meshless solver for transient heat conduction analysis of slender functionally graded materials with exponential variations [J], Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2018, 76(4): 760-773 (JCRQ1)
17. Tang ZC, Fu ZJ, Zheng DJ, Huang JD. Singular boundary method to simulate scattering of SH wave by the canyon topography [J].Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2018, 10(4): 912-924
18. Fu Z J, ***, Wen P H, Zhang C Z. Singular boundary method for wave propagation analysis in periodic structures [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 425: 170-188. (JCRQ1)
19. Li J P, ***, Qin Q H, Fu Z J. A modified dual-level fast multipole boundary element method for large-scale three-dimensional potential problems [J]. Computer Physics Communications, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2018.06.024
20. Li J P, Qin Q H, Fu Z J. A dual-level method of fundamental solutions for three-dimensional exterior high frequency acoustic problems [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 63: 558-576. (JCRQ1)
21. Li J P, ***, Fu Z J. A modified dual-level algorithm for large-scale three-dimensional Laplace and Helmholtz equation [J]. Computational Mechanics, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-018-1536-2 (JCRQ1)
22. Liu X T, Sun H G,ZhangY, Fu Z J. A scale-dependent finite difference approximation for time fractional differential equation [J]. Computational Mechanics, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-018-1601-x(JCRQ1)
23. Qu W Z, ***, Fu Z J, Gu Y., Fast multipole singular boundary method for Stokes flow problems[J]. Mathematics & Computers in Simulation, 2018, 146: 57-69.
24. Fu Z J, Xi Q, Ling L, Cao C Y. Numerical investigation on the effect of tumor on the thermal behavior inside the skin tissue[J]. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 108:1154-1163. (JCRQ1)
25. Li W W, ***, Fu Z J. Precorrected-FFT Accelerated Singular Boundary Method for Large-Scale Three-Dimensional Potential Problems [J]. Communications in Computational Physics, 2017, 22(2):460-472. (JCRQ1)
26. Liu X T, Sun H G,Lazarevic MP, Fu Z J. A variable-order fractal derivative model for anomalous diffusion [J]. Thermal Science, 2017, 21(1): 51-59.
27. Khan M A, ***,Ullah A,Fu Z J. A mesh-free algorithm for ROF model [J]. Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2017, 2017(1):53.
28. ***, Fu Z J, Kuo C L. Directional Method of Fundamental Solutions for Three-dimensional Laplace Equation[J]. Journal of Mathematics Research, 2017, 9(6):112-123.
29. Qian J, Zheng S, Wang F, Fu Z J. Bivariate Polynomial Interpolation over Nonrectangular Meshes[J]. Numerical Mathematics Theory Methods & Applications, 2016, 9(4):549-578.
30. ***, ***, Fu Z J. A multiple-scale MQ-RBF for solving the inverse Cauchy problems in arbitrary plane domain [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 68: 11-16. (JCRQ1)
31. Li J P, Fu Z J, ***. Numerical investigation on the obliquely incident water wave passing through the submerged breakwater by singular boundary method [J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2016, 71: 381-390. (JCRQ1)
32. Li J P, ***, Fu Z J, Sun L L. Explicit empirical formula evaluating original intensity factors of singular boundary method for potential and Helmholtz problems [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 73: 161-169. (JCRQ1)
33. Li J P, ***, Fu Z J. Numerical Investigation on Convergence Rate of Singular Boundary Method [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016: **.
34. ***, Li J P, Fu Z J. Singular boundary method using time-dependent fundamental solution for scalar wave equations [J]. Computational Mechanics, 2016, 58: 717-730. (JCRQ1)
35. Razafizana Z, Fu Z J. Singular boundary method for water wave problems [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 96: 330-337. (JCRQ1)
36. Qu W Z, ***, Fu Z J. Solutions of 2D and 3D non-homogeneous potential problems by using a boundary element-collocation method [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 60: 2-9. (JCRQ1)
37. Pang G F, ***, Fu Z J. Space-fractional advection-dispersion equations by the Kansa method [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 293: 280-296. (JCRQ1)
38. Mierzwiczak M, ***, Fu Z J. The singular boundary method for steady-state nonlinear heat conduction problem with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 205-217. (JCRQ1)
39. Fu Z J, ***, Ling L. Method of approximate particular solutions for constant- and variable-order fractional diffusion models [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 57: 37-46. (JCRQ1)
40. Fu Z J, ***, Lin J, et al. Singular Boundary Method for Various Exterior Wave Applications [J]. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2015, 12: **.
41. Gu Y, ***, Fu Z J, Zhang B. The singular boundary method: Mathematical background and application in orthotropic elastic problems [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 44: 152-160. (JCRQ1)
42. Gu Y, ***, Fu Z J. Singular boundary method for inverse heat conduction problems in general anisotropic media [J]. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2014, 22: 889-909.
43. Fu Z J, ***, Gu Y. Burton-Miller-type singular boundary method for acoustic radiation and scattering [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333: 3776-3793.(JCRQ1)
44. Fu Z J, ***, Chen J T, Qu W Z. Singular Boundary Method: Three Regularization Approaches and Exterior Wave Applications [J]. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2014, 99: 417-443.
45. ***, Zhang J Y, Fu Z J. Singular boundary method for modified Helmholtz equations [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 44: 112-119. (JCRQ1)
1. Wei X, ***, Fu Z J. Solving Inhomogeneous Problems by Singular Boundary Method [J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2013, 21: 8-14.
2. Fu Z J, ***, Yang H T. Boundary particle method for Laplace transformed time fractional diffusion equations [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 235: 52-66. (JCRQ1)
3. Kompis V, Qin Q H, Fu Z J, Chen C S, Droppa P, Kelemen M, ***. Parallel computational models for composites reinforced by CNT-fibres [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2012, 36: 47-52. (JCRQ1)
4. Fu Z J, ***, Zhang C Z. Boundary particle method for Cauchy inhomogeneous potential problems [J]. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2012, 20: 189-207.
5. Fu Z J, ***, Qin Q H. Three Boundary Meshless Methods for Heat Conduction Analysis in Nonlinear FGMs with Kirchhoff and Laplace Transformation [J]. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2012, 4: 519-542.
6. Fu Z J, Qin Q H, ***. Hybrid-Trefftz finite element method for heat conduction in nonlinear functionally graded materials [J]. Engineering Computations, 2011, 28: 578-599.
7. Fu Z J, ***, Qin Q H. Hybrid Finite Element Method Based on Novel General Solutions for Helmholtz-Type Problems [J]. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 2011, 21: 187-208.
8. Fu Z J, ***, Qin Q H. Boundary knot method for heat conduction in nonlinear functionally graded material [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2011, 35: 729-734. (JCRQ1)
9. ***, Fu Z J, Jin B T. A truly boundary-only meshfree method for inhomogeneous problems based on recursive composite multiple reciprocity technique [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2010, 34: 196-205.(JCRQ1)
10. ***, Fu Z J. A novel numerical method for infinite domain potential problems [J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 1598-1603.
11. Fu Z J, ***, Yang W. Winkler plate bending problems by a truly boundary-only boundary particle method [J]. Computational Mechanics, 2009, 44: 757-763. (JCRQ1)
12. Fu Z J, ***. A Truly Boundary-Only Meshfree Method Applied to Kirchhoff Plate Bending Problems [J]. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 1: 341-352.
13. ***, Fu Z J, Wei X. Potential Problems by Singular Boundary Method Satisfying Moment Condition [J]. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2009, 54: 65-85.
14. ***, Fu Z J, Qin Q H. Boundary Particle Method with High-Order Trefftz Functions [J]. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 2009, 13: 201-217.
15. ***, Fu Z J. Boundary Particle Method for Inverse Cauchy Problems of Inhomogeneous Helmholtz Equations [J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2009, 17: 157-163.

C) 中文期刊论文
[1] 汤卓超, 傅卓佳, 范佳铭.广义有限差分法求解Kirchhoff和Winkler薄板弯曲问题,固体力学学报, 2018, 39: 419-428.
[2] 李艾伦, 傅卓佳, 李柏纬, ***. 含肿瘤皮肤组织传热分析的广义有限差分法,力学学报, 2018, 50: 1198-1205.
[3] 习强, 傅卓佳, 蔡加正. 基于结合扩展精度技术的基本解方法的非线性功能梯度材料热传导问题求解[J]. 计算机辅助工程, 2016, 25:7-14.
[4] 弓健, 傅卓佳, ***. 奇异边界法求解多连通域的瞬态热传导问题[J]. 应用力学学报, 2016, 33:181-187.
[5] 师晋红, 傅卓佳, ***. 边界节点法计算二维瞬态热传导问题[J]. 应用数学与力学, 2014, 35(2):111-120.
[6] 师晋红, ***, 傅卓佳. 边界粒子法结合正则化技术求解Robin反问题[J]. 计算力学学报, 2014(6):694-701.
[7] 师晋红, 傅卓佳, ***. 用边界粒子法求解柯西反问题的数值计算软件包[J]. 计算机辅助工程, 2013, 22:64-70.
D) 专利及软件著作权
[1] 傅卓佳, 张瑾, 李柏纬, 汤卓超. 一种晃动水槽对波浪形态影响的模拟方法, 受理发明专利, No. 9.3, 编号,申请日期04.04.2019
[2] 傅卓佳, 汤卓超, 习强, 徐文志. 一种基于Helmholtz方程的任意三维图形表面重构方法, 受理发明专利, No. 5.8, 编号,申请日期10.09.2018
[1] 傅卓佳, 褚文汇, 徐文志, 李艾伦. 基于广义有限差分法的肿瘤生物传热反演分析数值计算软件V1.0,中国国家软件著作权No. 2019SR**授权日期, 30.01.2019
[2] 傅卓佳, 谢卓雨, 李艾伦. 基于广义有限差分法求解波浪与多孔介质外壁结构物互相作用数值计算软件,中国国家软件著作权No. 2018SR737862授权日期, 12.09.2018
[3] 傅卓佳, 李艾伦, 吕航, 彭磊. 利用近似特解法分析肿瘤组织生物传热特性数值计算软件V1.0.中国国家软件著作权No. 2018SR142919, 授权日期05.03.2018.
[4] 傅卓佳, 汤卓超, 徐文志. 广义有限差分法求解二维偏微分方程数值计算软件V1.0.中国国家软件著作权No. 2017SR437880, 授权日期10.08.2017.
[5] 傅卓佳, 习强, 杨立文, 李东昊. 细长型功能梯度材料瞬态热传导问题分析的计算软件. 中国国家软件著作权No. 2017SR361543, 授权日期11.07.2017.
[6] 傅卓佳, 周晓环, 黄海, 程思学, 何健, 姚佳诚. 山丘地形对反平面剪切波的传播响应计算软件V1.0. 中国国家软件著作权No. 2017SR041617, 授权日期14.02.2017.
[7] 傅卓佳, 李珺璞, ***. 奇异边界法模拟水波问题计算软件V1.0. 中国国家软件著作权No. 2015SR111496, 授权日期23.06.2015.
[8] ***, 庞国飞, 傅卓佳, 胡帅.非均匀介质中声波衰减的数值模拟软件V1.0. 中国国家软件著作权No. 2015SR185556, 授权日期23.09.2015.
[9] ***, 李珺璞, 傅卓佳.奇异边界法求解偏微分方程数值计算软件V1.0 . 中国国家软件著作权No. 2015SR110721, 授权日期19.06.2015.
1. Fu Z J, Xu W Z, Xi Q, Tang Z C. A robust kernel-based solver based on problem-dependent RBFs for PDEs under 2D/3D irregular domains, 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering & 12th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering & 2nd Conference on Boundary Element and Dimension Reduction Methods, Dalian, 2019.9.27-9.30 (keynote talk)
2. Fu Z J, Xu W Z, Xi Q. Thermal conductivity identification of nonlinear functionally graded materials via a machine learning strategy, Data Driven Computing and Machine Learning in Engineering 2019(DACOMA-19), Shanghai, 2019.9.9-9.11
3. Fu Z J, Xi Q. Structure-acoustic coupling analysis in shallow sea by coupled finite element and singular boundary method, 8thInternational Conference on MECHANICS AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN, Bologna, 2019.9.4-9.6
4. 傅卓佳. 中国力学大会2019, 杭州, 2019.08.25-28(专题研讨会联合主席;组织“第三届半解析函数在力学工程中的应用”专题研讨会,共11个单位的16个学术报告和7个墙报展示)
5. Fu Z J, Li J P, Xi Q. Singular boundary method: recent development and application in wave propagation analysis, The 5th International Workshop on Meshless Methods, Qingdao, 2018.8.23-8.25 (邀请报告,分会场主席)
6. Fu Z J, Semi-analytical boundary collocation solvers: recent advances and applications, 9TH CONFERENCE ON TREFFTZ METHODS AND 5TH CONFERENCE ON METHOD OF FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS, Lisbon, 2019.7.29-7.31 (invited talk, co-chair of mini symposium)
7. Xi Q, Fu Z J. A coupling solver for the acoustic-vibration coupling response of shell structure, 20th International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques (BeTeq2019), Palermo, 2019.7.22-7.24
8. Fu Z J, Li A L, Chu W H. Bandgap calculation of elastic wave in 2D solid phononic crystals by the meshless generalized finite difference method, The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2019), Singapore, 2019.7.9-7.13 (keynote talk, co-chair of mini symposium “Novel Mesh-Reduction Methods for Engineering & Sciences”)
9. Chu W H, Fu Z J, Xu W Z. Meshless generalized finite difference method for inverse bioheat transfer problems, The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2019), Singapore, 2019.7.9-7.13
10. Fu Z J, Li J P, Xi Q. Fast singular boundary method: mathematical background and application in wave propagation analysis, 42nd International Conference on Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods (BEM/MRM 42), Coimbra, 2019.7.2-7.4
11. Fu Z J, Yang L W, Xi Q. Self-Regularization Singular boundary method for wave propagation analysis under homogeneous solid containing multiple inclusions, 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 2019.06.24-26 (co-chair of mini symposium “Waves and diffusion in complex media”)
12. 傅卓佳. 材料与工程结构中的固体力学研究新进展研讨会暨华东地区固体力学沙龙, 扬州,2019.05.17-19
13. 傅卓佳, 习强. 球壳结构声振耦合响应分析的奇异边界法-有限元耦合模型,力学与工程-数值计算和数据分析2019学术会议,北京,2019.04.19-21 (邀请报告)
14. Fu Z J.Kernel RBF collocation solvers and their applications, The 4th International Workshop on Meshless Methods, Changsha, 2018.8.3-8.4 (邀请报告,分会场主席)
15. Fu Z J.A robust kernel-based collocation methods for solving multi-term variable-order time fractional PDEs under 2D/3D irregular domains, The 2ndInternational Conference of Kernel-Based Approximation Methods in Machine Learning, Guangzhou, 2018.5.24-5.27 (邀请报告)
16. 傅卓佳. 工程结构与材料中的关键力学问题研讨会暨华东地区固体力学沙龙. 无锡,2018.05.11-13(分会场主席)
17. 傅卓佳. Fast singular boundary method for wave propagation analysis,首届江苏湖北两省固体力学学术会议. 南京,2018.05.04-06(分会场主席)
18. 傅卓佳. Some new schemes on computational wave propagation analysis. 西门子工业软件(上海)有限公司邀请报告,上海,2018.03.28
19. Fu Z J, Xi Q. Singular boundary method and its applications in underground engineering. RISE BESTOFRAC INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP 2018, Shanghai, 2018.03.26-28 (分会场主席)
20. 傅卓佳. 第二届无网格与粒子类方法专业组工作会议,南京,2017.11.3-11.5 (会议主席)
21. Fu Z J. A boundary-type meshless solver for transient heat conduction analysis of slender functionally graded materials. The 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, 2017.10.15-18.
22. 傅卓佳. 中国力学大会2017, 北京, 2017.08.13-16(专题研讨会联合主席;组织“第二届半解析函数在力学工程中的应用”专题研讨会,共12个单位的13个学术报告和5个墙报展示)
23. 傅卓佳. 第二届无网格与边界元法学术沙龙,南京,2017.08.05-06 (会议主席)
24. 傅卓佳. 奇异边界法在各类波传播问题中的应用,边界元法与降维方法进展与应用研讨会,桂林,2017.7.28-7.31 (分会场主席)
25. Fu Z J. Recent advances in problem-dependent kernel RBF collocation methods for solving PDEs, International Conference of Kernel-Based Approximation Methods in Machine Learning, Guangzhou, 2017.5.19-5.21 (邀请报告)
26. Fu Z J , Li J P, ***. Improved method of fundamental solutions in conjunction with kernel-independent fast multipole method for solving potential problems, The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017), Guilin, 2017.7.24-7.29 (keynote talk, co-chair of mini symposium “Advances in Semi-analytical numerical methods”)
27. Fu Z J, Xi Q. Singular Boundary Method for 2D periodic wave propagation analysis. 中国计算力学大会暨国际华人计算力学大会’2016 (CCCM-ISCM 2016), Hangzhou, 2016.10.16-20 (分会场主席,国际华人计算力学学会理事)
28. 傅卓佳. 2016年第二次华东固体力学沙龙, 上海,2016.09.23-25
29. 傅卓佳. 一类求解时间分数阶扩散波方程的边界型径向基函数无网格算法. 无网格粒子类方法进展与应用研讨会, 宁夏银川, 2016.08.17-20 (半大会报告,学术委员会委员)
30. 傅卓佳. 第七届全国固体力学青年****学术研讨会,哈尔滨,2016.08.11-14
31. 傅卓佳,***. 第一届无网格与边界元法学术沙龙,南京,2016.08.02-03 (会议主席)
32. Fu Z J, Qu W Z. Singular Boundary Method for periodic wave propagation analysis. 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 6th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2016), Seoul, 2016.07.24-29 (30分钟分会场报告)
33. Fu Z J, Xi Q. A parallel meshless solver for time fractional diffusion-wave equation via collocation Trefftz method. International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016.07.18-20
34. Fu Z J, Xi Q. A parallel meshless solver for time fractional diffusion-wave equation via collocation Trefftz method. International Workshop on Meshless methods and their applications, Taiyuan, 2016.06.25-28 (学术委员会委员)
35. Fu Z J, ***. Boundary particle method for inverse Cauchy and Robin problems with nonhomogeneous equations, 第八届反问题理论与计算分析国际研讨会, 北京, 2016.06.17-19
36. 傅卓佳. 2016年华东固体力学沙龙暨新型材料与固体力学交叉研讨会, 杭州,2016.04.07-09
37. 傅卓佳. 中国科协第300次青年科学家论坛—复杂装备数字化设计软件的前沿问题, 北京,2015.12.18-20
38. 傅卓佳. 径向基函数类无网格配点法研究及应用. 无网格法与粒子类方法专题研讨会, 厦门,2015.12.05-06
39. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***; Razafizana Zatianina:Water wave interaction with multiple circular and elliptical cylinders by singular boundary method, Joint International Conference on Trefftz Method VII and Method of Fundamental Solutions III, Hangzhou, 2015.10.11-13 (invited talk, co-chair of mini symposium)
40. 傅卓佳; 海洋工程结构与水波相互作用的半解析奇异边界法研究,中国力学大会2015,上海, 2015.08.16-18(专题研讨会联合主席;组织“半解析函数在力学工程中的应用”专题研讨会,共22个单位的29个报告)
41. 傅卓佳:无奇异数值基本解,中国力学大会2015,上海, 2015.08.16-18
42. Fu, Zhuo-Jia: SEMI-ANALYTICAL BOUNDARY COLLOCATION TECHNIQUE FOR WAVE PROPAGATION APPLICATIONS, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015.08.02-05
43. Fu, Zhuo-Jia: RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION METHODS FOR FRACTIONAL DERIVATIVE APPLICATIONS, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015.08.02-05
44. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; Sun, Hongguang; ***: Semi-analytical solutions of Fractional diffusion equations via collocation Trefftz method,International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES 15), Reno, USA, 2015.07.20-24. (co-chair of mini symposium)
45. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***; Razafizana Zatianina:Singular Boundary Method for Water Wave Problems,International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES 15), Reno, USA, 2015.07.20-24.
46. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Singular boundary method and its application on underground engineering, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference, Hongkong, 2015.01.07-09.
47. Fu, Zhuo-Jia: Radial basis functions and their engineering applications, First International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Computation and Optimization, Huangshan, 2014.12.20-25. (invited talk, co-chair of mini symposium)
48. 傅卓佳: 奇异边界法及其在波传播问题中的应用, 中国计算力学大会2014, 贵阳, 2014.08.10-13.
49. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Singular boundary method for modified Helmholtz equations, Conference of International Association for Boundary Element Methods, Zhengzhou, 2014.08.13-15.
50. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Radial basis function methods and their applications in computational mechanics, China-Poland Seminar 2014, Czestochowa, 2014.07.01. (co-chair of seminar)
51. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Numerical investigation on RBF-based meshless methods for Fractional Diffusion Problems, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Catania, 2014.06.23-25.
52. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Singular boundary method: several regularization approaches and elastic wave applications, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES 14), Changwon, 2014.06.12-17. (co-chair of mini symposium)
53. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***; Chen, Ching-Shyang: Method of approximate particular solutions for fractional subdiffusion problems, Asia-Pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics (APCOM2013), Singapore, 2013.12.11-14. (keynote talk, co-chair of mini symposium)
54. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Numerical investigation on three treatments for eliminating the singularities of acoustic fundamental solutions in singular boundary method, 36th International Conference on Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods (BEM/MRM 36), Dalian, 2013.10.22-24.(keynote talk, co-chair of mini symposium)
55. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Water Wave Interaction with Multiple Surface-Piercing Porous Cylinders by Singular Boundary Method, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM2013), Rhodes, 2013.09.21-27.
56. 傅卓佳; ***: 弹性波模拟的奇异边界法,中国力学大会2013,西安,2013.08.19-21.
57. 傅卓佳; ***; 孙林林: SH波传播问题的一类新数值算法,中国力学大会2013,西安,2013.08.19-21.
58. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; ***: Singular Boundary Method for Exterior Wave Problems, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES 13), Seattle, 2013.05.24-28.
l 2014.9(硕博连读):李珺璞(博三,已发表9篇SCI期刊论文,授权2个国家软件著作权,获国家留学基金委资助赴澳大利亚国立大学访学一年)
l 2011.9-2015.12(攻博):Zatianina Razafizana(马达加斯加留学生,获博士学位,浙江大学博士后)
l 2013.9-2016.6弓健(硕士学位,山东黄河勘测设计研究院任职)
l 2011.9-2014.6师晋红(硕士学位,宿迁都市设计研究院有限公司任职)
l 2018.1 李柏纬(台湾海洋大学博士)
l 2015.9(硕博连读):习强(博三,已发表4篇SCI期刊论文,1篇中文期刊论文,授权1个国家软件著作权,获河海大学研究生特等奖学金,江苏省研究生创新项目)
l 2016.9 (硕博连读)汤卓超(博二,已发表2篇SCI期刊论文,1篇中文期刊论文,授权1个国家软件著作权,获国家留学基金委资助将赴北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校访学一年);
l 2017.9 (硕博连读)褚文汇(博一,已发表1篇SCI期刊论文,授权1个国家软件著作权);
l 2016.9李艾伦(投稿1篇SCI期刊论文,投稿1篇中文期刊论文,授权1个国家软件著作权)
l 2017.9杨立文(已发表3篇SCI期刊论文,授权1个国家软件著作权);张瑾(已发表1篇SCI期刊论文,受理1个发明专利);Mohamed Tarig Hassan Ali(苏丹留学生)
l 2018.9王壮;李炉锋;李煜冬
l 2019.9徐文志;曾维鸿;吴怡;Mir Tanveer

l 李宗翰:台湾海洋大学,河海工程学系,硕士研究生(导师:范佳铭教授),2017年4月-5月来访河海大学
l 黄郁凯:台湾海洋大学,河海工程学系,硕士研究生(导师:范佳铭教授),2016年2月-6月来访河海大学


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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-20